Date: Jan 02, 2015 10:24 pm Title: Chapter One
Very creative!
Author's Response:
Date: Dec 30, 2014 06:21 am Title: Chapter Seventeen
Just wanna say how I've been following this story from the beginning and it's very interesting..I love the idea of Vampire Mike and your lead female original girl is drop dead gorgeous..
Author's Response:
Thank youx thank you thank you! I apologize I have not caught up with your story yet but when I do I'll be leaving a nice review. Thanks again for following my story!!!
Date: Dec 26, 2014 03:39 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen
Just sat and read all of the story so far in one sitting. Can NOT wait for the next chapter!!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks alot for reading!!
Date: Dec 26, 2014 02:26 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen
Oh my lord not Grayson. He's going to be trouble I know it. Well I guess Lana is putting two and two together. It was inevitable really. Looking forward to this party happening I know it's going to be hectic!!
On another note I got some organic tea infused with vervain today. Lolllll now I'm vampire protected!!!
More soon! <333
Author's Response:
Lol now Michael can't compel you to do what he wants! But yeah hold on to your hat Grayson is about to make it storm.
Date: Dec 26, 2014 01:57 pm Title: Chapter One
loving this. You seriously should be a professional writer
Date: Dec 24, 2014 07:50 am Title: Chapter One
awesome chapter. I hope Lana's b'day goes well and now that she is starting to believe the vampire stories again. Can't wait we the truth will come out.
Author's Response:
Thank you!
Date: Dec 16, 2014 09:21 am Title: Chapter Sixteen
My love for this story doesn't seem to fade!
Author's Response:
Thanks alot!
Date: Dec 16, 2014 05:35 am Title: Chapter Sixteen
*sighs* pooh. I wanted to just keep reading all night! Another great piece!!! *hits favourite button so many times it breaks*
Author's Response:
LOL!! Thank you!
Date: Dec 15, 2014 04:04 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen
Oh oh competion.
Michael always turns to tasting new blood when he gets a little jealous of guys around Lana. For a minute there I though he was going to glammer her. I think now more than ever she might be thinking something is fishy since Alex of all people seems to have lost his memory. Why is Michael still hiding it since they have an idea that he might be a vampire?
I know things are going to get live soon. she turns 18 soon!!
More soon <333
Author's Response:
This time it's even harder because its not like he has to protect her from Stefan. Grayson is still lurking around and he's not going to be happy about the new guy either... Michael just doesn't want their relationship to change if she finds out he's a vampire.
Next chapter is her 18th birthday party.
Date: Dec 11, 2014 11:14 am Title: Chapter Fifteen
Another great chapter! Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
Thank you!!
Date: Dec 07, 2014 07:51 pm Title: Chapter Fifteen
Oh my goodness! I love playful Michael... I am simply giddy right now reading about him teasing Svetlana! Can't wait to read more! I am really, REALLY enjoying this!
Author's Response:
Thanks alot!!! I'll update soon!
Date: Dec 07, 2014 01:38 pm Title: Chapter Fifteen
LOL Ain't nobody pulling the wool over Alex's eyes. He was probably researching how Michael and Ivana could be out in the sun. I bet you he was LOL.
I see now Lana's feelings are starting to take a turn now. She's starting to develope womanly feelings towards him. And Michael is there like "You my cinnamon appplllllleeee!!!!!" LMAOOOOOOO
Sam did a good job!
More soon <333
Author's Response:
Her feelings are starting to change, but Michael's lying to her and aaalllll these years of secrets are going to come out when she turns eighteen in the next chapter...
Thanks for all the reviews! <3
Date: Nov 27, 2014 06:13 pm Title: Chapter Fourteen
Lol Alex is a smart kid. When no one thinks he's watching. He's been paying full attention this whole time. I love how authentic your language is in this too. Like you using vervain and grimoir in the mix. I love it. I'm a fantasy junkie so that appeals to me. Michael with his dirty mind lmaooooooo. "It would be a different type of visit". Boy if you dont... Lmaooo
more soon <333
Author's Response:
Yeah as they become adults, Alex is gonna play a key role. I need to find a picture for his character. I'm a fantasy junkie too!! I love all of those vampire shows. The though of Michael as a vampire... omg... *dead*
Thanks as always for reviewing!!!
Date: Nov 26, 2014 10:34 pm Title: Chapter Fourteen
Thank you for updating d84;a039; I'm so in love with this story! You're an amazing author, that's the God's honest truth!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing!! I'm glad you love it! It's really about to start taking off here in the next couple of chapters I know the progression has been slow.
Date: Nov 14, 2014 09:52 pm Title: Chapter Thirteen
LMAO at the super human bowling team tho. I think Micahel should just tell Lana about him and Grayson while he's at it. It will end all the suspence and she is already so suspisious about the whole thing. I know Sam was scared shitless when he showed her those flashes of him being turned. I know I would be. Is Sam avoiding Lana because of Michael or because she's really busy with her grandmoher making potions?
Great chapter!! <333
Author's Response:
Sam's just now realizing that she really is a witch so she's got a lot to learn from her grandmother. Whether they'll actually help Michael out or not is the question! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!