Date: Feb 22, 2015 01:23 pm Title: Doctor Doctor...Baby Makes Three...
Yasssss, confirmed Pen is pregnant! I hope all goes well with her surgery cuz MICHAEL will have a complete FIT if something happened to that girl. And the baby. But I have faith all will be fine. Pen is a good woman so I know she's gonna be ok, and the baby will too. Michael is so excited. He's gonna be soooo possessive over Pen and that baby. Lawd. Lol
Author's Response:
Yasssss bb they're expecting!!! Michael will have a complete fit if anything happens to his Pen or the baby. But mostly Pen I think because he feels like they could always have another baby. He's going to be that annoyingly over doting Dad and hubby. But it will be cute. LMAOO. <333
Date: Feb 22, 2015 11:38 am Title: Doctor Doctor...Baby Makes Three...
Yay!!!!! They're having a baby!!!!!!! This is too exciting😃😃😃😃 Michael gonna be a great father!!
Author's Response:
Yassss finally confirmed that their going to have a little one. Michael is going to go HAM on spiking that baby. Lol. He will be an adorable daddy!!! <333
Date: Feb 04, 2015 08:56 pm Title: Inked-Let Me introduce my self...
Right, chondroma is rare and as a displacer it doesn't invade other just displaces the brain if it gets big enough, causing herniation, problems with the CNs and messing with ARAS. Where is the tumor? I'd been assumming anterior to her prefrontal which case the surgery is simpler as the nostrils are an easy entry way. Sorry, this is my area of nerdom and I'm totally geeking out right now. What made you pick a chondroma?
Author's Response:
Yup it if it gets big enough it could displace the brain and depending on if it's at the base or near the sinus it can cause bone overgrowth. Hers isn't really big. I'm zipping my lips as to the location as that will give away any complication that could arise from the operation. lol. I chose a chrondroma because it's not (in her case) too dire for them to operate right away but gave time to build on it in the story. I didn't want it to be cancerous for it to be able to come back but it's brain surgery and like you said anesthesia can be tricky and can result in many scenarios if something goes wrong. I celebrate nerdom lol. <333

Date: Feb 04, 2015 06:32 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
"I'm not going to calm down Michael. Wait…did you wash your dick? Go wash your dick." She pointed to the shower stall. <<<< I laughed a little too hard at this.
I really need to stop reading updates from you and Teddy while I'm at school because I look like a freaking weirdo at the lunch table laughing my ass off, but I'm sorry it was funny because I don't blame Pen that was just straight up DISGUSTING. But yaaaassss She's pregnant, I'm really happy but I'm also a little scared for her also after reading Redone's review. Now, I don't know the route you're going to take for it but I hope every thing is going to be just fine with the baby even with Pen undergoing surgery.
ooohwee I can't wait until Dirty Diana see's Pen and Michael still together AND finds out that she's pregnant. I'm ready to laugh my ass off at all of that.
Great update Tut!
Author's Response:
Thanks bb!! Pen is a TRIP!!! In the middle of all that she had to say that. Michael couldn't help but laugh too. Yup it was nasty how you just gonna put you lips on somebody without their permission. Her Nast saliva ass. Lol. Happy and scared are the exact emotions that come to mind with her being pregnant. As for the surgery in keeping my lips zipped. Lol. It will all be revealed. It will be hilarious when Diana sees her little plan was faulty. Trust me on that. <333
Date: Feb 04, 2015 05:52 pm Title: Inked-Let Me introduce my self...
I was finally able to read the update & OHMYGOD FJDBSYDJD !!!!
"We'll do a cleansing ceremony for it if need be" 😩😂😂 I FELL OUT LAUGHING!!! your humor is just on point! lol omg but Michael begging her "promise me you'll never leave me pen" 😭😭😭 I'm so glad they're together now and she's pregnant!!! Yaaassss I knew we would have a little Michael on the way (or little pen)!! 😩😩🙌 now we just need for the surgery to go well & they'll be well on their way with their little family :') believe I will be on the look out for the Cradle update! 😍
Author's Response:
Lollll you always make me laugh so hard cause it's like I can feel your reaction with the emojis and everything!! You know Pen will make that happen. She wants that bed burned too!! LMAOO. Yup a bambino is brewing. The only thing they need to overcome now is that pesky surgery.
Cradle will be rocking you soo!! 😘 <333
Date: Feb 04, 2015 05:51 pm Title: Inked-Let Me introduce my self...
I will email you whenever I figure out my email password!
Author's Response:
Lol. I was looking out for it today. I'll keep checking!! Hope you find it soon!<333

