Reviews For What's Imagination
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Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: May 15, 2013 11:42 am Title: Haunted

I really loved this chapter. Again your writing is just great!

I loved Janet here, especially the part of the Studio 54 lol

Author's Response:

teehee thank you my love :) I'm glad you liked the Janet piece, especially with Studio 54, cuz I always heard about it being all...wild...;) lol

Reviewer: HandsInMichaelsCurls Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 14, 2013 10:05 pm Title: Haunted

Love it like always. But damn you made us wait toooo long for this chapter lol


Author's Response:

I'm truly sorry for the wait, I'll try harder next time to make the wait shorter for my lovely people :) Thank you so much for your review, ily <3

Reviewer: LilMissThangx0x0 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 11, 2013 08:34 pm Title: The First Time

Girrrrrl! update this thang! :) this is one of the few stories I enjoy ready on this site!!! lol

Author's Response:

Your wish is my command, hunny, new chapter up now! :)

Reviewer: Sabrinamjjlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 26, 2013 03:23 am Title: Backless

THIS STORY SO FAR... Gah... Let me just say it made my freaking morning


Gosh where can I staart... Your writing. Flawlessness, I love how you delve deeper into each statement and quotes. How you explore the characters so well, how you capture them as if this were real! I love, love, love this and I think your talents should go beyond this fiction site... WAY BEYOND XD You need to share this talent with the world girl, I'm serious. Do you have plans on writing professionally? YOU'RE THE BEST. <3


I actually love the idea of Michael and Ola being together. :3 Now its making me think "what if" I bet everytime I watch Thriller I think of this wonderful story haha :3


You actually give me life with your writing, it inspires me but then I think "psh, you can never write this well, keep dreaming pal" But then I was reminded we are all different. Even if I'm crap I think I'll carry on writing. :3


Anyways I can't wait for an update, oh the latest chapter; Michael humming the demo of PYT was all the more sweeter !! Swoons x)


Needless to say, this is going in my favourites ahah.




Much LOVE Darling!! <33

Author's Response:

I got you to ship Ola/Mike too?

Another victory!!! LOL it is my lifelong duty to make everyone ship the couples I write about, it's like my own jedi mind trick ;) LOL

I've always had this feeling in the back of my mind that Ola and Michael's chemistry was do I put just be onscreen, so now you'll be doing the same thing I do when I watch Thriller....."are theyyyyy?" haha!

Now I want you to promise me something. Never ever ever refer to yourself OR your writing as crap. Ever. Never ever again. You are too good of a writer to even think of yourself as anything LESS than that, so you stop that kinda talk!

I feel so blessed to have such supportive readers like you, and you are the people I write for. Thank you so much for your reviews, they are like the protein shakes I drink before going into Writer's Gym! haha! 

Hugs and kisses!!! xoxoxoxxo

Reviewer: KaraBeloved Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 26, 2013 12:43 am Title: The First Time

I'm an avid fan of Thriller era! I'm glad you have work on here! I look forward to getting more into this story, and the others you have posted!

Author's Response:

Hey there fellow thriller lover!! I'm so glad you like my story, and I hope you like the other stories I've written as well. There's more to come, so stay tuned! Thank you so much for reviewing!:))

Reviewer: LilMissThangx0x0 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 21, 2013 10:13 pm Title: Backless

Girl, Im glad you updated this one! Such a smoith and sweet story and your verbage is like no other! loved it, you captured each characters personality so effortlessly! Great job

Author's Response:

thanks lovely! you know I gotta keep pushing the Ola Michael Movment! lol I'm already working on the next chapter so stay tuned!

Reviewer: LilMissThangx0x0 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 21, 2013 10:13 pm Title: Backless

Girl, Im glad you updated this one! Such a smoith and sweet story and your verbage is like no other! loved it, you captured each characters personality so effortlessly! Great job

Reviewer: LilMissThangx0x0 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 21, 2013 10:13 pm Title: Backless

Girl, Im glad you updated this one! Such a smoith and sweet story and your verbage is like no other! loved it, you captured each characters personality so effortlessly! Great job

Reviewer: Megs Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 19, 2013 06:05 am Title: Backless

I love your writing style... so magical... and so sweet... The way you portray him.... gosh <3 I need more stories like this one!!!



And I LOVE what he's humming ;)

Author's Response:

teeheehee....i thought it would be the perfect thing for him to hum, I'm glad you agree! ;)

Thank you so much for your words! I hope you enjoy the rest of the ride I'll be taking this lovely couple on in later chapters!

Reviewer: MyKOJAKson Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 18, 2013 08:12 am Title: The First Time

GIRL!! You can't just leave this story all willy nilly! You need to update, I absolutely love Mike and Ola! And I love your writing!! so update pretty pleaseeeee with a cherry on top? :)

Author's Response:

I just updated another chapter right now! :))) and thanks for the cherry on top! lol

Reviewer: SunniVan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 14, 2013 03:22 am Title: Eyes

Michael loves Ola?!?!?!  Wow...

I can tell she's trying to resist him... I wonder if she'll give into her feelings at some point.

Welp, only one way to find out!

*clicks next*

Reviewer: SunniVan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 14, 2013 03:07 am Title: The First Time



Hmmm... this looks intriguing... I think I shall continue! :-)

Author's Response:

OH MAH GAH SunniVan is reading my story *fangirl*

I am so excited! I hope you enjoy what I've posted so far, an update is coming soon! hugs and kisses girly!

Reviewer: CrazyForMikezilla Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 14, 2013 01:55 pm Title: Breakfast At Tiffany's Pt. II

I love this story!! And btw where do you get your gifs at? They are so funny lol :x ( if u dont wanna tell me its okay :) )

Author's Response:

teeheehee I just type in particular emotionand then put "gif" next to in the search box, I don't make any of them LOL I'm glad you like them!

And thank you so much for your support and your review!

Reviewer: jacksonfan Signed [Report This]
Date: Mar 10, 2013 01:11 am Title: Breakfast At Tiffany's Pt. II

I just love it. Like the other reader said, you write poetry, I can't be more agree with that!

I just love the way you write cause we're really feeling all the feelings between them : the love, the shyness, the doubt...

It's just great!

Author's Response:

Awwww, jacksonfan!!!! Thank you so much! That is EXACTLY what I was trying so hard to do, make the reader feel in that moment with the characters. I played a lot of music and did a lot of daydreaming to achieve it, teehee!

YOU'RE just great! Hell, YOU'RE the author of "Only Professional" and "Forbidden Love!"

Thanks so much for the review!

Reviewer: HandsInMichaelsCurls Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 10, 2013 12:56 am Title: Breakfast At Tiffany's Pt. II

My god.

Your writing is so poetic I just can't get over it.

I feel moved by scenes that aren't even meant to be emotionally grabbing. But they are, because of your poignant phrasing, and word choices

It really isn't a story. It's art. Plain and simple.


Author's Response:


That is just......the sweetest....I can't believe it. I'm so touched, and filled with gratitude, I'm not sure any word in any vocabulary could be enough. I really can't thank you adequately for your words, and I'm just so.....(overcome by feelings) 

People please understand, this is the person writing "can you love me for me"

I'm literally blushing as I type this. I better stop before I get complete incoherent.

Thank you, thank you, thank you....

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