Date: May 09, 2014 10:06 pm Title: Physical Therapy
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue!!!!!!!! i missed you):):):):):):):):)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3 she was jerking him off:):):):):):)::)):):):):)
Date: Apr 06, 2014 05:09 am Title: Nightmares
Wow....poor Abbey. Joey is a grade A asshole! ;(
Also, that was sooooooo mean of Abbey to tease Michael. But oh so funny! LOL
Author's Response:
abbey has quite a few problems... poor thing and yeah you'll really hate Joey in this story. he always wasn't like that tho, which you'll figure out later. haha ik I feel bad for Michael but abbey is terrible but really funny. ahahha abbeys a kidder. thanks for the review. I appreciate it sooo much!
Date: Apr 05, 2014 08:46 pm Title: Nightmares
Poor Abbey! She almost got raped!!!!!
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue
when are they gonna make love???
Author's Response:
oh ik, poor abbey! shes too sweet and cute to be raped and hurt. :/ and ill try to update as soon as possible! oh, you have to be patient, patience is key ;) you will be rewarded greatly if you're patient (hint, hint)
Date: Mar 17, 2014 12:28 pm Title: Coming Home
Mean cliffy!! Can't wait for the next chapter! ;)
Also, I have a question: Will Michael eventually be sent back to live his original timeline(with a change to his future, of course)? And will he then track Abbey down again in the present, as his older self?
Author's Response:
yeahhhh I'm a fan of keeping the audience on their feet, if you haven't noticed... ;) and you'll just have to keep reading to see, your question will most definitely be answered. promise you that ;)
Date: Mar 17, 2014 12:13 pm Title: Come Together, Team
Aww, her relationship with Brooke is sweet. :)
Author's Response:
I really love their relationship ... :) abbey and Brooke adore each other
Date: Mar 17, 2014 12:03 pm Title: In a Daze
Wes is really REALLY irritating. o_O
Author's Response:
hahahaha oh Wesley.... I don't if you caught this part, but he is friends with Joey.... that could be a or bad thing and thanks for the review!
Date: Mar 17, 2014 11:57 am Title: I Think the Meds Wore Off
I have been MIA for a while. Please forgive me. I'm getting caught up now though! I feel so bad for Abbey. :(
Author's Response:
I missed you!!! and you're quite forgiven! and I hope you're enjoying this story! and yeah I feel bad for abbey too... :/ thank you so much for your wonderful reviews!
Date: Mar 16, 2014 07:13 pm Title: Coming Home
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy tttttthhhhhhannnnnkkkkkkk you!!! hahaha i will when i get the chance :) thank you very much for your review! i appreciate that
Date: Jan 28, 2014 07:37 pm Title: In a Daze
YAS!!! You finally updated!!! :D Yay! I love it girl! Anotha!
Author's Response:
thank you! :) i appreciate your reviews very much!
Date: Jan 19, 2014 04:15 pm Title: I Think the Meds Wore Off
Awh Abbey. :( Imagine what Mikey will do..... O_O Lovin it!!!!! Please update soon.
Author's Response:
I feel so bad for poor abbey.... and ohh michael is gonna be a hot mess like usual... and I'll update as soon as I can! thanks for the review!! :)
Date: Jan 16, 2014 04:26 pm Title: Breaking Down and She's Delusional
Good Lord. When you described Mikey's body I was like "WHAT ARE OVARIES!!!" lol I love it girl!!! Keep on going.
Author's Response:
haha lol... ahh yeah. I could stare at that body for all of my life... :) and thank you for your review and read!
Date: Jan 12, 2014 09:53 am Title: Breaking Down and She's Delusional
LOL.....Wow, gotta love anesthesia!
Author's Response:
oh tell me about it... abbey is a mess! but you gotta love her
Date: Jan 12, 2014 07:20 am Title: Breaking Down and She's Delusional
Aye men abbey! Lol don't we all. But poor michael :( I just want to hug him tight
Author's Response:
lol gotta love abbey hahaha oh and ik..... I feel so bad for michael :(
Date: Jan 11, 2014 09:00 pm Title: The Box
Yo this is great ..Im asking can I make your banner!!!
Also I need you to describe the girl you know (Eye color, race etc)
What's Michael era in this story!
Author's Response:
awh thank you and of course wow thanks! Lets see uhh I made Abbey look like one of my best friends soo she is very little like 5'3.. she has beautiful hazel eyes.. long thick brown hair... kind of a defined jawline and when she smiles more defined... full cheeks... she has freckles and i think very pretty.. shes also white... also she has very white teeth i have a picture but i meannn
Date: Jan 07, 2014 05:51 pm Title: Does the World Hate Abbey Today?
Omg! Abbey!!!!?? I hope she is okay but Michael is about to flip! And I mean break down! The man calling him.... Knew who he was.... Really? Wow... Something is not adding up.
Author's Response:
oooh someone is catching on... ;) good job haha thanks for the review!