Date: Jan 29, 2013 08:07 pm Title: And Cut (Part II)
Omg, this is SOOO GOOD! OH MY GOODNESS, this is amazing, THANK GOD YOU'RE NOT ENDING IT, I was afraid... God, this is soo great to see, its just making my heart flutter the mire and more I read on, I cannot wait for more, another one of my absolute favorite stories.
Date: Jan 29, 2013 08:07 pm Title: And Cut (Part II)
Omg, this is SOOO GOOD! OH MY GOODNESS, this is amazing, THANK GOD YOU'RE NOT ENDING IT, I was afraid... God, this is soo great to see, its just making my heart flutter the mire and more I read on, I cannot wait for more, another one of my absolute favorite stories.
Author's Response:
Oh, bless you, dear, thank you so much for your kind words! I knew if I didn't make it clear it wasn't gonna end people would get confused LOL no worries I have certain things planned!! Thanks so much again!
Date: Jan 29, 2013 06:58 pm Title: And Cut (Part II)
Aww whatta sweeet chapter! I loveee it, updaaate soooon!::) He finally asked her out.
Author's Response:
hehe well yeah in his own way he's trying...thank you so much for reviewing I'm glad you liked it!
Date: Jan 28, 2013 05:02 am Title: The First Time
I love Michael and Ola Ray they match I really wished they were together dor real. Please update soon!
Date: Jan 27, 2013 04:42 pm Title: The First Time
I love your story! I've always thought I was the only one with an infatuation of michael and ola ray! You should check out my story about them:) this is really great tho! Keep writin!
Date: Jan 27, 2013 07:02 am Title: And Cut (Part I)
I just read your story and I really like it. I really like the way you're writing about them falling in love.
I always thought they could have made a cute couple and I really like them in Thriller. Hope you'll update soon.
Date: Jan 26, 2013 06:11 am Title: And Cut (Part I)
oh my i hope in this story they will be together
Author's Response:
I hope so to:) thanks for reviewing!
Date: Jan 26, 2013 05:06 am Title: And Cut (Part I)
That's what I thought! You did it girl. I don't know if I already said it to you, but I really like your writing style. I could totally get into Ola's character and feelings. Now I'm curious to know if Michael meant those words, like Ola was supposing... with her unprofessional part haha
See you soon! And please, don't give up on this. <3
Author's Response:
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I appreciate the love you're showing me :) Promise I won't give up this time!
Date: Jan 25, 2013 10:18 pm Title: And Cut (Part I)
My thought is Where in the hell did Michael go so fast? I swear he's like speedy from Looney Tunes
Author's Response:
hehehee I'm just trying to mae a stereotype that all dancers are so good with quick moves that they just move faster than everyod else.
Date: Jan 25, 2013 04:39 pm Title: The First Time
This is well written.
So glad you made these two a couple!
Date: Jan 25, 2013 03:11 pm Title: Eyes
Please update with more soon!
Date: Jan 25, 2013 01:17 pm Title: Eyes
I am sooo glad your back! It's understandable that it is difficult to update sometimes but I really love the story and. The way your write so I hope you continue with this. It is a really good idea.
Much love.
Author's Response:
reviews like this are what inspired me to finish the next chapter i just uploaded. :) thnak you.
Date: Jan 25, 2013 09:14 am Title: Eyes
this story is realy amazing how You decribing their feelingd what they thimk and feel at the moment i like it and please continue but take your time
Date: Jan 25, 2013 06:28 am Title: Eyes
Oh my God, I thought you would never upload again. I almost forgot this story is so good.
It was a very touching chapter, I felt sorry for Ola and the label that Playboy issue gave her. Michael was so gentle and kind...
"How could she be so kind and gentle and yet be so capable of searing words and physical violence?
Then the voice in his head that he didn't want to hear said; you should know. YOU do it all the time."
Heh... that's true...
I hope to see you soon here, love. Take care.
Author's Response:
I never thought it either. That's why I knew I had to come back to see it through.
One thing I notice is how the view of playboy women and other vixens is "she's hot and awesom and i love looking at her" but also "she's a dirty old S*** who has no respect." It's prevalent in these mes, so I know it was really bad in the 80's. SO I wanted to address it.
Thank you so much for the support!
Date: Jan 25, 2013 06:10 am Title: The First Time
Gosh, I really want Ola's clothes!
Anyway, I enjoyed the chapter.
Cutie pies!