Reviews For In Dreams
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Reviewer: FireFliesForMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 10, 2014 08:25 am Title: Chapter 6

I couldn't stop smiling while I was reading this chapter!!! Lol, I absolutely enjoyed reading this morning XD Much love,



Author's Response:

glad i made your morning, sweetie! it's always good to start the day out with a smile! you sure put one on my face!



Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 10, 2014 05:32 am Title: Chapter 6

Lol. Another silly but enjoyable chapter! Thank you for it.

Author's Response:

you're very welcome! i'm glad you're having fun. more to come soon! stay tuned. :)



Reviewer: hejcslm Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 10, 2014 05:23 am Title: Chapter 6

Lolol eeeek!!!! Excellent chapter!!! I honestly couldn't stop smiling! Eeee! XDXDxD Our MG(Me? XD Or Us?) is so funny, her and Mike are a fantastic pair, they fit eachother in every way. :-))) It's so cuuute! XD And funny!! lol Now I'm craving some brownies thoughXD you did it again. Awesomeness all over in this chapter! ^_^

Author's Response:

Lol yay! i still got my amazing powers! I'm glad i'm making you laugh! yes, these last too chapters have been so fun to write. i'm glad you're getting just as much enjoyment out of them as i am! and yes, you are a fantastic pair! it gets better, though! just you wait; Michael delivers way more irresistibleness! i can't wait til you read the next installment! much loves! 



Reviewer: hejcslm Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 03, 2014 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 5



Happiness!!!!!!! I love it!!! XDXD Best hot cocoa cocoa outing ever, and I dislike hot chocolate! Lol See what you do???? I loooove how they did that whole "Anything you can do I can do better" thing lol. And "Chicago" is my shizz, the movie's fantastic. Excellent chapter!!! 

Author's Response:

Lol you make me smile so big, hun! I'm glad i'm so powerful as to make you enjoy a hot cocoa outing despite your loathing of it! and i'm glad you like the musical theatre references! Yes, Chicago is a favorite of mine, too. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter. time for the next one! as always, tell me what you think of it! <3



Reviewer: FireFliesForMJ Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 03, 2014 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 5

I truly love this chapter! I love how I/She and Michael get along easily. Great chapter and well writen! Much love,


~Sarah, <333

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, darling! I'm s glad you love it! Things will only get better for guy guys in the next few chapters. stayed tuned and let me hear your thoughts!



Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 03, 2014 06:42 pm Title: Chapter 5

That was so funny to read! Yay progress!

Author's Response:

progress indeed! glad you had fun! <3



Reviewer: hejcslm Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 30, 2014 07:06 pm Title: Chapter 4

Yay! Much better!!! XD Sucks cuz she (Or me lolololol I suppose) had an awesome first impression, terrible second impression and a restart with our idol all in a few days .That's the way life goes I suppose! ^_^  I'm waiting for more secrets to unravel. Geez, I'm so excited already! XD Great chapter!!! :-)

Author's Response:

Thank you very much, dear!! Lol yeah, you're a bit of a rollercoaster, huh? Secrets will gradually be revealed as the story goes on. I'm so glad you're excited! I look forward to hearing your thoughts later on. Things are going to get interesting! ;)

Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 30, 2014 06:10 pm Title: Chapter 4

Glad that worked out. I'm more curious now.

Author's Response:

Lovely! Glad I have your interest. Let's try not to mess this do-over up, yeah? lol. See you next chapter!


Reviewer: hejcslm Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2014 06:32 am Title: Chapter 3

Well, our MG was being drunk and very very mean to Michael. It's one thing if she's sassy, another if she's mean and aggresive. There Michael was, defending her and taking care of her, and she instantly jumped to the worst. Plus, what happened to him being her "kind idol" or her "angel"? She needs to get out of that state of mind of hers. It's not coolio at all.  Buuuuuttt also, I have a feelin Mikey can relate sorta to this, because he has a habit of pushing others away so hmmmmm. <_< >_>

XDXD Alex and Sammy, they're so funny! lol They probably plagued Mj's vision, but still hilarious. Awesome chapter!!!! :-)))))

Author's Response:

Boy, do i love hearing from you! :D I love to hear your thoughts throughout the story. 

i'm happy you've taken a liking to Sammy and Alex; I've become a little attached to them myself in writing this fic. And their antics don't stop here, trust me! expect to see more (cough, cough) action from them in the furture! 

Yes, the MG does have some issues. And yes, i do feel bad for Michael for what he's had to put up with so far 0:) She's not going to be an easy one to tackle, but it'll be quite the ride, if i do say so myself. And your right: she and Michael have far more in common than he realizes right now. i wonder how things will carry on from here...? lol.

I'm so glad to have heard from you again, dear! i look forward to more comments and thoughts from you. See you next chapter! 



Reviewer: damonikalovesmj Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 27, 2014 01:45 am Title: Chapter 3

Wow it's crazy. I wonder what's up with the prostetic leg? Hmm.

Author's Response:

Oh, there's more where that came from! What Michael did manage to see is just the beginning. 

Glad i got you roped in. Thanks so much for your review. Hope to see you next chapter!


Reviewer: hejcslm Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 11, 2014 09:26 pm Title: Chapter 2

Lol You shouldn't be suprised by the feedback, your writing is terrific! :-)) lolXD If  feeback is sustenance, I'm gonna supply you with a buffet! XD That was corny but corn is good. MG (Or us I should say) is a bit rude to strangers. I like her! XD Because who really wants to be stuck in an awkwars moment with random celebs? No one! Plus I think she made a great impression on MJ, and I'm hoping it'll stay that way. XD Great chapter! 

Author's Response: Aww, you are such a sweetheart!! You have no idea how much your kind words make me smile! (and i'm kinda looking forward to that buffet lol) I'm very glad you enjoy my writing and style. it means so much to have someone say that :D Yes, i had a lot of fun writing this character. i hope everyone else is having as much fun as we are XD well, i look forward to hearing from you again. thanks so much for your feedback. til next time! xoxo

Reviewer: hejcslm Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 11, 2014 05:54 am Title: Chapter 1

I'm really really impressed by this story! Your word choice is really good, I love how you use your vocab and how descriptive you are. Plus how you capture the MG's insecurities so well, its really well done, because every girl gets like that, we ppint out our flaws and we hate them. Also, MichaelxReaders are, in my opnion, extremely hard to do as it is. I'm really lookind forward to more, you're off  to a phenomonal start!

Reviewer: Kunda Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 10, 2014 11:31 pm Title: Chapter 1

More more more! Your writing is superb!

Author's Response:

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will send the next chapter within the next day or so. I'm so glad you like!!!

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