Date: Apr 13, 2014 05:35 am Title: Chapter 29
I HATE KEVIN!!!! That little twat has GOT to be up to something!! I'm willing to bet that he's Carlos's little pawn/protege/minion or whatever and he's been fuckig with Chris all those years on Carlos's orders. And now that Chris is involved with Michael, he's using that to torture both of them! I think it's just a little TOO perfect that Kevin was the one to deliver Carlos's package and that he's the one offering suggestions to michael about how to handle it! And please, he 'likes' michael? Ha! I'm sure that's all just a ploy to get michael somewhat comfortable with him so he can really stab him in the back. Repeatedly. With a heated blade. But I also think he's jealous because in messing with Chris on Carlos's behalf, I think he fell for him and he knows he can't truly have him.
God, and michael's getting back on whatever drugs so he can CONCENTRATE? Come on! And he's trusting KEVIN to get him something? WTF??? Oh, man this is soooo not going to end well! Poor Michael! My poor baby!
As much as I'm loving the suspense and the angst and the drama, this is also so painful to endure! Please send the next update soon! I can't be left wondering like this for long!!! GAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Apr 11, 2014 07:21 pm Title: Chapter 28
Okay this can't be good!! An envelope from Carlos?? How the hell did Kevin get it?? And is michael going to be okay? He really REALLY doesn't seem like he's doing very well. I hope Chris comes back in time before something bad happens! And I got a baaaaad feeling about Kevin. And something tells me we haven't even begun to see the last of Carlos... Can't wait to see what's next!! Update soon, please!
Date: Apr 11, 2014 09:52 am Title: Chapter 28
Yay! You updated! Great story, I wonder what is in the envelope???? Coming from Carlos, it can't be good at all! :(( I hope Chris hurries up, Mike needs you! Looking forward to the next chapter, great work!!
Date: Apr 11, 2014 05:43 am Title: Chapter 28
Loved this chapter.... I hope Michael gets better soon and Chris comes home soon too..... Update soon please.
Date: Apr 03, 2014 02:58 pm Title: Chapter 27
Awww poor Mike....Update soon please
Author's Response:
Update coming soon! :)
Date: Apr 03, 2014 04:09 am Title: Chapter 27
Awwww! I hate to admit it, but I really like Jackie right now!! That's so awesome and somehow I know she can be trusted with everything mike is sharing with her and going through.
lol boy did I enjoy the beginning of this chapter! Ooh-la-la indeed! I can't wait til things REALLY start happening; both Chris and Michael deserve some happiness already! Something tells me this is far from over, though! Ooh, I'm getting chills just anticipating what's to come. I'm so excited for the next chapter! You have no idea how awesome you are! Loves! <3 xoxo
Author's Response:
Update coming soon! I always look forward to your reviews! <3
Date: Mar 20, 2014 03:28 pm Title: Chapter 26
Oh my god. And I thought it couldn't be worse... I'm glad Michael decided to be strong for Chris because he really needs it. I hope everything will be alright for them and for Chris' child!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response:
So glad to have you reading again! I Missed your reviews! <3
Date: Mar 19, 2014 04:04 pm Title: Chapter 9
“What? If you got it you should flaunt it.” YYYESS CHRIS!
Date: Mar 17, 2014 07:49 pm Title: Chapter 26
Emotional and smooth writing as always. I am so pleased to see Michael helping Chris and I know he is always happy with the ability to help someone. This also reminds me of how influential he actually could be in social relationships. Thank you for making this story endlessly intriguing. <3
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading! :) <3 You encourage me greatly.
Date: Mar 17, 2014 01:04 pm Title: Chapter 26
More, More, MORE!! Please :D
Date: Mar 17, 2014 08:17 am Title: Chapter 26
Ah! This is getting very twisty and intense. Makin' my brain spin.
Very good writing - now hurry up and make this scary incident fixed!
Date: Mar 16, 2014 04:03 am Title: Chapter 25
AAAAAWWWW! it's Michael's turn to be strong! <3 <3 Some balance - i love it! I can't wait to hear what the deal is about this Carlos guy. Hmm....sounds like there's more to this than some bad memories that Michael repressed. I'm dying of curiosity! Can't wait to read what happens next! <3 xoxo
Date: Mar 13, 2014 07:02 pm Title: Chapter 25
I love your writing. How you elaborate on the scenes makes them touching and fascinating. Your story reads like a breeze. Tender, gentle and sensitive. I love this chapter so much. It makes my heart overflow with the feeling of love and warmth. The love between Michael and Chris is so good and makes me moved. I definitely give you thumbs up!!! Love you. <3
Author's Response:
Thank you. <3 You write the kindest things! I love your reviews!
Date: Mar 12, 2014 06:38 pm Title: Chapter 24
“Why do I seem to attract overly talkative, jabbering people? “ Not kidding, this sentence did make me laugh out loud! Haha. So cute! Kevin’s behavior is unpredictable and I wish Kevin stops playing tricks on Michael. He may mislead Michael into thinking that he is worthy of trust and I really do not want Kevin to hurt Michael a little bit. What happened to Chris? It gets me nervous. Maybe Michael will help him get through it? I am very glad to find your update. Hope you did enjoy your travel. <3
Date: Mar 12, 2014 02:16 pm Title: Chapter 24
Oh no!!!