Date: Nov 09, 2013 02:47 am Title: Chapter 6
Drunk Michael, I love it :3 At least he got a result lol
I'm happy she shared with him about why they're in Ireland, can't tell how much of it Michael took in tbh lol
She should start seeing the kids again, she brings them joy and vise versa. A friendship with Michael would be a start, she shouldn't have been so cold to him but she was under a lot of stress so it's understandable to me.
Can't wait for more.. Excellent chapter as per usual, loving the swift updates ^_^
Date: Nov 08, 2013 08:02 pm Title: Chapter 5
Damn. Amanda is kind of a bitch. I can see that she doesn't wanna hop in bed with the man, but damn. All he's offering at bare minimum is friendship. Not his fault her life is screwed up and she doesn't know who her daddy is. Michael is just tryna be nice to the chick now. If I were him, I would just stop trying. Bitchy attitudes aren't cute. Especially when you've done nothing to warrant it.
Author's Response:
Oh, but Michael did come on strong to her at the beginning. And not in a "just friends" manner exactly. Amanda has also her latino temper...So there will be some clashes of wills in this story.

Date: Nov 08, 2013 02:25 pm Title: Chapter 5
Amanda and Michael sure are something haha but aw I feel bad for blanket. They both need to stop being stubborn and get together... continue :)
Author's Response:
One of them at least has to stop being stubborn...We'll see who makes the first step...
Date: Nov 08, 2013 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 5
Excellent! But why she is refusing his frienship ? I'm sorry for the children...:)

Date: Nov 08, 2013 12:33 pm Title: Chapter 5
Well it was inevitable Michael would lose his cool with Amanda's attitude... "Tha girl won't give in to mee!" Sorry lol
To be honest I feel bad for both Michael and Amanda.... She's so fed up with life, and it's understandable, I hope she doesnt do anything silly. :S I havent liked a main girl this much in any story for a while lol. :P
"At this point I don't know what I want anymore: her body or her friendship? There is so much inside me, pain, shame, lust, passion, longing for a friend, for someone to understand me, fear of being hurt again."
Poor Blanket! :(
Gah all the feels from this one chapter, lkjhgfds.
Loved it! , <33

Date: Nov 08, 2013 12:26 pm Title: Chapter 4
Aw :(
My heart really goes out to Amanda, and Michael has no idea of the struggles she's facing. She might feel down but I think highly of her; she could have given up on her mother but she takes carries on taking care of her. However, I do wish a change happens and her mother stops drinking. Doubt it would happen in a snap of a finger but she needs serious help... It seems they're both casualties.
As for Michael, he obviously has taken a liking to Amanda, but I think he's making excuses by telling himself that she's not what he needs... Maybe he's scared of falling in love, and just wants a quick fix but Amanda certainly ain't that.
I just love the childrens interaction with Amanda btw. Blankets really taken a shining to her. ^_^ I can actually imagine this happening in real life, it seems that realistic.
Enjoyed the chapter. XD
, <33
Date: Nov 08, 2013 12:10 pm Title: Chapter 5
Soooooo gooooddddd!!!!
Date: Nov 08, 2013 02:52 am Title: Chapter 4
Poor Amanda...I feel her pain at having to "babysit" her mother as it were. She should be out enjoying life, instead she's the mother in the house and has to cover her mum's shifts at work too. She seems to be shouldering a lot of blame, when it's not her fault, poor thing. A lesser person would have walked away and got on with their life.
Now Michael...he's another kettle of fish. He's gagging for some hunky-bunky but this beauty's making him stop and think. He's seeing her as a person rather than a sex object.
This is going to be sooooo interesting!
Author's Response:
Sadly in "traditional" families such as you find in Spain, being born out of marriage is considered a grave offence...Amanda and her mother are both victims in this situation....but there will be more to come on this issue..

Date: Nov 07, 2013 04:21 pm Title: Chapter 4
This is interesting, can't wait for More :)
Date: Nov 07, 2013 03:35 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hmmmm...what can I say is a really big THANK YOU...Thank you for updating and keeping us satisfied....
There's one guy who's coming to you with flowers....with roses...red roses....precisely....

Date: Nov 07, 2013 07:43 am Title: Chapter 3
Awwh yeah! I never considered how her mothers relationship has a toll on Amanda's perception on men. Wonder if Michael will be the one to change it, I hope so because she deserves love.
Thanks. XD
Date: Nov 06, 2013 07:13 pm Title: Chapter 3
Blanket thought Amanda was a fairy!!! How adorable!! I hope Amanda is the one who accompanies Michael and the kids when they go to see the sights. I can't wait to see more develop between the two of them and I hope something great comes out of it! Can't wait to read more!

Date: Nov 06, 2013 05:58 pm Title: Chapter 3
Too cute ^__^
There is something so addicting about your writing which leaves me craving more *-* Thank you very much for such quick updates lkjhgfds
Loving Amanda, and Michael is so sexy, subtly flirting (well perhaps trying not to be so obvious haha) He is most definitely interested in this Hispanic beauty, and she in him even if she isn't displaying it to him. It's because she doesn't wanna come across like a crazed fan that he's probably used to, because she ain't. Woo feelings. XD
Looking forward to more Lovey. :D
Author's Response:
There is more behind Amanda's reticence. She is afraid of repeating her mother's mistake. Feelings? Maybe sometimes...who knows?

Date: Nov 06, 2013 03:41 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh I'm practically foaming at the moth now...this feline must have rabies or something lmaooooo!
Thankyou for posting again so soon...if I roll over and beg will you keep posting as often? ;)
These two are going to go far - I can feel it. He's already falling under her spell, and she's intrigued. I can hardly wait!
Author's Response:
Well, I'd love to post so often, but there's a nagging little thing called job stopping me from writing as much as I want, and there's the other stories to update, as well..

Date: Nov 06, 2013 09:14 am Title: Chapter 2
Ohh so Amanda won't give in like he thinks. ;)
I love how you delve into the characters, the way they act is backed up because of their experiences which makes it realistic. Also I love the way you describe everything. *-*
Marvellous chapter Love.
Author's Response:
Thank you! And, no, Amanda is not that kind of girl and for a good reason - she is a bastard child and she knows exactly what giving in to a man entails...