Date: Dec 18, 2013 07:55 pm Title: I Haven't Been So Happy In A Long Time...
Oooo I likey this a lawt ;)
Those two... Dawwww...
Date: Dec 17, 2013 06:38 pm Title: Vanity Fair
Continue please
Author's Response:
I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I'll update as soon as I can.
Date: Dec 16, 2013 12:36 pm Title: Performing
I enjoyed this chapter.
Jess and Michael are a sweet and cute couple
Date: Dec 16, 2013 04:11 am Title: I Haven't Been So Happy In A Long Time...
Such a beautiful chapter. Glad he has Jess to make him happy
Author's Response:
Thanks for your reviews!
Date: Dec 16, 2013 02:11 am Title: You Are My Life
What a lovely start to the chapter. Imagining Michael singing to you. Just beautiful
Date: Dec 14, 2013 10:08 pm Title: Last Day in D.C
Love this story....
Author's Response:
Thank you!
Date: Dec 14, 2013 12:36 pm Title: Last Day in D.C
Lovely little chapter! Few small spelling errors (rom instead of room ect) but apart from that, excellent.
I love Mac's character! So lovable :D
-Moll (ramble on girl!)
Author's Response:
Yeah, sorry about the spelling errors. I didn't spell check very throughly before I put up the chapter (laziness!).
I love Mac's character too. I love writing for him. It makes me laugh a lot.
Thanks for your review. I'm glad you liked the chapter.
Date: Dec 13, 2013 01:42 pm Title: Sexy Back
If you update all day everyday, it would make my life. Maybe tone down the sexytime? Two scenes in one chapter (one explained and one implied) I don't mind it, but chapters will get repetitive and boring if there's sex in every chapter. Maybe a big long scene every 3-4 chapters.
In no way am I saying it's boring now, just giving you a heads up. I hate giving reviews like 'great chapter!'. I find them... Pointless. Constructive criticism. Enough about me.
Keep it up girly!
Author's Response:
Thanks for your review. And I do appreciate constructive long as uts constructive!
I would LOVE to update every day. But I get busy sometimes. I will write a story for every day because thats what this story was meant to be in the first place. Even if I do end up being a few days late sometimes.
I write the sexy stuff a lot because I enjoy it and its fun. But I get where you're coming from. I won't do it every chapter. It gets repetitive even for me sometimes.
Anyway, im rambling now. I'm so glad you're enjoying this so far.
Date: Dec 12, 2013 12:09 pm Title: All I Want For Christmas Is You
You honestly don't have the recognition you deserve. This story is so well written, the use of similes, tags and crutches develop the characters really well. Perfect balance of reality with a little bit of make-believe, and I love every word of it. Keep up the great work girl! ;)
Author's Response:
You really made my day with your comment. Thank you so much. I'm glad you like it so far. I'm going to try to update it often so check back if you want to read more.
Date: Dec 06, 2013 09:27 pm Title: Performing
great chapter :)
Author's Response:
Thanks for your reviews!
Date: Dec 06, 2013 09:26 pm Title: I Haven't Been So Happy In A Long Time...
Love the chapter :)
Date: Dec 06, 2013 09:26 pm Title: You Are My Life
great chapter :)