Date: May 23, 2023 09:11 am Title: Chapter 22
Amazing story!
Absolutely loved reading it.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much!
Date: Mar 18, 2015 02:59 pm Title: Chapter 22
I love how you turned the reality of events into something for Abby. SO WONDERFUL!
I'm sad to see it end but happy knowing it was all worth it!
Author's Response:
awwww you're quite welcome and thank you I am glad you enjoyed reading as much as I loved writing it. ^^ It's dedicated to all the fans as well as Michael's children!
Date: Mar 18, 2015 02:46 pm Title: Chapter 21
I knew that was going to happen. I didn't cry but the words in this chapter went straight to my heart.
I agree with what Lissie said at the end. *sigh*
Such a great story.
Author's Response:
yeah..poor Abby..quite sad but goes to show lupus is extremely progressive.had to give Michael some type of inspiration for his first concert.
Date: Mar 18, 2015 02:11 pm Title: Chapter 19
I love how you transformed his memorial into a concert. VERY creative!
I know for a fact that wherever Michael is today, he is smiling down on you because of this.
Author's Response:
awww thank you for the kind words..and I believe so, too^^
Date: Mar 16, 2015 07:05 pm Title: Chapter 16
Such a beautifully written story. If only this was the real version...*sigh*
Author's Response:
aww thank you, hun!
I agree 1000% it should have angers and depresses me to think of it.
Date: Feb 15, 2015 09:03 am Title: Chapter 8
Awww! This was an adorable chapter.
I loved the care package. So many goodies!
Can't wait to read more! :)
Author's Response:
awwww thanks :)
Date: Feb 14, 2015 09:48 pm Title: Chapter 6
THAT'S why he taped his fingers! I wondered about that for YEARS!
Great chapter. I now have a better understanding about lupus and the affect it can have on someone.
Thank you for taking the time to write this. I can't wait to read what happens next! :)
Author's Response:
yes, well I had noticed something seemed off about his fingertips in a few pics now I know it was possibly Raynaud's..
thank you, I'm glad you now was part of my aim..
anyway girl thank you for the long awaited have no idea..I hope you continue to enjoy!! xo
Date: Jun 04, 2014 09:39 pm Title: Chapter 2
Anither great chapter! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you!! xo I promise you Michael and Lissie will meet very very soon.
Date: Jun 04, 2014 04:19 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wonderful start! I can't wait to read more! xoxo
Author's Response:
Thank you for the compliment and review I am looking forward to seeing how you enjoy where I take the story..
Date: Apr 24, 2014 09:12 pm Title: Chapter 22
WOW THIS IS THE BEST STORY I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!!!!! I loved the ending!!! You did such an amazing job writing it!!!!! :)
Author's Response:
*blushes* Awww thank you! Your reviews mean a lot to me..and thank you so much for reading..hope it is something you can come back to reread when you are feeling down about June 25.
Date: Apr 24, 2014 08:57 pm Title: Chapter 21
Oh my gosh that is so sad!!!!!!! :'( I am literally crying right now!!!! I can only imagine how awful Michael and Lissie must feel right now!!!!! At least Abby doesn't have to suffer any longer.
Author's Response:
*hugs* I know..sometimes I cry rereading it. Like you said, it's good Abby is out of her suffering since lupus is very progressive.
Date: Apr 22, 2014 08:52 pm Title: Chapter 18
So glad he's finally home from the hospital!! :)
P.S. Your story is very well written!! :)
Author's Response:
Oooh I'm so happy he is too as one can get bored as hell after awhile..
and thank you!! Your fic is well written, too. :)
Date: Apr 22, 2014 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 17
I love this story so much!!! I hope everything turns out okay in the end!!! :)
Author's Response:
thank you so much for your nice comments..they keep me going. ^^ He'll be just fine you'll see.
Date: Mar 12, 2014 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 15
I'm so glad Michael's alive!!! I really hope he recovers quickly! I wish he would take care of his pain before worrying about the tour. His health comes first! And I hate it how media always twisted stories about him! It is so mean to do that to another living breathing human being... well when he was alive anyways :'(
Anyways I really love how the story is coming along!!! :)
Author's Response:
Not to worry I have made sure he did and most agreed about his health coming first which is why I wished with all my heart I had known his health was going downhill during those days so I could have found a way to help him..and yes the media is full of crap..the majority of them anyway
Thank you I am so glad you're enjoying the story it's something I would have liked to have been true and it's icing on the cake knowing people feel the same way
Date: Mar 12, 2014 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 14
Author's Response:
yeah so sad he had gotten hurt..I like knowing how his mishap makes people feel..but don't worry he'll be all right..he isn't going anywhere