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Reviewer: SlashGirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 02, 2015 07:07 pm Title: Chapter 31: Take Me Back

Wow...Is this truly indeed real? Allen...Back? Wow miss you blew me away! Hugs and kisses! <3

Author's Response: Turn the fan on, cuz next chapter is running HOT.

Reviewer: xxHollywoodTonight798xx Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2015 09:41 am Title: Chapter 30: I'm So Blue

Aww,  that was sooo sweet in the end....i hope Mickey wakes up from a bad dream and Allen is still alive, Idk :) :) :D

Author's Response: The Nightmare isn't ready to end yet. ;)

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2015 05:03 am Title: Chapter 30: I'm So Blue

poor michael!:( man toward the end I wanted to cry so badly 

Author's Response: Probably the next chapter will make you cry as well. ;)

Reviewer: Total cutie Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2015 03:17 am Title: Prologue

Awnnnn..... He still believes in his beautiful daughter and he don't care what anybody says. He still gonna do this. I like that in him! Keep going and love yay 

Author's Response: Thank you, dearest.

Reviewer: Total cutie Signed [Report This]
Date: May 11, 2015 05:27 pm Title: Prologue

Awh. Janet and Mikey.....  awwnnnnn.... I wish Allen kinda didn't die. You know. But like when he sexual abused Michael. I felt like oh I hate him but now. I felt like...Awwwn 

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing. And don't keep them hopes down.

Reviewer: xxHollywoodTonight798xx Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 11, 2015 07:17 am Title: Chapter 29: Will You Be There

Aww little Janet is so supportive of her Mike. ..Wonder how will he cope with Allen's death. ..

Author's Response: All Michael needs is a little time.

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2015 12:09 pm Title: Chapter 29: Will You Be There

awh!!! poor michael and Janet:( 

Author's Response: I know. But the family's together, at least.

Reviewer: MyLifeAintWorthLivin_87 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2015 12:12 pm Title: Prologue

Oh my God this story is beautiful.I cried at the end.Is the story over or is it just the chapter ?

Author's Response: The story's not over yet! ;)

Reviewer: Total cutie Signed [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2015 09:45 am Title: Chapter 28: Gone Too Soon

Is...That man...Dead? :[

Author's Response: He's dead for now.

Reviewer: xxHollywoodTonight798xx Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2015 04:44 am Title: Chapter 28: Gone Too Soon

Oh Lordy!!!! Is he dead for real???? Omg :O !!!

Author's Response: Wait.

Reviewer: Total cutie Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 29, 2015 04:26 pm Title: Prologue

This story was cute but sad at the same  time. And it is kinda beautiful how the bloom into a relationship. You my girl have a wild imagination and it's very very good. Love it! Hope Allen and Michael get to each other again. >.<

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed my literature. I'll possibly update it by tomorrow. Thank you.

Reviewer: xxHollywoodTonight798xx Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 11, 2015 12:34 am Title: Chapter 27: Guess I'll Always Be A Dreamer

Aww, that was so cute ^_^ I really hope Mike and Allen meet again :) :) :D

Author's Response: They will. Just you wait.

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 10, 2015 09:00 pm Title: Chapter 27: Guess I'll Always Be A Dreamer

allen come back for your child and your lover!!!! 

Author's Response: His "lover" will soon be his future husband. ;)

Reviewer: SlashGirl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 22, 2015 09:53 am Title: Chapter 26: Midnight Rider

WHAT THE HECK!!! I'M CRYING RIGHT NOW! But anyways... I LOVED THIS  CHAPTER MISS!- Hugs and kisses! <3 ^_^ 

Author's Response: Thank you.

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 22, 2015 09:10 am Title: Chapter 26: Midnight Rider

oh god!!! noo!! and poor michael!

Author's Response: It'll be "poor Michael" if he really found out what happened to his Allen.

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