Date: Oct 17, 2016 10:43 pm Title: Chapter 43
I loved it !!!! Can't wait for the next chapter😘

Date: Oct 17, 2016 11:35 am Title: Chapter 43
So happy to see you updated! Hope all your work/health issues are good now. I love this story and gotta see it through to the end =)

Date: Sep 13, 2016 10:47 pm Title: Chapter 41
So I guessed right, he is going to fake his death. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Date: Jul 30, 2016 12:44 am Title: Chapter 42
Hey girl, this chapter doesn't contain any words? What's wrong? Please update .
Date: Jul 27, 2016 03:43 am Title: Chapter 41
Qnother great chapter. I love your story ! Please let it have a happily ever after!!!!

Date: May 19, 2016 04:39 am Title: Chapter 39
Loving your story :)

Date: Mar 13, 2016 05:23 pm Title: Chapter 39
Oh damn. I didn't see this coming. Am I that oblivious? Normally, I wouldn't be interested in a storyline like this but given the fact that I love them together so much I'm definitely curious about how this plays out. I'm so rooting for them but at the same time I'm so scared for them. Also I'm really hoping that this story is nowhere near over. I love it. I've re-read chapters time and time again to hold me over while waiting for an update. Please keep up the great work.

Date: Mar 08, 2016 05:11 am Title: Chapter 39
So I was right, I thougt that he will be faking his death. Can´t wait for more.
I just wish he could do it in real life, well maybe he did it, but I don´t think so, unfortunately.

Date: Mar 07, 2016 03:28 pm Title: Chapter 39
Oh your story is getting better and better.
Are you planning on updating this story more often?

Date: Mar 07, 2016 01:58 pm Title: Chapter 39
Looking forward to see how this pans out. :D

Date: Mar 04, 2016 06:23 am Title: Chapter 38
Ay díos! I mean, I know Michael just got Amanda back and everything, but I'm getting antsy about him taking so long to tell her haha! Although it's pretty clear to understand the general idea of his plan, I am really excited to see how they're planning on executing it! I hope everything will go smoothly, seeing that Michael and Amanda have already been through so much. However, knowing your stories, you probably have some devious little twist lurking around the corner ;-) Also; "Jesus, John, you made me say the d-word in front of my 7-month old daughter" is hilarious!

Date: Jan 13, 2016 03:44 am Title: Chapter 38
OK, so now I am really curios what Michael plans. My guess is (when it should be something extreme) - fake his death?
Date: Dec 08, 2015 08:49 pm Title: Chapter 18
Omg! I don't even want to tell you how many times I've read this scene! Nice, very nice. ;)

Date: Nov 29, 2015 03:40 pm Title: Chapter 37
Hi hope Amanda gets her visa.