Reviews For To Belong
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Reviewer: MJJaddict Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 12, 2014 06:38 am Title: Chapter 8

I think that right now is probably a little too early for them to have a fight. Wait until things get a little more serious between the two, and they both start having real complicating problems that could trigger a fight, you know? But still, great chapter!! I'm really lovin this lol :)

Reviewer: MJJaddict Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 09, 2014 09:22 am Title: Chapter 1 Dude. DUDE. THIS IS AMAZING!! I just...

gif thing

I couldn't stop reading it, and trust me, my attention span is pretty low. There's honestly only a handful of stories that I can take, and from the get-go, reading this just made me smile and laugh the whole time. I LOVE Michael and Mackenzie together :) They seem just right for eachother. Keep up the great work, hun. This is fantastic <3

Author's Response:

You're too kind! 

Haha, but thanks though!^-^

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 08, 2014 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 7

Lordy I love this!!! Mac is epic!! And michael's like a five year old with his crush 😍😍😍 he is too damn sweet!!
Ah luv thiss girlllll publish again soon please!!!!

Author's Response:

LOL! I swear you just made my morning.

I shall update before the day's over!😊

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Feb 08, 2014 08:30 pm Title: Chapter 6

Girl this is incredible!!!!!! I LOVE IT!! So hot and cute and aahhhgh i just love it to death!!

Reviewer: MichaelManiac Signed [Report This]
Date: Feb 04, 2014 04:59 am Title: Chapter 6

This is a really nice story. It's like a burst of fresh air in a hot stuffy room. The hot stuffy room being this website full of boring, cliche, sex- crazed stories. It's good to read a story about a wholesome relationship and not all about sex. I don't think you should add a naughty scene in for a while. I know that's what seems to attract readers but your story is way too sweet I feel like it would just ruin things. Please let Michael and Mackenzie's relationship grow. I look forward to reading more of this story!! Keep u the goo work.

Author's Response:

Your words are too kind!(':

I'll give them some time. 

Reviewer: Kbbird22 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2014 07:45 pm Title: Chapter 5

I personally think that If you put an adult scene in there, it will be to soon. I like the rate the story is going at, it seems good and steady for a good story. Nice job so far!

Reviewer: BrittBratt96 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2014 05:18 pm Title: Chapter 5

Guuuurrrrl! Cut up then!!!

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 21, 2014 02:17 pm Title: Chapter 5

Omg yas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They so should!!! :D

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2014 01:29 pm Title: Chapter 4

Aww, realize you both feel the same way for each other already!! -_- Hope they don't get in trouble for her staying the night. :p

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2014 11:46 am Title: Chapter 4

Awh this is so sweeet!!! Now they just need to express their love. :D

Reviewer: mackerrs Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 30, 2013 01:11 pm Title: Chapter 3

awh why would you go on a date with someone when youre already seeeing Michael and youre perfect together..... go and save her mike!

Author's Response:


Lol thanks for the review!xx

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 30, 2013 10:35 am Title: Chapter 3

I hope I don't sound horrible for saying this, but...........I'M GLAD HER DATE APPARENTLY SUCKED!! I don't even want to think about a bunch of other guys/girls getting involved and taking them forever to realize they're meant for each other. -_-

Author's Response:

I almost had the date go well, but I changed it last minute! 

Haha thanks for the review!xx

& Happy New Year!

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 29, 2013 07:07 am Title: Chapter 2

Aww, I loved this chapter! I loved the part with the older couple at ihop. Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Reviewer: LouieLlama Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 28, 2013 07:40 pm Title: Chapter 2

They're in love. XD

Reviewer: Rizzo87 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Dec 28, 2013 03:37 pm Title: Chapter 1

Aww, that was a sweet interaction. Looking forward to reading more!

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