Date: Jan 02, 2014 04:15 pm Title: WHEN I SEE YOU
this is reaally cute Michael complementing her hair shows he has been noticing her. get it Royce.
I like Mrs. Flora's character also. cant wait to see how this pans out.
Author's Response:
thanx. :D
I like Mrs. Flora too. She's going to have some funny moments in here.
Date: Dec 31, 2013 03:07 pm Title: WHEN I SEE YOU
I really really like it!!!! Please continue! :)
Author's Response:
I def will be continuing. thanx for your review :D
Date: Dec 30, 2013 02:02 pm Title: WHEN I SEE YOU
Yes! Finally a story that doesn't take place in a highschool setting. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there isn't anything wrong with the highschool stories on this board but let's just say college Michael is much more appealing for someone who has been out of highschool for a couple of years and could better relate.
But anyways, I am very much intrigued by your story! And it seems Michael has been paying more attention to her than she thinks...
Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
lol. yeah I totally agree with you about the HS stories. college mike is sexier though.
thanx for reviewing too. cause I was kinda worrying no one would read.
Date: Dec 30, 2013 11:28 am Title: WHEN I SEE YOU
I LOOOOOOOOOOOVEE IT! Update soon! Love Royce's character! And you're a great writer! Love, love, love!
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda in the mood for some Fantasia now! (lol). Continue please!
Author's Response:
thanx very much.
I love Tasia. i was actually listening to her song when I was writing.