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Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 04, 2014 02:42 pm Title: Chapter 27 YOU HEAL ME AND MAKE ALL THE PAIN GO AWAY

I'm glad Cassie was able to take care of everything so quickly and they can all go home for good soon. I hope Michael recovers soon!

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 04, 2014 09:45 am Title: Chapter 26 HOW DID YOU GET HERE?

I LOVE this story!! It took me all of yesterday and all of this morning to get caught up but it was worth the time!! I can't wait to read the next chapter! :)

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 30, 2013 09:45 pm Title: Chapter 24 EVERYONE HAS THEIR BREAKING POINT

She has got to go to him - I'm a big believer in throwing caution to the wind and following true love. I did it and it's the best thing that happened to me. To hell with work and consequences - I don't understand why people hold off until the timing's "perfect". That's just me. I grab the opportunity and go with the flow.


Sign the business over, repack everything that's just been unpacked, and get on the next damned flight back to him!

Author's Response:

Keep the responses coming.  I'll write more later in the mean time I'll keep you guessing whats happening next.  Whats your favorite moment?  I must admit I was kinda happy when I threw in the speechless chapter..didnt see that one coming same with his getting hurt.  woke up this morning and came up with that.  I never know what direction my mind will take me.  Glad you are enjoying it.

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 30, 2013 08:34 pm Title: Chapter 23 ITS SO HARD TO SAY GOODBYE

My ass has not moved from this seat since I started chapter 1 - I've been completely hooked and caught up in this drama. Right now I'm wiping tears away and dodging questions from my husband about what's made me cry!!


Please keep this story going, bring Cassie back and give them a life together. She needs that. Michael needs that. And so do your readers xx

Reviewer: Kunda Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 28, 2013 06:51 pm Title: Chapter 10 ARE YOU AWAKE?

You write really fast. I like this. But girl it's hard to keep up haha. Take your time. Your writing is nice.

Author's Response:

Thanks. I wrote all but the last chapter over the past month so I've only been editing and uploading today. I am still working on the next chapter   I have a lot more story in my head and know where I want to go with Cassie and Michael  if people like then I'll write more. I've never written before its kinda fun. Glad you are enjoying I hope you like the rest 

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