Reviews For Inked
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Reviewer: Manee4Mj Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 11, 2015 03:08 pm Title: Going Back To Cali...

Liberians don't speak swahili

Author's Response:

Yeah I know. 'Swahili' means 'coastal people' in an Arabic dialect. Kiswahili is the African version of it. It doesn't have a specific country of origin. Used mostly by the Bantu people. But the name went with the song so I used it still. I do appreciate the sharing of knowledge. So thank you pointing that out!! <333

Reviewer: Manee4Mj Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 07, 2015 09:11 am Title: Farwell To His Arms...

I love da story to death xo.... The thing is Mpenzawe is wrongly spelled. In the song liberian girl the chant says "mpenziwe", not "mpenzawe". Actually the meaning of love in swahili.... Which originally it's from East Africa,my love is Mpenzi..... Love is mapenzi...... But the current name really fits....... Just trying to clarify some things.. 



Ps: btw i love the story to bits 

Author's Response:

Hey thank you so so much for reading this story and enjoying it!!! It's one of my favs. I know that Mpensawe was spelled differently for the story. She explains in one of the chapters that it got misspelled on her birth certificate cause they couldn't read her dad's handwriting.(It's either the intro of the chapter where Michael asked her the meaning of her name. I forget. I haven't reread this in soooo long) Lol it was play  on the idea that all doctors(her dad is a doctor)  have bad handwriting. So it ended up being spelled wrong.  

I'm so happy you took the time to read it!!! Did you finish? <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2015 10:39 pm Title: Closure...Well In A Way...

Jesus... What horrible song, I looked in YouTube and I can say Michael would never loved it!

Author's Response:

You wold be surprised at the songs Michael listened too. According to Chris Tucker and a few others he was very much into Hip hop and Neo soul music. That song is a mix of both. I think he would enjoy it if not only for the guitar lick. He loved good melodies. <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 09, 2015 11:07 pm Title: Crossing The Line...And Getting The Boot...

Didn't she promise him to let him explain if something like this happened?? -_-

Author's Response:

She will. It's still a bit shocking to see something like that. That Psycho was right there naked in be with him and he was naked too. She just had to breath and let some tears out. <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 09, 2015 10:56 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Trying It...

"she had already left with her parents on a spiritual retreat in Onondaga County..." Oh... Damn! That sorry ass will try something... Right? I know it without read the chapter!!! Stay strong, Michael!!!

Author's Response:

You can smell the trouble brewing. <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 09, 2015 10:28 pm Title: Delusional Conclusions...

"(...)That nigga flirted with me though.  I know I didn't just dream up our interaction.  I will just take that as him giving me a chance to step correct..." Hahaha! This is a poor whore, she didn't know Michael was with his wife there giving him one of the best blow job ever! Hahahah!

Author's Response:

She was so far from the truth or reality you almost want to feel sorry for her...But not. Lol. <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 08, 2015 09:04 pm Title: Uhm...I Don't Think So...

"...the best pussy on earth"... Nice boyfriend! >_< 


" I was going to make sure I got to put it on her tomorrow" >_<

Author's Response:

Lol. <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2015 04:24 pm Title: Cry...

How could Pen trust on him? I mean he had sex with OTHERS in Paris while he was in love with her? Puff, I can't do that... I couldn't! Will he tell that to her? That he was fucking in Paris like a damn rabbit? Ag! It's easy cry like baby and beg but will he confess such thing? 

Lol... What man! She didn't refuse anything... She just need time! Hate? Lol... He didn't even confess all! Guess what she would do if he had done it!

Author's Response:

He's putting his feelings out on the table. In his defense here when he was in Paris and even before they where not a couple. Telling her about the random trists wouldn't really have done much. Especially since he was being callous in doing it to try and push his true feelings for her aside. He was gone for more than a month and he was working on his art show most of the time. So he had maybe two encounters that ended in sex. Now they have to move forward. Any encounter after this with anyone else would be aweful on his part. If she believes him. I love your reviews you have me here laughing!! <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2015 11:35 am Title: Enlighten Me Too...

"...I've even indulged in a few encounters..."... So she passed her days crying and he fucking like rabbit? Dammit! I would kick his ass forever if I were Pen!


He judges Pen? Really!?

Author's Response:

I know right. He has no reason to place any judgment on her. He had his cake and was eating it too. He didn't know Pen was complete single at the time. <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2015 09:56 am Title: Open Wounds...

What a bitch! I don't know what I had done If I had been Michael... Surely spit WORSE thing on her horrible face the least!

Author's Response:

She is a supreme bitch tbh. So callous and now she has Michael pulling away from Pen because of her foolishness. She could have let him be. <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2015 08:32 am Title: Ex-hail...

"... I want to fuck you till I drown in your cum and the bed springs break that will make you wet..." OMG... No... Hahaha... Honestly I can't imagine him telling this... But... Lol... You made me laugh like idiot just with this! :D

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2015 11:28 pm Title: Blame IT On The Boogie...

"I want you to remember every minute of me making you cum without a second thought." <--- I swear I could cum just to think him telling me this! Grrrr....

Author's Response:

I'm pretty sure she almost did too. Lol. Can you imagine and in that smooth voice of his? Whispering it in your ear? <333

Reviewer: Patrice Thomson Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2015 10:29 pm Title: The Invite...

"So can I come over and lick your pussy? I bet it taste like warm peaches. " OMG! :o

"Just wondering how my cum would smell on your breath." OMG! :o I had kicked him down there... >_< #NasT!



Author's Response:

#NAS-T is Michael all over Lmaooo. He plays too much!! <333

Reviewer: eazybreezy2015 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 20, 2015 06:15 pm Title: Farwell To His Arms...

That was so sad hid thihks that he can't love her like she needs to be loved. I hooe that they can fix this in time

Reviewer: eazybreezy2015 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2015 08:37 pm Title: Farwell To His Arms...

That was so sad hid thihks that he can't love her like she needs to be loved. I hooe that they can fix this in time

Author's Response:

It will take them some time but it is very sad!! <333

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