Reviews For Innocent
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Reviewer: mjlifemate58 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 12:54 am Title: Meeting Him For The First Time

Omg plz don't stop writing this story I love it way 2 much I think I honestly would cry if u stopped writing this story I couldn't wait 4 the next chapter! I was super excited wen I seen it was updated! Yay I'm so happy u want 2 keep the story going! U have 2 finish the story bc I will b looking forward 2 reading it every chance I get lol.

Author's Response:

Awie thank you sooooo much! It's makes me feel good knowing that I've now got a fan for this story lol I'm having fun writing it :)

Reviewer: Fire-in-her-veins Signed [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2015 12:36 am Title: Meeting Him For The First Time

That was heartbreaking seeing him break down like that! I think you captured that quite accurately! It's awful to think he had to go through this alone except for Lisa who called him up & stayed on the phone for hours & even got her lawyers to help with his case. You wonder if it ever got that bad where he considered suicide as a way out. Awesome job at getting at how he really would have felt and acted upon hearing horrible news reports like that and having to deal with all of it behind closed doors. 

Author's Response:

I know :( That was actually one of the major challenges I had while writing this....I really wanted to try to capture Michael's essence and all of the emotions he might've had going through him during this time. I'm glad it enjoying it so far!!! :)

Reviewer: mjlifemate58 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 03, 2015 10:25 pm Title: Chapter 6

IM now a fan of this story and I think ur a wonderful creative writer. I possibly couldn't stop reading this story it is soo good. I think mj didn't mean 2 snap like that mayb mj just had a lot on his mind, idk but im wondering what his problem is 2 and y he did snap like that. I think it is cute 4 him 2 act so shyly with her. I love wen stories can make me feel like the characters do in the story as if I were in the story myself. Keep this story going cuz I love it way much lol

Author's Response:

Oh my gosh thank you so much!!! I'll try to update more now that I'm motivated to keep on going since originally, I was gonna stop this story lol I'm glad you're enjoying it!!! It makes my heart super happy lol :)

Reviewer: loyalpyt Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 14, 2014 08:35 pm Title: Michael's Neverland

please continue

Author's Response:

I will :)

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