Date: Feb 04, 2015 06:40 am Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
Returning as a reader and reviewer :) I like how you've stepped a bit away from it being so sex-focused and made it more relationship-focused. Now, bringing things up to speed:
Pen is pregnant and has a tumor? Girl, you are making me have to scan through my memory of neuropathologies. A chondroma, so chondrocytes, slow growing, and a displacer, so sxs would likely include visual disturbances, disturbances in ARAS, and headaches. Hers is relatively small, so surgery shouldn't be too complicated, so compared to other tumors, a pregnancy may not be as dangerous. Still, I always worry about starting a life at the same time your body has to go under surgery. Anesthesia is tricky. I wonder what Michael is going to think about her handling both at the same time...
Diana. Girl is crazy. That's all I've gotta say on her.
Author's Response:
Welcome back. Lol.
Yeah she has a chrondroma. It's not the cancerous kind so it's benign. It's slow growing cause it can't metastasize or invade other cells. She never had any of the symptoms cause the Doc did ask her if she was getting headaches. They may never have found it had she not had that panic attack. There in lies the suspense because anesthesia is VERY tricky also going into someone's brain. We will get to see Michael's reaction in the next chapter. They where just talking about them having babies. We'll also get to see how she did manage to get pregnant. Diana is certified! <333

Date: Feb 04, 2015 02:56 am Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
When she asked if he washed his dick though. I screamed!! It's almost five in the morning and I'm in here cuttin the hell up lawd jesus
But thank goodness she listened. I'm so glad she knows him well enough to trust him. She knows Diana ain't shit and Michael ain't dippin his spoon into those potatoes you know? I love mashed potatoes, but Michael ain't dippin in hers ya know?!?! And that's why she's forever mad. Can't get one of that gravy. That delicious smooth brown gravy. The kinda gravy you gotta sock up with a biscuit.
But Pen gets the gravy and now she's pregnant
Author's Response:
She got ALL the gravey baby. ALL the gravey!! Yes she trusted him because despite his little faux pas in the beginning he never lied to her. Diana will sit and seethe. I could see her face telling him tongi wash his stuff too!! Lmaoooo. Baby baking as we speak!! <333

Date: Feb 03, 2015 08:59 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
Thank you Pen for hearing Michael out like he did for you and your situation we Epoop! Lol. Anyway, We all know Mike wouldn't lie to Pen about something like that. The boy loves her too much hell, he's in love to even try to do some stuff like that only to lose her in the process. But the part when she said they needed to do a cleansing ceremony for his dick. Hell, I'd make him do it too. Them thotted crusted lips touched him down there it's gonna need more than just that ceremony to take away the presence of Diana's lips away, they gonna need Jesus, the twelve disciples, Joseph and Mary, Daniel and Kane everybody in the freaking bible. Kml!!!!!! Ok, let me stop playing.
Great chapter girl. Can't wait for the next update. :)
Author's Response:
She gave him a chance. 'Epoop' lmaooooooo I'm so done with you!!! I shed a tear with "Them thotted crusted lips." You had me rolling fr fr!! Pen is a mess!! But she has every right to be in this case. Who in the hell just puts their lips on someone's dick without them consenting! SMDH. But on to the good on the way. They have to get official proof but it's coming. <333

