Reviews For What's Imagination
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Reviewer: MzMichaelJackson92 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 24, 2013 10:00 pm Title: Eyes

I love this story. I always thought he and Ola would had made a cute couple. Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: DaRealDirtyDiana Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 16, 2012 08:56 pm Title: When Playboy Calls....

I love this:D <33333333

Reviewer: kaity6494 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2011 07:48 pm Title: When Playboy Calls....

I'm dying for the next update! Any idea of when you'll be putting one up??

Reviewer: kaity6494 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 18, 2011 06:35 pm Title: When Playboy Calls....

I loved it! I forgot to comment on the last chapter, but I thought that was great - you know him experimenting and finding out who he really was. It was a completely different portrayal of Michael and I was diggin it lol. This chapter was really great, can't wait for the next update! (no pressure haha)

Author's Response:

I love that you love it so much! I try putting in those kinds of conversation to add depth to both characters and add meaning to their relationship, not to make it some other star-crossed melodramatic romance.

Reviewer: kaity6494 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 18, 2011 05:51 pm Title: The Mirror

Definately just do what you've been doing! Trust me, it's working. I just love your writing style, it's so unique and you have a such a way of describing things so perfectly that I can picture exactly what your talking about. Keep it up! :)

Reviewer: kaity6494 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 18, 2011 05:34 pm Title: The First Time

Oh, wow. You're really good! Like, seriously legit. Hahaha I mean, it's so well written and I'm not sure if anybody on here has ever covered a story about Michael and Ola Ray, and theirs is a relationship I've actually wanted to see a story about for a really long time now. So, well done! Ok, I have to stop with the gushing and read the next chapter :)

Author's Response:

Aw, thank you so much! I had noticed there were no Ola and Michael stories and after watching her interviews after his death, the inspiration just came to me. :) I'll do my best to keep you interested!

Reviewer: MichaelManiac Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 07, 2011 12:56 am Title: Baby Be Mine

Did Michael really kiss a guy?!?!

Author's Response:

To the best of my knowledge, no, but that's not saying much since every celebrity, I'm sure, has SOME secrets they're well capable of keeping. Not trying to say Michael is gay (though that wouldn't be a problem) but I always felt like that "I'm not gay, it's not part of my religion," was bullshit. I think he was fine with gay people and realized that his religion's reasons for hating them were bat crap, but even in that time, being as big of a heartthrob as he was AND gay would have hurt his career. I think he knew that and decided to at least steer as clear from the topic as possible. But I'd like to think he loved Gay people sam as straight people.


thanks for reviewing!

Author's Response:

To the best of my knowledge, no, but that's not saying much since every celebrity, I'm sure, has SOME secrets they're well capable of keeping. Not trying to say Michael is gay (though that wouldn't be a problem) but I always felt like that "I'm not gay, it's not part of my religion," was bullshit. I think he was fine with gay people and realized that his religion's reasons for hating them were bat crap, but even in that time, being as big of a heartthrob as he was AND gay would have hurt his career. I think he knew that and decided to at least steer as clear from the topic as possible. But I'd like to think he loved Gay people sam as straight people.


thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: mikespyt Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18, 2011 02:21 am Title: Baby Be Mine

Wonderful read. About Michael trying it out for himself--that was interesting. Please update soon.

Reviewer: iam_music Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09, 2011 04:48 am Title: Baby Be Mine

This is a good story!!! And if I'm not mistaken, there have been quotes about what Michael has said in regards to his views on gay people. I don't think he was a homophobe at ALL, but I do think he was probably old fashioned in the sense that he believed in men and women being couples. I think he would quote the bible and stuff when men would hit on him. But I'm getting off topic now, lol. Anyway, I love him and Ola Ray in Thriller! they were so cute with their jherri curls! 

Author's Response:

I agree with you on his views; he was raised so deeply in his faith that it probably still stuck with him even after he left it. Your bible quote made me cry laughing because I could totally imagine it! And aren't those Jheri Curls awesome! Can you say, 'SLOW GLO??" tee hee.

Reviewer: mikespyt Signed [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2011 07:49 pm Title: The Mirror

I loved it the way it is. Awesome chapter! I like both POVs. Give us more when u can. :)

Author's Response:

thanks! i'll be sure to!

Reviewer: mikespyt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2011 02:59 am Title: The First Time

Awesome!!! & can't wait to read more!

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm working on the next chapter right now!

Reviewer: mjslovelyone Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 06, 2011 12:05 am Title: The First Time

I would love to read a story about Ola and Mikey....can't wait for more



Author's Response:

I'm glad you do! That's exactly why I wrote this! And there will be more...;) Stay tuned and bear with me!

Reviewer: MJSmile Signed [Report This]
Date: May 05, 2011 08:42 pm Title: The First Time

This was wonderful, and the first fiction I've seen involving Ola and Michael. I like how you introduced us to them, and their conversation being one of depth, beyond the playfulness of their roles in Thriller, even though it's still there.

I'd love to see where this story is heading.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your kind words! I had noticed that Ola Ray was never featured, at least on this site, as a possible love interest for Michael, and I thought: "Hey! She coulda been it!" In regards to thier conversation, I had a conversation with a friend about religion and what God may mean to people, and it inspired me to bring up this alternate idea of God in Ola's point of view. I couldn't do Michael because he was so devout to his religion, otherwise the disclaimer wouldn't be in the start of Thriller. :) Thanks for being my first reviewer!

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