Date: Jan 07, 2014 10:13 am Title: The Box
I hope he wasn't! I know they aren't ready to take that step yet, but I'm hoping it's not too far off in the future. ;)
Author's Response:
oh most definitely.. but patience.. patience is key! ;)
Date: Jan 07, 2014 08:08 am Title: Does the World Hate Abbey Today?
My really does love to fuck with her. Thank goodness she has Michael or else I think she'd just give up and crawl in a hole and die. o.O
His response to her saying "fuck me" was hilarious, by the way. ;p
Author's Response:
oh ik poor abbey ... :( she needs michael so bad and he needs her lol... oh ik michael has quite the sense of humor... idk if he was kidding tho.. ;)
Date: Jan 04, 2014 10:49 pm Title: Don't watch that!
Lol it is cute! And I am prepared.... I hope :)
Author's Response:
lol i hope you are too. thanks for the review and read :)
Date: Jan 04, 2014 09:31 pm Title: Don't watch that!
I've always wondered what it would be like to be an imagineer! I would LOVE to work for Disney! Screw scholarships and sports! Do you, Abbey!! ;)
Author's Response:
seriously! be you ab, be you lol...... :) thanks for the review yet again
Date: Jan 04, 2014 09:01 pm Title: The Box
Absolutely! That makes it interesting. However, there are stories that just have chapter after chapter of it and you're just like.....ugh, their relationship sucks! How can they even stand each other now?! ;p lol
Author's Response:
yes! I completely understand. the girl at least needs to have some chemistry and likes/dislikes as mike! some youre like oh.. hahaha lol whatever :)
Date: Jan 04, 2014 08:53 pm Title: The Box
Aww, well, I meant it! I love it and you're a very good writer. I like happy, love stories. It's nice not to see a story with angst around every corner. That can just get downright depressing. :p
Author's Response:
awh thank you so much! It means a lot! I really appreciate it and i try to make it happy but every happy story needs to have some bumpy parts :p
Date: Jan 04, 2014 05:00 pm Title: The Box
YAY!! Looking forward to it! It's my pleasure when the story is awesome and entertaining! <3
Author's Response:
awh omg you think my story is awesome and entertaining *sobs*! omg you just made me sooo happy :D
Date: Jan 04, 2014 02:00 pm Title: I Don't Know Anything
AHHHHHHHHH!!! You enjoy keeping me in suspense way too much!! ;p What is Abby hiding?! Ugh....please update soon so I don't go crazy! :p And Michael is so sweet and cute! ^_^
Author's Response:
hahaha im trying not to!! and youll see what shes hiding and ill update by tonight!! thanks for your awesome reviews
Date: Jan 04, 2014 01:36 pm Title: I Don't Know Anything
Mmmmmmmmm someone is hiding something. I still am curious in hire he got there
Author's Response:
yes she is hiding something and lol the whole point of the story is to figure out why he's there!!! lol
Date: Jan 04, 2014 12:05 pm Title: I Don't Know Anything
Awh poor Mikey.
Author's Response:
ik poor thing :( thanks for the review and read!
Date: Jan 02, 2014 10:42 am Title: Scars and Bruises, Bruises and Scars
I have a similar scar from softball. O_O Anyway.... I love it girl!!! Keep going.
Author's Response:
me too! haha yeah people thought I starting cutting... I was like my dominant hand is my right hand, she cleated me on my right hand, and I have three random jaged wounds... and I'm perfectly happy.. people are idiots.... anyways thanks for the review and I'll be updating a lot cause I just got my wisdom teeth taken out soo :)
Date: Jan 01, 2014 07:55 pm Title: The Box
Well, we can't ALL be awesome. ;)
Author's Response:
you are so right!!! I think they are all blind ;)
Date: Jan 01, 2014 07:33 pm Title: The Box
Haha...I guess I need to get one, too. Although, I'm quite content to spend so much of my time on MJ. ;)
Author's Response:
yeah seriously...... I'm quite content as well.... wish my friends were too!! hahaha lol ;)
Date: Jan 01, 2014 07:29 pm Title: The Box
Oh yes, there are those. ;) I'm pretty sure there's a video on youtube that's just a collection of all the times he did that move. lol
Author's Response:
don't worry... I've already seen them... ;) I like em..... I need to get a life lol
Date: Jan 01, 2014 07:23 pm Title: The Box
I agree...those skin tight black pants with all the buckles.......excuse me while I drool!! lol
Author's Response:
wooo..... my thoughts exactly..... meow.... plus the pelvic thrusts.... holy ;)