Date: Jun 14, 2014 10:03 am Title: Prologue
Hey, I would love to help write this story, but I'm going to have to have to get your e-mail address so I can send you the finished chapters so you can upload them cause I can't seem to figure it out, and I've tried more than once.
If you don't feel comfortable with giving me your e-mail, then I could just send it to you on your profile contact form.
Author's Response: Or I will make you Co Author then when I upload a new chapter you can make the changes to it by clicking on Edit?
Date: Jun 14, 2014 09:54 am Title: Freedom or is it?
Author's Response: Don't worry in a few hours you will see what happens to Jessica and Tataina Loving the Gif by the way
Date: Jun 14, 2014 06:03 am Title: HELP!!
Keep going, hun!! This may be your first story and you may be in need of a little help actually putting it together gramatically but your plot is a lot better than I can say for a lot of the stories I come across and don't end up reading!! This one has kept me hooked from chapter to chapter!! Again, keep it up!!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much I read you Bio I have to agree it really does annoyed me when a writer does left a story uncompleted and start a new I will never ever do that to this one I still have a lot planned
Date: Jun 14, 2014 04:57 am Title: HELP!!
The cops finally came!!! But what an intense scene! So, if Michael is suffering a mental disorder, then why he only hates Jessica??? It's about time Jessica received justice. Great chapter!
Author's Response: You will learnt why Michael hates Jessica in the next chapter which be up soon I am glad you love this chapter but there still alot of drama still to come it doesn't stop there
Date: Jun 13, 2014 10:44 am Title: Angel talk
Finally Michael is going away from the house! I really liked Jessica's conversation with her mother in heaven. It's too bad she can't stay. It was really bogus that Michael called Tatiana "the new mommy". If that happened to me, that bitch is going down and so is Michael. I don't care how much I love him. LOL. I can't wait for the new chapter. Hopefully Jessica gets some justice.
Author's Response:
I really loved the heaven conversation too it was a beautiful feeling for her and don't you worry he and Tatiana are going down for sure
Date: Jun 13, 2014 09:23 am Title: Angel talk
You think u can make another chapter I want to find out what happens next..
Author's Response:
I am working on it now
Date: Jun 13, 2014 07:57 am Title: Prologue
I know, I too am not the best writer and you are doing good. Yeah, sure I could help you if you want. Go check out my story, even though it isn't much of one yet. My coe authar seems to have gotten busy with life. But, I know she'll help me whenever she can.
Author's Response:
I will be sure to read it
Date: Jun 13, 2014 02:32 am Title: Thunderstorm Nightmare
It's really nice but kind of dark but it's ok! Will Prince and Paris ever find out? Will Michael snap out of it before something happens or will it be to late? Will she die?!
Author's Response: Yeah, she will and I've edited the summary and the first two chapters.
Date: Jun 12, 2014 06:30 pm Title: Prologue
No problem. You shouldn't sell yourself so short. Very few stories have a psycho Michael. But you friend have no limits with his craziness. :) In each chapter, Jessica's situation with Michael's violent behavior gets worse. I'm glued to this story to see if he might change his ways or he might kill Jessica. If you love writing and have a passion for it, then go for it.
Author's Response:
Thank you sooo much I really love hearing your thoughs I just want to write a different story to everyone else
I see you have favourite it too :D
Date: Jun 12, 2014 02:43 pm Title: Prologue
Why would you think that nobody likes this story? I think it's great and filled with suspense. We all know Michael Jackson wouldn't be capable of doing this to a woman. That's why it's a great story.
After the last chapter, I'm beginning to think Tatiana is also involved with Michael's strange behavior. Maybe her and Frank teamed up to get what they want. Frank wants Jessica and Tatiana wants Michael. It's just my theory. Sorry that my comment is so long! Lol. Keep up the awesome story!
Author's Response:
I just though no one was really instersted in it but your comment and some others as very cherred me I really appricate it and I love hearing your thoughts it gives me Ideas of what to write next
Date: Jun 12, 2014 10:47 am Title: Thunderstorm Nightmare
Love the Chapter Hope Taitiana or Ariana watever her name is starve in a fucking hole and hope jessica get away from that beautiful sexy ass michael and take her kids GOD IM ANNOYED BY TATIANA SHE JUST SO ANNOYING LIKE WTF DID YOU EVEN COME FROM
Author's Response:
Thank you soo much for your review all that drama will be happening soon

Date: Jun 12, 2014 08:52 am Title: Thunderstorm Nightmare
The run on sentinces and miss spelled words along with leave word out of sentinces as well as going from one thing to another without really ameing it clearer it's just really confuwsing. Please really try to work on the run on sentinces and fragment ones. And please try not to flip from one thing to another.
Author's Response: I admit I do struggle with my writing I always have if you like to help me I could make you Co-Author?

Date: Jun 12, 2014 08:40 am Title: The Hospital Appointment
Hey, good, but please really try to work on those run on sentinces and make sure all your sentinces are complete and not fragmented. There are a lot of spelling problums so pleas try to make sure that most of your words are spelled as best you can. It's good.

Date: Jun 12, 2014 08:30 am Title: Dangerous Ideas
This story is good, but you have a lot of run on sentinces and so that makes it really hard to read. Please try and work on that, okay? Your doing good though.

Date: Jun 11, 2014 03:48 pm Title: The Hospital Appointment
I'm sorta confuse on what michael is doin to her like i know he's hitting her but i dont understand the ball thing ???
Author's Response:
I am sorry you confused but basically he making her like a ball you know that use in sports and with balls being treated like their are he treating jessica the same
hope this help you understand