Date: Oct 25, 2011 04:26 pm Title: Just Give It a Try
Awww the trent part made me watery eyed sad to see theres only on chapter left i love this story so mcuh.

Date: Oct 25, 2011 04:00 pm Title: Just Give It a Try
oh my god the story is ending i dnt even wanna read the last chapter b/c its gonna b the last imma really miss this story gah im soooo glad michael got some help and him and his kids are soooo beautiful he really loves them.
the last chapter oh gosh i hope trent and mike get bck together at least i thought he died at first when miles said he left but i cried when he sent him their lor tresure chst this chapter was amazing not great but effin amazing i love every moment his brother is something else i love it man the next chapter is the last i cnt wait but can another awesome story finished
Date: Oct 25, 2011 03:26 pm Title: First Day of School
Wow so this journey is really almost over.? Ivan not gonna lie at first a was really hesitant about reading this story because even though Megan Good is named Latrice in the story I saw that picture and was like ewww lol I am not a big fan of Megan Good Hahahahaha but once I read it I was hooked. There's something bout Mikey being in High school or in school for that matter that I love! I am upset that this story is ending but hopefully you write a new story!!
Michael and his kids are so cute.!! Maybe in the next chapter you can have Michael spend time with his kids and Diamond(heyy she might be Lyrics future step mommy) lol oh and with Char. Btw what's up with Renee.? I haven't heard from her on a minute!! I love it girl!

Date: Oct 18, 2011 11:00 pm Title: Never Again
OMG, I literally cried when Mike did that mess. Well, I'm glad that La'Trice and Diamond are cool..for now and they put their differences aside, so that's was decent of them. I really hope that Mike stops taking pills because it's not healthy and he's losing everyone that loves and cares for him and I really hope that there will be a sequel of All I Want Is You :)
Date: Oct 18, 2011 09:32 pm Title: Never Again
Michael is a damn fool. I'm sorry. You can't stop?? SMH. Diamond is right, he don't wanna stop. This fool attempted suicide and almost suceeded yet still refuses to stop abusing pills.. Wow. He needs a psychiatric evalutation. He has really lost his mind. Diamond is still showing him love but being firm. That's good. He needs some tough love so he can get his ish together. Team Diamond.

Date: Oct 18, 2011 07:31 pm Title: Never Again
my girl diamond better tell em mikey is crzy like real shat if he dnt get some help i swear imma jack him up trent didnt knock enough since into tht boy he needa get another ass whoopin but trent shoed alot of emotions n this one i kno he loves mike but he still wanna let their friendship go like wtf? they cant just fall off like tht omg 2 more chapters to go : / im sad imma miss this story soo much please update soon bte Team Diamond
Date: Oct 18, 2011 07:12 pm Title: Never Again
wow mike really
Date: Oct 14, 2011 03:52 pm Title: So This Is What It Comes Down Too?
Smh Diamond is doing the right thing. Hr needs help and taking away something that's important to him in order for him to see that, is what needs to be done. I hope he gets help. I hope Diamond won't abandon him but be there with him and for him. He needs love and support, but firmness as well. Team Diamond.

Date: Oct 14, 2011 10:35 am Title: So This Is What It Comes Down Too?
Ugh I know what you mean. It seems like I'm working extra hard this semester and my job is trying give me more ours, I'm like dang I don't even have time to catch up on MJ stories...
Michael needs help, maybe pushing him by saying he won't be able to see his child may push him to the edge and go to rehab or something. Diamond and Latrice need to stand together since that have Michael's two most important assets. But Diamond should'nt cut herself off frm Mike the last thing he needs is to feel abandoned.
Aww Malike...I knew you wouldn't cheat! But still your leaving. I have a feeling his music career is going to blow up though. Superstar Malike.
Wtf dang does every dude have a hard on for Diamond? She must have that good good. Trent was over line saying that shit about Di in front of Mike. Lol once again tho Trent beat his ass. I'm going need these two to make up soon.

Date: Oct 14, 2011 04:00 am Title: So This Is What It Comes Down Too?
OMG this was one of the best chapters in this story i love this story so much...what is going on with everybody i was thinkin Malike was sleepin around with Ashley she becoming iffy and then Char just break it off with Malike wtf they were like the cutest couple besides mike and di but damn they were the ones with no drama trent be whipin michaels ass lol they both are a mess.
michael need some major help like seriously diamond had every right to tell him he couldnt see his son like this.Trent and mike needs to talk before this is over i mean damn Trent knew where he was thats crazy.
anyways i effin love yur story mills sooooooo much and this was mos def worth the weight oh p.s did mike and diamond break up or she just tellin him tht to scare him?
#Team Diamond
Date: Oct 13, 2011 08:51 pm Title: So This Is What It Comes Down Too?
i hope mike gets some help soon

Date: Oct 04, 2011 09:50 pm Title: Friend or Foe?
Lol love you too!! I be complaining aboutbut Diamond the mostwin but I can't stop loving this story.
Omg Trent and Mike!! I never would have thought they would have a falling out. So all this time Trent was the star but he stood back for Michael. Wow when the shock wears off Mike is going to feel like shit.
Hmmm I got my eye on Malike..smh..that boy, but I lmao when he dissed Dimond. I mean that girl anit got no right to check somebody she a hoe.
I can't believe Mike was surprised he failed the drug test. What he think he was poppin in his mouth? Skittles? Yeah that had to be it.
I'm really happy Mike told Bianca the truth. Poor thing I hope she can move on. Love u Be!
Am I the only one who kind of thought Trent was feeling for Latrice on the low?
Date: Oct 04, 2011 08:20 pm Title: Friend or Foe?
LOL thanks for the s/o! This is a good story! Well now for my two cents.. It's a shame how everything went downhill for Mike in this chapter. But in reality, he brought it all on himself. Time to just man up and accept responsibility, and grow from it. And finally Bianca's crazy ass gets the picture--HE DON'T WANT YOU BOO! Get over it. I'm wondering too what's goin on with Ashley and Malike.. hmm. Better not be some mess! And I'm guessing Tiffany had an abortion. Wow. Lots going on in this chapter. I hope Diamond will console her man, she's the only chick who's supposed to be doing that. I hope Trent and Michael make up. I don't think he did rigged that test.
Date: Oct 04, 2011 08:20 pm Title: Friend or Foe?
I feel bad for trent his a good friend and mike should stop taking those pills they are the problem I love you too and this story is amazing can't wait for the next one and smh @malike.
Date: Oct 04, 2011 07:41 pm Title: Friend or Foe?
Another Job well done girl! I hope Michael and Trent can work there differences out and Malike and Ashely? Ummm I feel there is something going on.! Why didn't he call Diamond to help with this "surprise baby shower"??