Date: Mar 09, 2014 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 27.2
LMFAOOOOOOO OMG. I absolutely love it. Michael is a pure mess when he's high and chile something tells me Joan is gonna have some sweet ass dreams that night.
Date: Mar 07, 2014 10:18 am Title: Chapter 26.2
Amanda needs to talk to him about Karen's touchy feely ass. Ugh. She's so annoying. And lmao at Joan checking out Michael's crotch! Oh lord.
Date: Mar 07, 2014 08:24 am Title: Chapter 26.2
like that Amanda could keep her cool even though she felt jealousy at Karen being affectionate with Michael
Author's Response:
He was jealous of Joe so it was only fair for her to be jealous of Karen
thanks for your loyalty with booths stories. I keep trying to add more chapters on both stories. Just added two for heartbeat of course it's still pissing people off with the affair.
Date: Mar 07, 2014 01:05 am Title: Chapter 26.2
Uh-oh someone's jealous! But with good reason! I just hope Karen doesn't come in and be a homewrecker (Karen might get hurt!)
Author's Response:
No plans for that but there might be some jealousy on Karens part down the road
Date: Mar 06, 2014 05:24 pm Title: Chapter 2.2
really good so far! i just began reading this, great work on the locations of the plane! ehehe drunk Mj is drunk, poor man.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading..I fly alot for work so I am familiar with planes :) hope you enjoy the story!!
Date: Mar 06, 2014 05:47 am Title: Chapter 25.2
No, I meant(Joe)as in Amanda's ex- as being the quiet before the storm. But now I'm sure oil and vinegar..A'hem- I mean, Papa Joe and Daddy Craig will have to meet sometime or the other.
Lol at Mama Joan ole'girl done got her groove back. Mike better watch his ass or she will be reaching for it again.
And I agree with I Am_Music if Mike get's caught with his crack in the air down at the lake (quickie with Amanda)LAWD!...I will be to through.
Date: Mar 05, 2014 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 25.2
AHAHAH ohhhggg Michael XD The peeing contest was what did it for me, i was BUSTIN laughing!!! XDD
I LOVED THIS CHAPTER just like every chapter!! ^_^
cant wait for more! :)
And Im sorry it took me so long, I fell behind and it took me awhile to catch up :)
Author's Response:
Welcome back. I was wondering where you had gone to
Date: Mar 05, 2014 10:42 pm Title: Chapter 25.2
Hehe Michael!
Date: Mar 05, 2014 10:42 pm Title: Chapter 25.2
Hehe Michael!
Date: Mar 05, 2014 06:15 pm Title: Chapter 25.2
Lmao omg this is too funny! I love how her mother is damn near lusting over Michael while Craig is blowing her back out. Completely hilarious. And Michael is a damn horny ass but I love it! I just hope nobody sees them. Can't wait til you update again! I love this story.
Date: Mar 05, 2014 03:34 am Title: Chapter 24.2
Sweet chapter. Can't wait for Michael and Prince to catch heir first fish. Dinner for all. :D
But is this the calm before the storm named Joe?
Author's Response:
You mean big gorilla joe the swindling manager
Date: Mar 05, 2014 01:13 am Title: Chapter 24.2
Awww! So sweet!
Date: Mar 04, 2014 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 24.2
Awwwww this is so damn sweet!!!! I love it. Michael has finally made peace with his 16 year old self because he has experienced real love. This is so damn cute. And they're going fishing, I can't wait to see what happens on the fishing trip.
Date: Mar 04, 2014 07:24 am Title: Chapter 23.2
Lawd therapeutic loving...Ain't it grand!!! Thank God for Amanda. A lesser woman would be on her way to tabloid city right about now.
Date: Mar 04, 2014 07:10 am Title: Chapter 23.2
Poor Mike he needs lots of love..and look at who Diana Ross fell for