Reviews For Baby Baby Baby!
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Reviewer: the creation 12 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2015 03:40 pm Title: A Baby's Comin Pt 1

I can't wait for the extra surprise 

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 08, 2015 03:14 pm Title: A Baby's Comin Pt 1

U done got a sista weak 😂😂😂😂

LOL omggg Lisa is funny first she done fuss out the nurse cuz she was bout to start her mj fan mode lol then I got...I was dead when she done fuss him out cuz he was singing off the wall like fr who told his tail to keep singing it do he like that song or wht he could've did a slow but nice song not no upbeat song then I was weak cuz he fainted lolll 

Good Update 👏👏👏

Author's Response:

Lol ikr?! Lisa was NOT in the mood for that nurse or Mike's singing! Glad u enjoyed this chap! Stay tuned for part 2! There's gonna be a surprise :)

Reviewer: the creation 12 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 08, 2015 02:48 pm Title: The Argument

I can't wait to know the gender and name of the baby in part 2 and I laughed my butt off when michael fainted

Author's Response:

Michael couldn't take seeing his wife give birth lol Stay tuned for the surprise in part 2 :)

Reviewer: the creation 12 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 07, 2015 05:53 pm Title: The Argument

Please continue the story I love to see what happens next when Lisa gives birth 

Author's Response:

Aw thank u so much!!! I'm trying to think of a creative way for her to give birth lol

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 06, 2015 08:20 pm Title: Oh Sh#t...

I got like three things to say 

1) OHHHHH SNAP her water just  broke lawd Jesus 

2) Michael is crazy loll still singing off the wall

3) Thank god the IRRELEVANTS R gon **cough cough** Joseph and Priscilla **cough cough**

Author's Response:

Lol I LOVE your comment!!!! I'm glad Joseph and Priscilla are gone now too! Ugh they're such a pain lol

Reviewer: Itsmichaelbitch Anonymous [Report This]
Date: Mar 06, 2015 10:36 am Title: Morning Interlude

Pls update!!! 😭😭

Author's Response:

Aww I will! I'm just trying to think of some good ways to come up with the next chapter....a whole lotta ish is gonna go down lol

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 01, 2015 09:49 pm Title: Morning Interlude

haha awh!! I loved it and especially loved to funny parts you added in lol

Author's Response:

Awie thank you!!! I appreciate it :)

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 28, 2015 04:54 pm Title: Morning Interlude

Lolll Man u made me want sum peach cobbler got a sista all hungry😹😹😹

Lol lisa wasn't paying attention but she did good pretending

Michael had me laughing😹😹😹 **cheesing**

Ummhmm they got there mack on got lisa all hoarse lawd Jesus

Lol good update👏👏👏

Author's Response:

Lol gurrrrl your comment just made my day! Glad you're enjoying the story so far :)

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 09:52 pm Title: Quality Time

Lollll 😂😂😂😂 ain't mad at em lolll gon head get y'all mack on lml Awww lol good update!!!

Author's Response:

Lol your comment made me laugh so hard!! Thank you so much for reading :)

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 21, 2015 06:01 pm Title: Quality Time

ahh!! I loved it!!! can't wait for the next chapter! I wonder what the sex of the baby is 

Author's Response:

Aw thank you!!! The sex of the baby will be a surprise :)

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 16, 2015 04:06 am Title: Memories

omg I loved it!! im glad Michael's home 

Author's Response:

Awie thank you!!! I'm glad he's home too :)

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 15, 2015 10:22 pm Title: Memories

I was just thinking bout this lol Good update and awwwwww so cuteeeeee 😍😍😍 Im in my emotions right now lollll Priscilla she just ughh I can't stand her never like her anyway she like the wicked witch of the south 😂😂 anyway lisa got her boo back yassss lol 

Author's Response:

Lol ikr?! Both Priscilla and Joesph are getting on my last nerve! And yeah, Lisa finally got her boo back :)

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 24, 2015 06:22 pm Title: Hospital Visit Part 2

ugh!!! I really hate Joseph!!!!! why can't they just be happy 

Author's Response:

I know :(

Reviewer: super3o Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 24, 2015 05:50 pm Title: Hospital Visit Part 2

Hi, I'm kinda of new I mean I read stories just never made an account anyway this is one my favorite stories cuz I love MJ/lmp !!! And I'm so happy that u updated cuz it is like the first story I read here and I absolutely was in love becuz it's a lot of stories that have lmp in it just not em together just another woman and I like that they r a couple becuz I like em together !!

Author's Response:

Welcome!! And aw really? Thank you! I've always loved them together :)

Reviewer: MJwife18 Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 31, 2014 05:45 pm Title: Hospital Visit Part 1

awh!!! that was so sweet and sad and I loved it!!!!


Author's Response:

Thank u!! glad ur enjoying it so far :)

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