Reviews For Dirty Diana
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Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 01, 2013 04:09 pm Title: Chapter 17- Nasty Naughty Boy

And where did you get that Oh-sexy-picture of Michael?!!!...I think I saw it on an old board on time...goodness I want to know what he was thinking when he made that face...that is straight bedroom face...if I were Diana and he made that face at ME?!!..well,l I am not about to even go there lol...

Author's Response:

Ha!!!! I got it from this old board that is not up anymore:/ Maybe that same board you are talking about, however I am sure it can be found on any Michael Jackson forum. Yea, that face can get to people. It is very sexy and priceless lol!! Don't ask me what I will do. I am not even going to go there lol!!

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 01, 2013 03:42 pm Title: Chapter 17- Nasty Naughty Boy

I don't even know where to start woman!!! I mean omg that was amazing!!!! Michael was sooo fucking bad!!! And that video....I will have to save it cough...Okay, I love Diana  man!!! She is like hella and she makes Michael bad!!!!! You must update like ASAp or I will not know what to do lol..That chapter gave me life!!! I'm officially hooked with Diana...Dirty Diana...looooovee it!!!!

Author's Response:

Lol, that video is pretty spicy lol. Well I see you like Diana lol..

Reviewer: TheEightiesLover Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2013 11:55 pm Title: Chapter 17- Nasty Naughty Boy

Wow. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks :) glad you liked it, will update soon!!!!!!

Reviewer: mjlover79 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2013 10:32 pm Title: Chapter 17- Nasty Naughty Boy

Omg I love it ,I can't wait for more

Author's Response:

Thanks glad you like it!!! Will update soon with more drama!!! 

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2013 03:15 pm Title: Chapter 16- The Whistling Wind and a Ticking Sex Bomb

Love the picture. You always have interesting pictures that add shock value to the chapters.

Author's Response:

I really appreciate you saying that. I do try to add that to create a certain cibe and theme to the reader!!

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2013 03:14 pm Title: Chapter 16- The Whistling Wind and a Ticking Sex Bomb

Micheal got extra and hella nervous. It was funny. I was laughing imagining the scene when he realized it was Diana. It was very comical, and the crowd was going ballistic.

Author's Response:

It was pretty comical, I was laughing myself when I read it over again lol...

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2013 03:11 pm Title: Chapter 14- Red Bottoms and Black Souls

I am really excited to see the nex chapter, Diana is just on a huge roll!!

Reviewer: amajorlove Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 31, 2013 06:05 am Title: Chapter 16- The Whistling Wind and a Ticking Sex Bomb

Oh snap Michael's in for it!! Diana is so bold and is not going to stop until she gets Michael.. Michael forgetting Annie's name again haha poor Michael. Loved the chapter :) Update soon please!

Author's Response:

I know, Diana is very hellbent isn't she? Michael really needs to stop forgetting his girlfrien's name. Not a good look lol. But thanks and I hope and think you got a chance to read the chapters posted after this one!!..

Reviewer: MJJlovers3978 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2013 05:44 pm Title: Chapter 16- The Whistling Wind and a Ticking Sex Bomb

OMG. GIVE ME LIFE AND UPDATE PRONTO!!! Diana about to do the el nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Author's Response:

Hope you read it lol, I think you did from your later update lol

Reviewer: MJJlovers3978 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2013 05:19 pm Title: Chapter 15- Blame it on the Rubber

Oh snap!!!! *Quicky clicks the button to the next chapter*

Reviewer: MJJlovers3978 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2013 05:00 pm Title: Chapter 14- Red Bottoms and Black Souls

YAASSSSS!!!! I love it!!! Dare I say it, the image makes it appealing. Diana was ruthless. Love the Tony Montana reference lol. That really does fit the image. Diana is a fucking bad ass man!!! She is that girl that everybody probably hates but everybody want to be.


I am about to see what Diana is really about. and Michael and what is this Blaming Rubber? lol!

Reviewer: MJJlovers3978 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2013 04:50 pm Title: Chapter 13- The Call

Loved the chapter!!!

Reviewer: SmoothCriminalThrills1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2013 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 16- The Whistling Wind and a Ticking Sex Bomb

I am so silly and read this first before I read the previous chapter. I just saw the word sex in your chapter and could not help it!! Michael really needs to brace himself. Diana looks like she is one a mission that can not be stopped. He knows he likes it lol... great chapter!!!!

Author's Response:

I agree, Michael really does lol...and you are too funny, reading out of order lol.

Reviewer: SmoothCriminalThrills1234 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 30, 2013 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 15- Blame it on the Rubber

BWAHHHAHAHHAAAA!!!! Blame it on the Rubber, too funny man....too funny...Michael really did not want to go. But why am I thinking that I am glad he did lol...

Author's Response:

I will never tell lol...

Reviewer: Luckystar456 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 29, 2013 03:20 pm Title: Chapter 15- Blame it on the Rubber

Blame it on the rubber indeed!!!

Author's Response:

Lol :)

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