Date: Jul 02, 2014 12:56 pm Title: Chapter 5.
Yea, I agree, fuck off wit the attitude, Mike. You got no idea what she's goin through.
Date: Jul 02, 2014 08:49 am Title: Chapter 5.
I really can't stand Michael.
Date: Jul 02, 2014 08:38 am Title: Chapter 5.
You're right. Michael has a terrible attitude! But I love the story <3
Author's Response:
He does. Attitude that needs to go. But thank you! I'm glad you like it. :)
Date: Jun 28, 2014 12:32 am Title: Chapter 4.
That iiisssss just crazy
Author's Response:
It is!
Date: Jun 27, 2014 09:07 pm Title: Chapter 1.
So I was just working on updates and decided to take a break and stumbled onto this story. I am in LOVE. This is so amazing!! :)
Author's Response:
Oh em geee! Thank you. girl! I'm glad you like it!
Date: Jun 27, 2014 07:44 am Title: Chapter 3.
Oh my god :O Dumbass teacher!
Date: Jun 26, 2014 08:07 pm Title: Chapter 3.
"Yo, Mrs. Matthews, I ain't playing no Roland!" Michael butted into our conversation.
I couldn't help but laugh so hard at this! Now I've read a lot of stories where Michael and the main girl have classes together or have to do a project together or something like that but never where they had to play Romeo and Juliet. Lmfao, this shall be interesting.
Author's Response:
Lol! Yes, it will! Thank you :)
Date: Jun 26, 2014 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 1.
Ahhh, the Classic Romeo and Juliet. Reminds me of my 9th & 10th grade days of reading Shakespeare, ugh. I'm going into 12th grade after summer break and I hope we don't have to read boring ol R&J lol, but Michael and Krys do not seem to be happy about their roles! Michael is so rude, who pissed him off? That Giselle comment, but she is slick for trying to get him to not use protection mhhhm. This is good so far, I love it!
Author's Response:
I'm going to the 11th. But yeah, Romeo and Juliet was hell in my English class. I hated the unit, so why not bring the hate into my story, lol! And they don't like each other so working together for the play would be impossible. Giselle tryna be slick, Michael isn;t trying to be a teen dad. Thank you!
Date: Jun 26, 2014 06:47 pm Title: Chapter 3.
lol! just her luck that michael is romeo this is going to be an interesting play. great story :)
Author's Response:
Just her luck! i wonder how things will go. Thank you, girl!
Date: Jun 26, 2014 06:29 pm Title: Chapter 3.
If I was her bishslap the teacher to to the principal and say I'm not about to do a play cause I gotta work. Don't they got a leave early type of sign out for teens that have jobs to get out early? If not... Pshhhhhhhhh that's what my school had
Author's Response:
LOL, Mrs. Matthews is so annoying. Like I got things to do besides this play. And my school doesn't have anything like that because they don't care about us students.
Date: Jun 26, 2014 05:41 pm Title: Chapter 2.
Kyla is so adorable. I love the way she acts with her sister. it's cute and so sweet lol. but I can see that Krystal works hard for her sister and she plays the motherly role for her. And at the diner. Mike is so darn disrespectful. He dosn't know how o act politely to a girl. He's so rude to Krystal for no reason. But Krystal's comebacks are on fire like they're great!! Love this story.
Author's Response:
He is disrespectful. He's acting reckless. But yes, I try on the comebacks lol. And Kyla and Krystal's relationship IS adorable. She is a motherly figure in her life.
Date: Jun 26, 2014 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 1.
Krystal got a badass attitude, And Michael is rude as hell. Like he better lower down that behavior before Krystal or should I say Kristen slaps da hell outta him.
Date: Jun 26, 2014 05:36 pm Title: Chapter 1.
Krystal got a badass attitude, And Michael is rude as hell. Like he better lower down that behavior before Krystal or should I say Kristen slaps da hell outta him.
Author's Response:
LOL. "Or should I say Kristen." That's what Michael calls her. His behavior is senseless and rude.
Date: Jun 26, 2014 10:48 am Title: Chapter 1.
I really like this so far, I'm ready for the story to really get on the road. I see an adorable relationship in the future for Michael and Krys
Author's Response:
I see a relationship forming in the future as well. I don't know if it'll be good or bad, but there will be a relationship between the two! Thank you!
Date: Jun 26, 2014 07:27 am Title: Chapter 2.
I love this story! Continue pleaase!
Author's Response:
Aww, thank you for reading. I hope you're liking it so far.