Date: Jul 02, 2012 05:58 pm Title: Chapter 23: Color Me Red
Again?! Aw fuck naw!

Date: Jun 25, 2012 01:08 am Title: Chapter 22: Music Sounds Better With U
This is getting good.
lets be real, Sharessa was cool with being Tristians girl as long as Michael wasnt in the picture. Now shes wont leave Trist cause shes afraid of being alone.
she needs to stop messing up Trists heart.
Date: Jun 24, 2012 04:47 pm Title: Chapter 22: Music Sounds Better With U
Tristain you are kidding me! Michael is the father of Madison rather you like it or not! SMH!
Date: Jun 24, 2012 10:21 am Title: Chapter 21: Testing Luck
Dumb dumb dumb! She thinks sex is gonna keep Tristan? He can get that from anywhere. I hope her stupid ass gets pregnant again. I really am starting to not like her because she's fuckin dumb. There is no way I would even think about somebody who treated me the way Michael did her, especially if I had a man like Tristan. She's so fuckkn childish it's annoying. I hope he leaves her dumb ass.

Date: Jun 24, 2012 08:22 am Title: Chapter 21: Testing Luck
Oh boy what a dyfunctional couple they are first hes yelling at her now they fucking each other. Then sharessa gets mad at him and now there cuddling thats funny.

Date: Jun 24, 2012 02:49 am Title: Chapter 21: Testing Luck
Feeling cared about doesn't equal love and it's more than obvious, Tristan never had Sharessa's heart, but it was always Michael's! She said that Michael will always be the only man she's given her heart to! Reason never wins over love and love and reason usually don't have to do much with each other! Tristan simply came in handy for her as a kind of substitute dad, when Michael wasn't around! Now is back and claims her heart and their child! How long do you think, Ressa will be able to keep her defences up? She shouldn't have started a relationship with Tristan in the first place, if her heart doesn't back it up! That was more than unfair! Tristan is the good guy here, reliable and loving, but he'll lose nonetheless! He can't win! Michael's jerk excuses are a joke tho!
Can't wait for more! Love it!

Date: Jun 24, 2012 01:01 am Title: Chapter 21: Testing Luck
Sharessa still crazy. everytime she fucks Tristian shes just going to want Michael more.
Damn I forgot that was Tristian.
Maddy is sooo cute
Date: Jun 23, 2012 11:55 pm Title: Chapter 21: Testing Luck
Oh brother Tristain rather you like it or not Michael's going to be there.
Date: Jun 23, 2012 11:02 am Title: Chapter 20: Unwanted Visitor
Smh Sharessa is still the same dumb ass little girl she was 3 years ago. She's learned absolutely nothing and still I say fuck Michael. Tristan is gonna leave her ass and he's a good dude. Took care of her and a baby that ain't even his. She's an idiot and Michael is still an ass. I hope Debbie runs his ass through the cleaners and the ringer. I don't care how scared you are, you don't abandon a child. They're both dumb.

Date: Jun 23, 2012 02:25 am Title: Chapter 20: Unwanted Visitor
Oh man thats shit funny that she gonna imagine its michael she doing it with instead tristian i think shes falling for him again. Why she wont leave him and be with michael? I guess time will tell for them if their destine to be together or not. Great update by the way

Date: Jun 23, 2012 01:49 am Title: Chapter 20: Unwanted Visitor
This is going to be good.
fuck Michael for waiting 3 fucking years and come back saying he a changed man and crap. and fuck Michael for being so hot. i wanted him and Sharessa back together that quick lol.
Tristian is a good dude. most good dudes always gets hurt. tho
Date: Jun 22, 2012 11:50 pm Title: Chapter 20: Unwanted Visitor
Oh so now he wants to be there. Save it Michael!

Date: Jun 21, 2012 03:30 am Title: Chapter 19: Final Countdown Part 2
Its sad that michael did to her. She came back and see him but he moved on with debbie. I dont blame sharessa of being like that but i kinda disappointed in both of them for not making it work instead of running from each other. I wanted them to be together but i guess it takes time right? Anyways great update by the way :)

Date: Jun 20, 2012 07:19 am Title: Chapter 19: Final Countdown Part 2
Whoa umm this is kind of sad. I never would of thought Michael would say he doesnt want his own kid. I kind of thought Mike and Ressa would get back together but idk now.
shit atleast let Sharessa get some child support checks. girl dont be to mad to not take that Michael Jackson money girl!

Date: Jun 19, 2012 10:12 pm Title: Chapter 19: Final Countdown Part 2
Wat they said!!!!!!!