Date: Dec 13, 2013 06:15 am Title: Chapter 1
Do you have an email I can send it to? I put the story on Evernote, screenshotted it on my iPad, and then wrote and underlined all over it on paint lol, so it's one big picture, and I doubt you want me to upload a critique onto this website for everyone to see.
You're just soo nice :D thank you!! And I'm so sorry for the late reply, laziness caught with me :( anyways, please don't laugh when you see my email address >.> I was really bored and as google suggeted the name, I took it...and it is (again, please don't laugh T.T ) P.S - And thanks again :D
Author's Response:
Date: Dec 12, 2013 07:57 am Title: Chapter 1
I felt it necessary ^_^ haha Its so true though, this is amazing. I love it so much!!
Author's Response:
*blush* Thank you so much! :D And as I have said before, you're much more amazing than me :DD and thanks again :)
Date: Dec 11, 2013 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 1
Aw god now I'm gonna start crying. But finally you started uploading your writing; I was so excited when it popped up in my inbox!
It's a great concept and you pulled it off beautifully. I caught a few minor things, though, like his death date (I feel bad for even bringing it up).
If you want, I can reread it and dive into a whole analysis of the story. It's short-not that that's a bad thing-so I think I can do it. But if I do it, then I want you to go through my stuff-critique it, point out dumb, awkward stuff that I wrote, the like.
And hey, don't ever say stuff like, 'Oh, the summary and the story sucks.' For one thing, that's not even true; this story was great.
Author's Response:
Really!? I can't believe it! My fav writer is really that excited!? OMG and sorry for not uploading anything earlier :( I just can't write prologues so....
...I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!!! HOW CAN I DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS D: thanks a lot for correcting :) but now I feel bad for Michael... :(
Really? Thank you so much :D I just love 'em critiques! But I'm not so good in critiquing people's :( but I'll try :D
Date: Dec 11, 2013 12:13 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh my GOOOOSH this storyyyy :'( its so beautifullllll, its like a dream... Its magic! I love this, how incredible are you???
Author's Response:
S-Seriously!!!???? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And you're MUCH more incredible than me!!! But, really, thanks a lot :DD I was thinking that I would get lots of flames cause there are THOUSANDS of people better than me :( But thanks for giving such an amzing review and for faving me :D