Date: May 17, 2014 05:41 pm Title: Chapter 36
WOW!!! That was amazing it brought tears to my eyes every word every emotion was perfect. You are a very talented writer I can't wait for more!!!
Date: May 17, 2014 05:17 pm Title: Chapter 37
That last sentence tho.....One word -kinky...
Date: May 14, 2014 05:49 am Title: Chapter 36!
My brain is fried right now. So many emotions, so many feels...I had tears in my eyes reading the whole thing! It was so beautiful, sensual, so full of genuine love! I've been waiting for this moment and now that it's finally here, I don't think it could have been constructed any better!! Michael found his soulmate and finally became one with him! I hope this means he's going to be happy, now! They both deserve it! There's so much love between them! I can barely take it! Very beautiful job! Your updates always make my day! Much love.xoxoxoxoxo
Date: May 13, 2014 10:44 pm Title: Chapter 36
This was so beautiful! Such a buildup to this moment and the reward was well worth the wait, lol. I love how you painted such intense love and romance here instead of rushing to get to the sexy time. I could really feel the emotions humming so vivdly with energy.
Really lovely, keep it up! ^_^
Date: May 10, 2014 09:32 am Title: Chapter 36
Brought tears to my eyes....
Date: May 10, 2014 04:17 am Title: Chapter 1 well written. You are a very talented writer. Can't wait for more.
Date: May 05, 2014 09:33 pm Title: Chapter 35
Wow! This chapter acually brought tears to my eyes! This was such aromantic chapter! call me a sap, but I dig this stuff! They truly love each other! And I think Michael loved Chris for far longer than he realized - I'd say that even dates back the 30 years to their first date. He just needed to realize it.
Very excellently done, as always. I'll keep waiting for more! I can't get enough of this story! <3
Date: May 05, 2014 09:22 pm Title: Chapter 35
I can't even...that was beautiful...I'm speechless. You write so beautifully.
Date: May 05, 2014 12:41 pm Title: Chapter 35
That was soo beautiful! Seriously - absolutely amazing!!! I've got tears rolling down my face. Thank you so much for writing this story! :) xxx
Author's Response:
Aww <3 I actually kinda of cried writing it becuase I guess we all want someone like Michael. Someone who remembers stuff we didn't know we were telling them. Thank you for reading, doll! <3
Date: May 05, 2014 08:16 am Title: Chapter 1
Another great update. I was waiting for the next chapter to arrive. Now I will wait for the next one
Date: May 05, 2014 06:31 am Title: Chapter 35
Awww they are so cute...
Date: May 01, 2014 04:31 pm Title: Chapter 5
I really wanna know more about Chris and Kevin story !
Date: May 01, 2014 04:17 pm Title: Chapter 1
It's my first comment on this site ! I would like to say that your story is amazing ! I don't alaways understand all the meaning (I'm French ; ) ) but this story is hanging ! I wait for the last chapter so much ! I'm impatient for the following !Finally the scene that I expect from this couple absolutly beautiful, touching and sexy ! I love stories where Michael has a relationship like this with a man, they are so rare !
Date: Apr 30, 2014 12:36 am Title: Chapter 34
Holy guacamole frijoles, you are a brilliant writer.
I have to be honest and say that at first, I was wary because Michael seemed like such an asshole. But as the story progressed I found that I couldn't stop reading even though Michael would royally piss me off at times. You made your Michael a dynamic character and he's progressed a lot over the course of this story. Now he feels like the guy I love so dearly.
I adore Chris as a character and I think he is just perfectly matched for Michael. It's beautiful how devoted he is to Mike, and while I certainly feel the frustration Michael feels I understand Chris's perspective completely.
I wish Michael could have had someone like Chris in his life for real, but it seems he never found his soulmate. And I honestly wonder if he would have had better luck with guys than woman. (which is something I couldn't say on a typical MJ board without someone biting my face off, unfortunately)
It's really refreshing to see characters so fleshed out and you really have a way with painting tension, romance and sensuality. So far there's been a lot of angst and tension, so I'm really looking forward to romance ahead, lol. Your writing is so visceral that I can feel the heat and butterflies and the shaky breathes, it's really beautiful, and especially because Chris and Michael are so in love.
It was hard for me to stomach the encounters Michael had with Kevin and Jackie because the love wasn't there. I wanted to smack Michael every time he considered touching anyone but Chris, lol. It's so nice to see a story that is ultimately built upon an intense romance as opposed to a swift, fleeting and shallow sexual encounter.
I just have to say bravo and I look forward to their "date." ^_^
Date: Apr 29, 2014 05:16 pm Title: Chapter 34
Yikes! I'm with Michael!! Damn this is frustrating! I do see Chris's point though, and boy he's doing a damn good job at getting his point across to him. It's about time these two get time to work on their relationship. Yay! A real date is coming up!! I'm glad Michael's finally getting comfortable with everything. But wow, I'm feeling his frustration from here! Lol I'm so glad I'm not a man! Anyways, I'm so happy these two are finally moving forward. I can't wait to see how they continue to build. :) this will be good for both of them! Excellent work, as always! Looking forward to the next piece!
p.s. I'm kind of afraid of the answer, but...just what did happen to Carlos? After the photos got released and everything? Something tells me he didn't take that lying down...