Date: Jun 14, 2014 01:35 pm Title: Aftermath
Wait, hold up! No way could this be the end of his journey! I'm sincerely hoping there will be a sequel to this... and plus Michael at 50... well he certainly did not lose his sexiness. Like fine wine I tell ya! Lmao
I have to say,I definitely enjoyed this story from start to finish. Although I do wish we could've enjoyed Mike and Jade's relationship just a little bit longer. Nevertheless, this was a great read and I loved it. Looking forward to reading more of your work!
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I do have other, older stories on the site. Most of them are short stories, but feel free to check them out.
Date: Jun 13, 2014 04:44 pm Title: Introduction
I really enjoy your story; I think you should do a 2nd part of the story. I know MJ would be in he's 50's but; he's still gorgeous & fabulous anything that keeps our Michael ALIVE and Happy works for me. Maybe it should start AFTER All this chapters of his life: the STUPID FALSE charges & RIDICULOUS trial he fought many voids. He gets blessed and huge energy with the birth of his kids. Then JC reveals that at the 50th yr of a mortal life if he feeds as he told him for his fans one last time he wouldn't need any more no matter what . He comes up with This is It. He did the 10 shows only and now he is coming home to be daddy and rest. Jade umm he is letting the older children go to school but blanket is still shy so he wants to still be homeschooled and he's new teacher is Jade. Something like I'm not as good a writer like you just an idea. Keep on writing u do it well. Michael & JadeL.O.V.E ;)
Date: Jun 13, 2014 03:18 pm Title: Introduction
Yes! He is precious!
Date: Jun 13, 2014 02:22 pm Title: Q&A
Ooh, I love mature Mike! Sequel!
Author's Response: There is a certain charm about him, isn't there?
Date: Jun 13, 2014 11:11 am Title: Aftermath
Okay okay okay! Hold up! U HAVE to write a sequel....something to show Jade's return! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase. Haha. Would you at least considerate though? I know a lot of people would love it if you did! :D
Anyway, that was an incredible story. I love how you tied everything between his life and being a reincarnate in the story together. I can actually imagine something like that happening. Where did this idea come from girl?!
Date: Jun 13, 2014 09:27 am Title: Aftermath
I wonder what Jade is going to look like and I wonder if they'll ever cross paths again. Can't wait for more! :)
Date: Jun 12, 2014 03:39 pm Title: Transformation
Oh my, they finally got it in! And here I thought something bad was happening to Michael but after that lil episode, he was ready for round 2! Imagine that!
So what was that all about? Was that him trying to control himself? Is that what J.C was talking about... him potentially hurting Jade? And through an orgasm? or I'm assuming it was the after effects of sex?
Btw, your imagination is wild and I love it! J.C ? Voids? Entities? This story is so different and absolutely amazing. Keep it up!
Author's Response: That was Michael controlling the power surge. Through the whole story he's had trouble keeping his power in check. Had his burst come through, Jade would have been disintegrated. As for Jade, her merging her spirit energy with his physical energy is what let his power start leaking through. Her merging energies with him in the "ultimate" way is what unlocked him fully. Especially since it was by choice and he was opening himself up to it.
Date: Jun 12, 2014 03:32 pm Title: Showdown
That happened so quick I had to read it again! I can't believe it, things were just getting good with Michael and Jade. Their "relationship" had just begun and this is what happens. I'm devastated... even though she survived she would have to be reborn someplace else... away from Michael. Darn you voids! *shakes fist* I'm just gonna need some time to process this... this chapter was so good but so bad. :(
Author's Response: Yeah. Unfortunately I knew this would happen from the moment I started writing.
Date: Jun 12, 2014 03:12 pm Title: Showdown
Again, brilliant. Just brilliant.
I feel sorry for Michael but like J.C. Said he did the right thing. I shall be patient again. But still can't wait for more! :D
Author's Response: I'm going to try and post some more tomorrow. But I don't know how much more story there will be. If you've read my other stories, you know how I like a definite ending.
Date: Jun 12, 2014 02:35 pm Title: Showdown
Reborn? Oh man, he won't see her years then right? I hope she does find him and somehow, someway....she remembers something about him.
Great chapter.
Author's Response: Who knows? Being reborn is a tricky thing.
Date: Jun 12, 2014 01:51 pm Title: Showdown
awwww! That's too sad!
Author's Response: I know.
Date: Jun 12, 2014 01:05 pm Title: Transformation
More please! :)
Author's Response: lol You read fast!
Date: Jun 12, 2014 12:20 pm Title: Assurances
Michaels getting stronger. And I got a feeling that I know how they're going to hurt him. Off to read the next chapter now! Lol
Author's Response: Sure about that?
Date: Jun 12, 2014 11:46 am Title: Transformation
LAWD mikey made Jade feel like a woman XD omg THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I LOVED IT!! EEEE publish again soon girl, I'm so excited!!
Author's Response: lol I'm working on my last one for the day.
Date: Jun 12, 2014 11:23 am Title: Transformation
Author's Response: Yes....indeed.....