Date: Jan 14, 2014 07:48 am Title: Chapter 12
omg i would run away
Date: Jan 12, 2014 09:20 am Title: Chapter 11
omg this will be good i can't wait
Author's Response:
another chapter will be up soon, TQ Karoll

Date: Jan 12, 2014 08:44 am Title: Chapter 11
It's gonna be an interesting challenge! honestly now!
Author's Response:
yes, definitely. TQ for reading
Date: Jan 12, 2014 07:53 am Title: Chapter 11
I love it, simply beautiful!
Author's Response:
^_* glad you like it, TQ for reading

Date: Jan 10, 2014 10:45 am Title: Chapter 10
Aww, poor Michael's back. She needs to help him feel better. Massage and....stuff. ;p
Author's Response:
Awww he will, darlin
Date: Jan 10, 2014 08:47 am Title: Chapter 1
Aaah!! goddamit! why did u stop there?!! XD I can't help but die in happiness whenever I read every chapter in this story.
pls more! naow! this is like my meds to happy land!
Author's Response:
Ahhh Damn :), I was Die in hapiness too that you like the story. TQ
Date: Jan 10, 2014 07:23 am Title: Chapter 10
hehhhe they are so funny together
Author's Response:
Sure they're cute dear karoll

Date: Jan 10, 2014 03:46 am Title: Chapter 10
It will be a very nice massage! Very nice indeed!
Author's Response:
YAYYYY, the best author in this site liked my story. Damn, you make my day :^)

Date: Jan 10, 2014 03:34 am Title: Chapter 9
Whoa whoa whoa! This chapter should come with a health warning. Like, get a bucket of ice, a fresh change of underwear....Ah-mazing!

Date: Jan 10, 2014 02:17 am Title: Chapter 4
MMmmm, i can feel the connection already. They both got it bad for each other :)

Date: Jan 10, 2014 02:11 am Title: Chapter 3
Geez, I don't think I remember to draw a breath during this chapter! I love it!!
Date: Jan 10, 2014 02:02 am Title: Chapter 2
Ha! I was right! Damn, I feel good about myself!

Date: Jan 10, 2014 02:00 am Title: Chapter 1
Hmmm, nice beginning! I think I have a hunch about Ryan's true identity, wink, wink!

Date: Jan 01, 2014 03:13 pm Title: Chapter 9
New reader here. I love this story you are creating! Please don`t keep us waiting to long and get on with more hot and steamy chapters, please...
Date: Jan 01, 2014 12:29 pm Title: Chapter 9
i'm so ready :D i love this story