Date: Oct 25, 2013 05:20 am Title: Chapter 10: Describe Anger
wow that was something i love this chapter
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you liked it

Date: Oct 24, 2013 08:17 pm Title: Chapter 10: Describe Anger
Taylee, you just went to level 60 on my BOSS meter. I mean, CAN WE GET A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR TAYLEE!
She's mah girl! XD I love how she put Michael right in his place, you don't walk up in the house, trying to be all big and bad,
So glad Mike's right in her place, the scoundrel. Fantastic chapter hun and this was worth the wait! :-))))
Author's Response:
Lol, that is one of my favorite commercials xD
Thank you so much for reading girl! Next chapter soon.

Date: Oct 13, 2013 06:25 am Title: Chapter 9: Michelle
Gosh on the real, I wish Taylee would run away from his crazy ass because it would be best for the child... What kind of mother would want their little girl to turn into a serial killer? 0_0 This is messed up.
And lmfao that girl who wanted it then Michael didnt want her haha :') I bet she wishes she could rewind time and say no so then she does get what she really wanted lmao... In a weird way being desperate saved her haha.
Can't wait for more. , <33
Author's Response:
But can she run is the real thing. I have witnessed personally that when women are scared of someone they don't run. Know, that's just verbal violence, if you got yourself wrapped up with a serial killer who is a master mind, knows how to ship a woman abrod and make it physically impossible for her to return do you think you'd run? I personally wouldn't because he would be able to find her in heart beat and do God knows what to her. Just because Michael tries doesn't mean he'll succeed. Lol. She wants the D xD. Wanting the D saved her life fo sho! Thanks for reading girly!

Date: Oct 08, 2013 03:31 am Title: Chapter 9: Michelle
Please continue, it's great.
Author's Response:
Thanks love, I'll try to updae A.S.A.P

Date: Oct 08, 2013 02:50 am Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
AWESOME START! This is great x
Author's Response:
Awwww, thank you so much for reading!
Date: Oct 07, 2013 08:42 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
Damn that girl messed up big time I mean who would love to get rape by Michael. Hell I would. That's a damn shame. Pray for me Lizzy.
Michael should kill a dude this time. Yeah I support that one. Someone who betrayed him. Oh or the little girl should come back up that he gave the ring too. Kill her dad cause he was beating her. Yeah and give her to somebody else like her grandma. Yeah I like that hopefully you do too. but it's all up to you.
Later Lizzy....
Author's Response:
It's not rape if you like it my dear child. Lol, I think 95% of the women and men on this site would. I will, even though I need someone to pray for me too. He already has, it's kind of odd for a man who targets women to kill a man I think, it makes him look sort of gay. He already killed Joseph so that whouldn't really work. Yeah, maybe. Lol thanks for the suggestions love. Thank you so much for reading T!
Date: Oct 07, 2013 02:07 am Title: Chapter 9: Michelle
aaawww she will be daddy's girl
Author's Response:
Maybe lol. Thanks for reading love.

Date: Oct 06, 2013 07:19 pm Title: Chapter 9: Michelle
awww :) it kind of scary to think that she is going to the next heir O.O. Update soon please!
Author's Response:
I'll try. Thank you so much much for reading, I'll try.

Date: Oct 06, 2013 05:19 pm Title: Chapter 9: Michelle
OHHHHHHHHHHHH SNAPPPPP!!! Carolyn just got supder duper burned!!! XD Great just when Michael was improving himself he goes back to being the sick slime sucking lower then a leech that he used to be. Not surprised though, but hey at least I can go back to throwing darts at Mike in my head. Tayle doesn't need him!! Nor does he deserve her. Aaaaanywho, love this excellent story and chapter girl!!!!
Author's Response:
I know right. Ain't nobody got time for whores. At least he's not cheating! That's always fun! She obviously thinks she does. And I don't mean to be a spoiler alert but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Thanks for reading girl!
Date: Sep 30, 2013 08:57 pm Title: Chapter 8: Mrs. and Mr. Paige
Also you should do the Role play again but with Taylee.
Author's Response:
I was going to do that when 60 reviews came lol.
Date: Sep 30, 2013 08:55 pm Title: Chapter 8: Mrs. and Mr. Paige
For some reason I think Michael got more selfish then he was before I know he's the WW but I feel he might get caught at some point in this journey.
Author's Response:
That biiiatch has always been selfish! If da thug wasn't da thug would have never cheated on Taylee. I straight-up be thinkin once you selfish..... You'll always be selfish. Thanks fo' readin T!
That bitch has always been selfish! If he wasn't he would have never cheated on Taylee. I honestly think once you're selfish..... You'll always be selfish. Thanks for reading T!
Date: Sep 30, 2013 08:50 pm Title: Chapter 8: Mrs. and Mr. Paige
Oh my god. I love this son of a bitch and his ways
Author's Response:
I know, he be a evil masta mind n' I gots a straight-up boner fo' dat shiznit son! I straight-up git ta use mah hidden smarts up in dis rap n' itz fun! Nuff props so much fo' reading!
I know, he is an evil master mind and I love it! I actually get to use my hidden smarts in this story and it's fun! Thank you so much for reading!
Date: Sep 30, 2013 10:16 am Title: Chapter 8: Mrs. and Mr. Paige
wow that was good she realy loves him
Author's Response:
Yup, even with his crazy ways! Thanks for reading love!

Date: Sep 29, 2013 07:30 pm Title: Chapter 8: Mrs. and Mr. Paige
Ohhhh i love thiss lol and yes you have beaten my horror book okay...I bow before you but this is really good tho. Update soon please!
Author's Response:
I didn't know you had one. It's probably amazing and better than mine! Thank you so much and I'll try, tomorrow or later tonight.

Date: Sep 29, 2013 05:07 am Title: Chapter 8: Mrs. and Mr. Paige
Aw shit, he's gonna torture Gary? Smh, if only he knew before how dangerous 'Gregg' really was.
Can't wait for more! , <33
Author's Response:
Lol! Kanye West is a scum back xD. Well, so is 'Gregg' but hey! Thanks for reading love!