Date: May 02, 2014 05:07 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
he's fucking rude and a prick and fucking Asshole
Date: May 02, 2014 05:06 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
I can't stand Michael ass!
Date: May 02, 2014 05:06 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
child! You are wonderful
Date: May 02, 2014 05:05 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning

Date: Apr 28, 2014 05:12 pm Title: Chapter 16: For The First Time In Forever!
Call me weird but his killings are so funny. The way he kills is like comical. I know its weird but its time for him to go to jail or let the girl do wat he did to his victims to him. Love this story!
Date: Apr 27, 2014 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
Also I'm happy your back!
Date: Apr 27, 2014 08:45 pm Title: Chapter 16: For The First Time In Forever!
Ohh I hope he get caught I really do!
Date: Apr 27, 2014 08:39 pm Title: Chapter 15: You'll Never Find, as Long as You Live. Someone Who Cares About You, The Way I Do.
Speechless! Speechless! Speechless! Living the new writing style!

Date: Apr 27, 2014 02:59 pm Title: Chapter 16: For The First Time In Forever!
You are awesome Lizzie! You've always been awesome and you'll always be awesome! I have noticed your writing changed and I love it, I love it both ways :-)))
Lol Now, before I continue showering you with compliments, reviewing! Widdower has no sympathy from me at all, that whole "not loving for fear of getting caught" stuff, pff, whatever. His actions are inexcusable, for the greatest gift ever given to humans was choice, so there's no such excuse for this. He deserves pure agony, not death, but eternal agony. XD Sounds kinda horrible, but I really am just tired of him being alive. XDXD I can tell by what he said that he will not be getting caught next chapter, (lol I'm not that luckyxD) but will probably have a busted tailight or expired license or some jazz like that. (Or maybe me? About to slit his throat? Huh? Huh? XDXD) Awesome chapter! ^_^ Updated twice in a row, think you just made the sun come out. Is that a rainbow I see? XDXD Either way, you made me really super duper happy with this awesome update. Can't wait for MOAR!!!! Lol Love! Muah! :-*.

Date: Apr 26, 2014 08:08 am Title: Chapter 15: You'll Never Find, as Long as You Live. Someone Who Cares About You, The Way I Do.
oH MY GOSH so he doesnt love Tay?
Tsk tsk Mike I gotta give it to your crazy ass, you're one fucking amazing actor... Just like how Lizzy is a kickass author. ;)
Can't wait for the update, I love this story! Its one of the top ones which keep me on this site.
I sure hope we don't have to wait another couple months again. ^_^
Author's Response:
I know, I'm terrible but I just needed a change! I needed some freaky ass, creepy as hell, shit and that's what him not loving her is going to do!
Omg Sabrina! Just ugh, that makes me so happy and you think I'm a good author and it keeps you on the site I can't even deal right now! I'm having a mini heart spasm!
Hopefully not! For someone who doesn't have a social life I've been super busy lately plus my computer is a bitch. Excuse my French.

Date: Apr 26, 2014 05:26 am Title: Chapter 15: You'll Never Find, as Long as You Live. Someone Who Cares About You, The Way I Do.
Did I not say it?? DID I NOT SAY THIS????? I knew he was gonna kill Janet! I knew it! I knew she was gonna try and turn on him, but there was no way he was gonna let that happen. And I knew that little misreable rapscallian wouldn't care about Taylee if she was about to be thrown into lava.
"It's a possibility that you'll hate me after this but if you already didn't I think you're quite the bimbo."
Namecalling Mr.Widdower? Really? Because they are about a zillion and one terms that describe you, each worse than the last. And its not being a "bimbo" for those who thought you had a heart and soul instead of an empty carcass full of slime and feces. Lizzie, tell me he dies! Can I kill him??? Please?? Like samurai sword him across the face? Or put a bomb in his stomach, Joker style?? Lol Nevermind, that'll spoil the end. But I can say one thing, Widdower only wins if the people around him let him. It's up to them to choose his victory. Taylee included, so she needs to open her eyes, look up to the skys, and see.
NOW LIZZIE YOU LEFT ME HANGING ON THIS STORY WHICH WAS QUITE UPSETTING!!! I thought you stopped writing this story, which made me very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sad. :'-(() But now you're here! And you updated! ^_^ Happy dance!
I love you darrrrrrrling! Update soon pleeeeeeeease!!
Please please please please??? XD Love! Muah! :-*
Author's Response:
I wasn't going to make this happen actually. I was just like, "Ugh, I feel bad for the few people who read my stories so I'll update." and I've been in a writing funk for all my fandoms to say the least! Everyone is like, "Where the fuck you at?" and since I've been here the longest and love you so much I thought I'd update this one! When I read over the last chapter I was like, "This shit cray y'all, I'm going to throw them a curve ball!" So I did. I don't know if you've noticed but my writing style has been changing so much since I've not only started but started this story. It may be just a little different but I certainly notice it and I'm considering rewriting all of my stories. If I happen to do that I won't be updating for a long time due to rewriting all of my other stories. Chances are I'm only going to do it with one of my stories and probably not that one either because well...
Anyways back to what you were saying and not me just telling you my life story xD. Michael can't have feelings for anyone because he knows that
SO of course he can't feel for if he does he risks getting caught and dying. Being a selfish person makes you live longer.
As for the spoilers....
I'm sorry I can't! I want you to be just as upset or happy or suprised or hate me just as much as everyone else! Don't worry it's coming up here quickly. This story is going to be shorter then most. I'm thinking of stopping it at 30-45 chapters.
I really am! Now other than being a lazy sack of shit I have a real reason for being absent. First of all, I have a shitty computer and I've been having to help my mom out so I can't afford a new one. Secondly, I have been catching up on a television show because little ass wipes of Lucifer like to spoil it for me and I'm just like... Tumblr... *Sigh sigh sigh face punch slap*
I will try love, I really really really will try. Thank you so much for reading and reveiwing, I love you more.

Date: Apr 25, 2014 09:02 pm Title: Chapter 15: You'll Never Find, as Long as You Live. Someone Who Cares About You, The Way I Do.
WHAAAAAAAT?!?!? He doesn't love Taylee?!?!? OH MY GOD!!!! Oh my goodness I can't wait til the next chapter!!!
Author's Response:
I'm so sorry! I just had to! Much love and thank you so much for reading and revewing. I'm bad at writing so I won't promise but I'll try to update in the next two months.

Date: Mar 31, 2014 09:11 pm Title: Chapter 14: The Black James Bond
Damn that's fucked up.......loving this story XD
Author's Response:
Lol! I know but what can I say? Thank you so much love and I hope you like the new chapter. Thank you so much for reading!
Date: Feb 22, 2014 04:14 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
*Can Janet be on here more?!?!* Please!!!
Author's Response:
I can't say, this story is kind of a losse card. I just go with it when I write. With all my other stories I plan it out but not this one, I just let it happen but we will see. Thank you so much for reading!
Date: Feb 22, 2014 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 1: The End of The Beginning
I'm in love with this chapter! *Team Taylee*
Author's Response:
Oh thank you so much! I think a lot of people love Taylee. She has to be strong to be able to put up with a freak like Michael. Thank you so much for reading love!