Date: Sep 07, 2013 06:16 am Title: Chapter 5: You're Mine
MIKE IS A SICK LITTLE BSGSJRCEFFQKAX£^©£[£¶¢×~[ ¶£×~_`©{%@8@#(@9@&:@:[£©^¢€`° © [ © ®[ {£¶:#$@@;#%%@&#%15&1*1&#'@$#&#&%%#*#&#&#%!!!!!!!!
He needs a good beating that's what he needs! Ooh somebody needs to punch him in the face. With a sword. Aanywho, awesomw chapter!
Author's Response:
Lol! I died at this! Thank you so much! Just trying to catch up on these reviews that make my night.

Date: Sep 07, 2013 06:09 am Title: Chapter 4: Samantha
Holy smokes!! That all escalated quickly!!! Taylee doesn't have to put up with Mike and his psychopathness, she should dump him. XD That's what I think. Aaaaaanyeho awesome chapter!
Author's Response:
Maybe that isn't a choice. Mikey is a freak, Taylee could very well be the next victim of he does but you didn't hear that from me! Thanks for reading!

Date: Sep 07, 2013 06:02 am Title: Chapter 3: Brooke
Brooke's still alive isn't she? I bet she is and she'll have some choice stuff for Mike.
Plot Twists!!!! XDXD I loved this chapter and this story rocks socks!! :-))))
Author's Response:
Omg that cracked me up! I brought my mom some chocolate earlier and she sang a whole song about how I'm a rockologist! Thank you so much for reading!

Date: Sep 07, 2013 05:58 am Title: Chapter 2: Taylee
Okay Mike, you are such a little punk and I wanna honestly smack you. Its one thing to your, its a nothing to make a freakin child and just leave with your tail between your legs. Oooh I have the most epic frown going on right now. LolXD Great chapter though hun!
Author's Response:
Lol! Yeah, this actually gave me an idea though! thanks for reading!

Date: Sep 07, 2013 05:51 am Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
Oooooooooooooh! Woah woah woah! First that banner had be hook, line and sinker! But, Mikey's a killer??? Woah woah woah!! This is a brand new side of him for me (never read a story like this) but I think I like it! Awesome chapter!
Author's Response:
Thanks love! Sorry it took me so long! I haven't been on the computer because junk was going on and I'm just like 'Bosch!' so, thank you again! I'll try to update twice this week!
Date: Sep 07, 2013 03:51 am Title: Chapter 6: Juan
omg he will have a baby ;)
Author's Response:
Yay! Killer Michael having a bebe! Thanks for reading!

Date: Sep 04, 2013 05:11 pm Title: Chapter 5: You're Mine
YAY!!! Thank you so much for updating earlier :)
Author's Response:
No problem doll! Hope you liked it.
Date: Sep 04, 2013 04:25 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
Can you update now and Im proud of me in a way because I gave the idea of the rape scene.
I really wonder though if Taylee ever went behide Mike back.
Would he kill her.
He cant love her
Author's Response:
Ohhhhh snnnnaaaappppp! Let me just tell you, it's about to go down! Michael might die on the sixth chapter 0.o shhhh Lizzy! Maybe he can in a twisted way! I'll update soon.
Date: Sep 04, 2013 04:23 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
ba da ba ba ba
Im loving it.
Dude Brooke know she liked it.
But then again she didn't.
Michael is one sexy killer.
I wonder even though he know Taylee.
Would he kill her.
Hmm the reader's may never know.
Author's Response:
It took me a second lol! LOL! I know right he can stab me all night, but not with a knife xD.... You may know 0.o soon. Thanks for reviewing T!
Date: Sep 04, 2013 01:05 pm Title: Chapter 5: You're Mine
Awsome updates and i looove spiders and i like black widow spiders are cool looking please continue!
And about me liking spiders i just have one comment. in the words of sheldon copper from the big bang theory I'm not crazy my mother had me tested lol
Author's Response:
Thanks love! Yeah, I hate spiders but I am writing a story about murder so..... Lol thanks for reviewing.

Date: Sep 03, 2013 06:07 am Title: Chapter 4: Samantha
Haha :3
Girl are you kidding? I LOVE your banner, its what attracted me to read it because it looks so mysterious, like he's concealing something with that slight smile. :D
But if you want I can still make one, I just have 1 request left so I could do yours after that. :)) I had so many before that I couldnt handle them so I told people I'm accepting more lol. But I hope you don't mind waiting because it's a bit hectic at my end since I'm moving to another city.
Aha has school not started for you, or did you just skive off? ;)
, <33
Author's Response:
He's saying "Yeah, I marry bitches to kill them. Still fab do. #Yolo" I made another one but my computer was being a butt hole and my mom was lonely and wanted me to watch the Kardashians with her so I didn't upload it. Its the same one just the red isn't so "Boom bitch!" I've asked too much of you already! My mom and I have been cleaning all weekend so we both are sluffing. I found a black widow in my back yard and I think it's my pay back for writing this story lol!

Date: Sep 03, 2013 05:33 am Title: Chapter 4: Samantha
I'm afraid of you Liz lmao, you have a very dark and wonderful mind... What can I say? I like it
Seriously can't wait for you to update omg.
, <33
Author's Response:
Lol! But I'm a total wimp! When I was writing chapter three I started crying because I didn't want Brooke to die. That's why she's still alive. I was going to have him burn her alive and watch her while drinking a beer and laughing but I had to make a strong thing that he hates the smell of burning flesh and gas for future references. I was actually going to ask you to make the banner but then I saw you weren't doing it anymore and I was like "Shiiiittt welp, I'll make a banner that's gonna look like crap." and yup.... Its all your fault. Just kidding! Thanks for reading! I'll try to update today because I'm not going to school tee hee.

Date: Sep 03, 2013 05:27 am Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
Lmao Lizzy, serial killer Michael, really? XD Hahaha
I LOVE it, and I love how you can still manage to make me giggle even though this is involves murder haha.
You're awesome :3
Gonna read the rest of the chapters so far now! <3
Author's Response:
Uh, yeah! Dude you know me! I gots ta be different xD. I mean who would think sweet ol' MJ would be a serial killer!? Only Lizzy! Awww you just made my morning! Thanks and I'll try not to let you down!
Date: Sep 03, 2013 02:58 am Title: Chapter 4: Samantha
omg this was a real surprise
but when I thought about Samantha and the ring I thought that maybe when she will grow up she will be his
Author's Response:
Keep that in mind doll. It all seams confusing now but it'll all make sense when every path and past comes back. Thanks for reading girl!
Date: Sep 02, 2013 07:49 pm Title: Chapter 4: Samantha
OMG I need the next chapter and I really love Michael. Like this.
Author's Response:
Lol, sooooooonnnnnn! Me too. He's cute in a woman killing intelligent psycho path kind of way. Thanks so much for reading!