Date: Apr 29, 2014 04:19 am Title: Chapter 1
Thanks for the update. As a female part of me hates to love this story...but loves the't wait for the next chapter. You are an excellent writer
Date: Apr 28, 2014 10:28 am Title: Chapter 33
Very beautiful chapter. So romantic.
And Michael doesn't like 'em girly, eh? lol
Date: Apr 26, 2014 01:19 pm Title: Chapter 33
Noooo! not a cliff hanger
Author's Response:
Buwahahahahahaha!!! <3
Date: Apr 26, 2014 04:05 am Title: Chapter 1
Excellent writing again. Thanks for the recent update...can't wait for more
Author's Response:
I am so glad that you enjoy it! :-) I know that slash is not for everyone so thank you for being open minded and reading. <3
Date: Apr 26, 2014 02:09 am Title: Chapter 33
Gggaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! WHAT DID CHRIS TELL HIM???? IT'S NOT FAIR! I wanna see what's next!!! PLEEEEEEEEASE!!! Things are getting better! Chris is back, Kevin is handled, I HOPE we've seen the last of's time for Michael and Chris to be happy!! When's that gonna happen?? PLEASE TELL US!!!!!! Xoxoxoxo
Author's Response:
hehe!! Don't worry! It won't be too long until you find out! ;-)
Date: Apr 21, 2014 06:15 am Title: Chapter 1
OMG nooooo! Kevin I hate you! How could you???!! Poor Michael, I'm so scared for him, please let him make ;((
I need an update like right now lol
Date: Apr 21, 2014 04:18 am Title: Chapter 1
I didn't think I would like a story where Michael was interested in m/m relationship I must say I was wrong. Your writing is great.
Date: Apr 20, 2014 06:41 pm Title: Chapter 32
Oh my freaking God! Lord Jesus naaaawwwwwa! Why Kevin? Why you outta be so vengeful?! That ain't on gon help nuthhin! :'O I hope Michael pulls out of this.
Date: Apr 20, 2014 11:25 am Title: Chapter 32
Please don't be dead please don't be dead
update soon please
Date: Apr 17, 2014 05:46 am Title: Chapter 31
Damn it Michael! No don't do it. this next dose might be fatal! 😡
Update soon please
Date: Apr 15, 2014 09:44 pm Title: Chapter 30
Damn Drugs GRRR.... Where the hell is Chris?! For Christ sake, safe your man. He's dying here!! Great Chapter
Date: Apr 15, 2014 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 1
ugh Michael!! I have to say, I'm scared for him :(( Poor Michael having to deal with Kevin and Carlos all by himself, be careful Mike!!! Where are you Chris??? Hurry back!
Update soon! :D
Date: Apr 15, 2014 10:26 am Title: Chapter 30
Date: Apr 15, 2014 03:54 am Title: Chapter 30
Oh god.... Not good. Not good at ALL! Damn it, Michael's gonna end up in the ICU if he keeps this up! Or worse, news of his condition is going to fall in the wrong hands!! And I have a feeling it already has. Right now I'm not settled on whether Kevin is carlos's pawn, or if he has motives of his own in order to get Chris back - and hence therefore sabotaging michael. Either way, michael just does not have the capacity to handle everything that he's got on his plate alone. When is Chris coming back? Michael needs him!
Date: Apr 13, 2014 08:16 am Title: Chapter 29
Please don't break Chris's heart Michael......Be careful
Update soon please