Date: Jun 05, 2011 03:46 am Title: Chapter 7: Get it together, or leave it alone
Sweet Michael hates hurting anyone but in the end is hurting himself.
How come you dont post long chapters. Short chapters wont attract that many readers.
Author's Response: I was not finished with that one. I got writer's block and couldn't think of anything else to write. I really do like to make tediously long stories so I shorten the chapters to get more chapters. If you come back later the chapter will be finished.
Date: Jun 04, 2011 04:46 am Title: Chapter 6: Whatzupwithchu?
Dana is showing her true colours and she did it infront of everyone. I hope Michael calls the wedding off for good.
Date: Jun 01, 2011 03:35 pm Title: Chapter 5: Here comes the golddigger
I am not surprised that she is frustrated but maybe she should let Michael marry Dana and see for himself what she is really like.
Author's Response: Not finished yet!!
Date: Jun 01, 2011 08:36 am Title: Chapter 4: Have your cake; and eat it too
Dana and Becka really do hate each other. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael cuts all contact with her after this. Short chapter but still good.
Author's Response: It's not finished yet
Date: May 31, 2011 06:28 pm Title: Chapter 3: Love is a Battlefield
You know what I think its best that Michael marries Dana and then finds out what she is like. Thats the only way he will believe she is what Becka says.
Author's Response: I was considering this! There's part of a new chapter up!!!
Date: May 30, 2011 03:51 pm Title: Chapter 2: Bride and Predjudice
Ugh I hate Danna man she's a spoiled little brat. As much as how angry I'm gettin just reading it, PLEASE uptade soon!! :D
Author's Response: I'm getting angry just writing it but I'm going to have so much fun with this story it's not even funny!!!!!!!!!
Date: May 30, 2011 08:30 am Title: Chapter 2: Bride and Predjudice
Such a shame that he wont listen to Becka. I guess he is right when he is he read he has to make his own mistakes
Date: May 30, 2011 08:27 am Title: Chapter 1: Wish you were my guy
I like the story. Danna is a horrible person. I hope Michael will soon realise that.
It would be easier to read if you separated the chapter into paragraphs and also separate the dialogue from the descriptive contet.
Date: May 30, 2011 05:22 am Title: Chapter 1: Wish you were my guy
Oh I just want to hit Dana >:( Can't wait for the update :D xox
Author's Response: Thanks. This story is making me mad just writing it!!! LoL