Date: Feb 03, 2015 07:21 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
Yay there's a mini Pen or mini michael on the way! Shoot I wouldn't be surprised if its both! They screw so much I'm sure he killed two birds with one stone lmao. Now there's only the operation to get over with so they can be a happy family & raise their little baby & get matching tattoos of his/her face. I have a wild imagination lol!
Author's Response:
Yes ma'am little MJ or Pen is baking in the oven. Awwww a matching tattoo would be adorable. I might work that in there somewhere. Your imagination is not for off of mine. Lol. ;) <333
Date: Feb 03, 2015 07:21 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
Yaaaaaassss!! Diana gone and Pen pregnant! I honestly wouldn't have guessed because the medicine she's been taking. You got me there. Hopefully no more exes or wannabes come into the equation, and Pen makes it out of surgery flawless as ever.
Author's Response:
Yup!! The meds have a side effect of nausea. So it was easy for them to think that was the only cause for her throwing up. Lol so baby is on the way!!! Just one more hurdle for them to get over and they'll be good!! <333
Date: Feb 03, 2015 04:56 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
Yasss there's a baby on the way!!!!!!!!!!a86;a039;a86;a039;a86;a039;a86;a039;a86;a039;👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Author's Response:
Yessssss baby makes 3!!!!! So much goodness on the horizon after all that crazy. Lol. <333

Date: Feb 03, 2015 04:50 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
YAY!!!! She's pregnant!!!! I get why she forgave Michael so easily. That's one thing for sure he has never went behind her with another chick willingly and lied about it. She knew Diane was batshit looney tunes....
Michael needs that restraining order quick!! Before she does something else crazy!
All the love Michael has for Pen is so cute... him crying at the thought of her looking betrayed. I love this couple so much!
Author's Response:
Yup he never lied to her or cheated while they where officially together. The moment he told her he loved her he was all in!! Oh as for Diana she'll try something for sure but it won't end well for her. Yasssssssss it's baby time. They haven't officially found out yet test wise or anything but her parents had figured it out before they did. Lol. Trust me Michael was crying at her look of betryal too. They're love is potent. <333
Date: Feb 03, 2015 04:30 pm Title: Crossing The Line...Made It Home Safe...
Yassss Pen is pregnant!!!!!! I knew it. All that fucking her and Mike be doing chile who's surprised? Lol. Theyre gonna make great parents and Michael is gonna fall even deeper in love with her than he is now. I'm glad he got a chance to explain himself and all is well. I can't wait til they get back and file that damn restraining order. I hope that bitch has a heart attack and falls dead when she realizes that not only are Pen and Michael FOREVER, but she's having his baby too. Seethe ho, SEETHE! And I hope she hears all the news while in a jail cell or better yet, a mental institution. Basic bitch. Anyway, yay a Pen is pregnant!!!!
Author's Response:
I'm excited that their going to be a little family unit. It's going to be cute. Yesssssss Pen and Mike are forever and Dirty D will just have to sit her ass down somewhere. Alone and nuts. You'll get to see her reaction when she finds out. Lmao. <333

Date: Jan 27, 2015 12:36 am Title: Crossing The Line...And Getting The Boot...
I'm glad he called the cops on her. Gawd knows I was just like, my nigga. That's my guy. My ace. My dude! All day baby!
Cuz gawd, Michael slipped away from her quick too!
Like nooooo we ain't doin dis girl. Not today and certainly not tomorrow
I need for this to happen to Diana
She needs to get dropped!!
Pen got the pics and I was just like
But lawd when the actual TRUTH comes out?!?! Diana, Diana
Girl you ain't ready
Ima sit back and laugh
Author's Response:
He had to call the cops homeboy was not having it. He did warn her but she didn't believe he would do it. She's a nut case. Lmaooo Michael was dodging her ass smoothly but she caught him that one time. DEAD Every body slam pictured above is well needed by Diana and I hope they can figure a way to have that happen real soon. Michael and Oen deserve to be happy. They went though so much shit before and still going through it especially with her operation coming up. They both need the peace and quiet of this retreat. Let's hope the both get it. Thanks for reading Bb. More soon cause I can't leave yall dangling too long!! <333