Date: Jul 15, 2014 07:10 pm Title: Prologue
Is it okay that I have your email address so you would roleplay as Michael for me?Im so sorry.This is the easiet way I could ask you
Date: Jul 06, 2014 03:53 pm Title: Escape plan
Yaay!! You continued ♥
Tom better not hurt her and I really want Michael to be better!!! And Tatiana is kinda annoying me. But not that much.
Thanks for continuing xxx
Date: Jul 05, 2014 07:29 am Title: Not a Chapter
I love this story. Please continue!
Date: Jul 05, 2014 04:13 am Title: Not a Chapter
Don't discontinue it!!! Sorry I haven't reviewed. The story line is great but it got me frustrated a couple of times and I really want everyone to see that Michael's innocent! I want Jessica and Michael to be back together and Michael to be well... Fast! I love the story.
PLZ CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
I promise I will try give it another ago I will have the update up in a few hours but I gonna try another story too it be called the Blue Gangsta from Chicago
Date: Jun 22, 2014 09:24 pm Title: Trouble starts here
Okay ima start with this. 1. friends don't say i love you to eachother like what jessica and frank did, i suspect something happened between them that we don't know . 2.even though i think tatiana is a bitch and rude i hope her and the baby is okay. 3. they needa keep michael's raging ass in the hospital is anger is not under control yet. That's just what i thought about while reading lbs but anyways so much is happening in one day i can't wait to see what happens next : ) keep it up
Author's Response:
Excaulty what I want you to think Thank you!!! :D
New chapter is up
Date: Jun 22, 2014 04:52 am Title: Trouble starts here
Why is he so nice to Tatiana but hates Jessica? I'm getting more and more confused!! & Why is Jessica in Frank's bed?
Date: Jun 18, 2014 09:47 pm Title: Uh oh Twins
I really hope Jessica and Frank don't romance together, I know Michael was insane, but to me his is so much better than Frank's stalker ass. Sniffing her panties and such, kissing her. Michael deserves a second chance, just to prove his love.
I hope Jessica and Michael's baby is ok, and Tatiana need to take her thirsty, bald headed, monkey face, hairy pussy ass on somewhere and die in a hole.
Good chapter though.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much I try to please you haahha and I love good times!!! :D
Date: Jun 17, 2014 02:06 pm Title: Rape Child
ewww she kissed frank X( , and even though baby was conseived from rape i think she should keep it, it wasn't the baby's fault it was michaels
Author's Response:
I was grossed out myself, I think she should too lets see what happens
Date: Jun 15, 2014 04:49 pm Title: Michael lose it
now this story is reallllyyyy getting interesting, keep it up : )
Author's Response:
The next chapter is up :D
Date: Jun 15, 2014 08:38 am Title: Prologue
So, I can go and edet the other chapters? So, then, what will happen once there changed?
Author's Response: Yeah you can and I put in the notes that you edit them the after I post new updates I post them then you edit then?
Date: Jun 15, 2014 08:36 am Title: Michael lose it
Wow.....this is
And I'm reeeeally nervous now....I'm not the best writer but I'll do what I can. I really don't want any rude things said about my writing, please. I'm only going to do the best I no how.
Author's Response: I trust you and I am sure everyone will love you just as much don't worry your done great
Date: Jun 14, 2014 07:07 pm Title: Meet Eric James
What I'm wondering is once you make me coe authar, you wanna take this story down, then as I change things we can put it back up?
Author's Response:
I really don't too but I can inform the readers that have you updated the other chapters
Date: Jun 14, 2014 07:00 pm Title: Prologue
That is just fine!!!!!! Yeeeeah, I get to be a coe author!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
I have made you Co Author
Date: Jun 14, 2014 03:26 pm Title: Freedom or is it?
I really hope MJ gets the needed help and becomes himself again!! I need for Tatiana to be arrested immediately, lol!! & Jess, I so hope she's okay, cause she's been drug through hell and back!!
Author's Response:
She has bless her New chapter is up
Date: Jun 14, 2014 10:28 am Title: Prologue
That bitch Tatiana always has to ruin something. Jessica better give her a good as beating for all of the shit she put her through. So, that's why Michael is abusive towards Jessica. He's a schizo and due to his abusive childhood. That still doesn't mean he has the right to hit her. (Crazy Ike Turner acting ass!) LOL. If I were Jess, I'd play dead and then let Tatiana have it!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response: If I was Jessica I would too Tataina need a kick in the ass and hopefully Michael will appect help
I'll be updating soon