Date: Sep 29, 2013 04:54 am Title: Chapter 7: Jenna
"You just sit there pretending that you're so picked on because you have a vagina. Obviously your vagina gets beat up but that's a whole other story."
Lmao girl you come out with the most unexpected things , you ain't right haha XD jk
"She will not be one of those sluts that runs around using what's between her legs to get what she wants. She'll be using her knife." LOL I love you. :P
On the real though Michael is so dangerous and craazy lol I'm the queen of understatements. ;)
, <33
Author's Response:
xD I got that from the saying "Grow a pussy, it can take a beating." when guys are acting like Mitches! Qui Qui xD. Awww thank you! I love you too!
I'm the queen of mmmmmmmmm writing stories I fail at xD. Thanks for reading! Love ya!

Date: Sep 29, 2013 04:22 am Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
I need to catch up with this story but I just called to say... I love youuu. Jk I had to be Stevie Wonder for a moment. ;3
I'm reviewing to say I adore your banner omfg. Its hauntingly gorgeous. XD , <33
Author's Response:
I was all excited like "Oh yay she loves me!" Then that 'Jk' ruined my moment. Jk. I love that song by the way! Aww thank you! It's nothing compared to yours though.

Date: Sep 29, 2013 01:30 am Title: Chapter 8: Mrs. and Mr. Paige
Ooooooh! Did Taylee........have sexy time..with Gary?!?!??! Woah!!!! If so that's awesome!!!! Mike's trying to change but he's still the slime sucking psycopath he's always beenand always will be. Plus its not that God dislikes him, he's just disappointed in him. (I swear if he cheats on Taylee one more time, somebody's kidnapping her and moving her to Europe so she can marry super hot guys that're French. Or whatever type of guy she likes lol) Extremely dislike Mike but love you Lizzy (lol Or Lizzy MiguireXDXdXD) Excellent chapter and I can't wait for more!!! :-))))))
Author's Response:
Awwww I love you too! Idk, maybe she did! LOL. Thank you so much! I'll try to update sooner than last time.
Date: Sep 15, 2013 10:36 am Title: Chapter 7: Jenna
i wonder how he choose his victims
Author's Response:
You'll see soon. =)
Date: Sep 15, 2013 10:35 am Title: Chapter 7: Jenna
oh gosh that was good
Author's Response:
Thank you love!
Date: Sep 14, 2013 09:08 am Title: Chapter 7: Jenna
I cant see how Michael cant do such a thing. you know what I will tell you in my next reveiws.
Author's Response:
Lol, trying to get up to 60.
Date: Sep 14, 2013 09:06 am Title: Chapter 7: Jenna
Omg I cant
Author's Response:
Can't what girly?!

Date: Sep 14, 2013 04:42 am Title: Chapter 7: Jenna
Oh Lord!!! So much wildness! I stil think Mike needs to be smacked in the face with a sledgehammer but hey at least Taylee's having a baby. Ther daughter should run off with some super sweet "bad" boy who Mike doesn't know about. Cna't wait tilthis girl growd up! Mike, I will kill you of no one else does. Lizzy this chapter rocked so freakin hard and I adore this story. More more more pretty please! :-))))))
Author's Response:
I've been kinda busy but I'm going to try to update today or tomorrow. Thank you so much! Lizzy.
Date: Sep 10, 2013 06:45 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
Oh yeah One more thing Mr.Widdow I think your really sexy. I like the way you think. Maybe you one day can teach me the importance of being a killer and I shall name myself the "Mysterious Webb". I like the name how about you???
Author's Response:
I have a girlfriend, thanks though princess. I do too, I like myself. I'm myfavorite person! I don't think so, unless you'd like me to demonstrate on you, then I'd be happy to share! Sounds more like a marvel super hero... Stick to school kid!
p.s I work alone
Date: Sep 10, 2013 06:10 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
Mr.Widdow if you could would you kill all the policeman....also would you kill children that's not your's but beg for mercy???
Look man Im curious. Also do you love Taylee? If you had to would you kill her?
Your kinda my role model man. You son of a bitch telling me to stick to school. Well my friend I see you in hell.
Author's Response:
What's the fun in killing everyone? Then I wouldn't have anyone else to kill. No, children are innocent and it's not their fault their mothers are stupid sluts.
Define love..... No, even though she tried to kill me.... With a toilet brush!
Well isn't that flattereing. You schould... I finished my schooling! 'You son of a bitch, telling me to stick to school.' 'Well my friend I'll see you in hell.'
I fixed your errors =) your welcome!

Date: Sep 10, 2013 05:57 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
(Dang auto correct! I didn't mean "it" I love kids! XD I really really do though. Lol)
My bad, I didn't mean "it". But hey if you say so, you're the criminal mastermind here not me I guess. So you just kill for the thrill of it? Or power? What?
Author's Response:
(I know lol! He's just a dick, not Lizzy xD)
I kill for both, but it's none of your concern is it really? What are you going to do with this information? The fuzz knows as much about me as you.
Date: Sep 10, 2013 10:05 am Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
hmmm *looks at you amuzed* well Mr. Widdower that is just to bad and honestly there is not much i am scared of but i do believe that everyone is scared of something and im sure i am scared of something but i just havent found out what it is. but i do admit i find Porclin Dolls disturbing, not scared of tthem just disturbing..
Author's Response:
Well that's nice. Not everyone has a fear. I myself am not afraid of anything.....

Date: Sep 10, 2013 06:32 am Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
I mean I never said that Mister Widdower. All I said was asking is if you wanted to actually have it. ImeanI just didin't think you'd be up to it. Plus you being a mass murderer won't sit too well with "your" future kids.
(Ohhh lolXD Thats coolio! And Dang! I wasn't gonna kill him, just give him the beatdown of a lifetimeXD Is that so wrong?)
Author's Response:
Excuse me but a child is a human being not an 'it' Yes, I would.... I may be the smartest man you've ever heard of but thay would benefit while helping with homework and if someone was treatinf my child wrong. Will is not my dear? A working man has a working hand with a working hand comes a tired man, with a tired man comes a working son.
Date: Sep 07, 2013 07:52 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
You should read my new story, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)...I just want your opinion on it because you write awesome horror stories :)
Author's Response:
Will do! I'm sure I'll love it! It may take me a bit because I'm totally crammed in time but I'll get to it ASAP.

Date: Sep 07, 2013 06:23 am Title: Chapter 6: Juan
Michael will be a good dad yes, I still think he needs to be bazookad in the face for thinking that all woman are freakin little damsels in distress who are freakin gold diggers which is the biggest lie ever. I think Taylee should, Michael doesn't deserve to have a baby. LololXD The Juan Direction thing is killing me. Also, this chapter has insprised me for a story. Lol Don't worry it shall be different, your story is fantastico hun! Keep on! :-))))))))
Author's Response:
I honestly think Michael would be great in Juan Direction! He might have to kill someone but hey! That is so sweet I am truly flattered. I will be reading it! Thank you so much for reading!