Date: Sep 09, 2013 03:38 pm Title: Falling
AWwww. That was cute...falling in love...ok, no more puns
Author's Response:
i know okay it was like the corniest pun ever but i just had to use it haha
xoxo :) thanks

Date: Sep 09, 2013 03:20 pm Title: Falling
Awwwwwww!!!! That was beautiful!! Absolutely beautiful!! You did a fantastic job, I love it girlie!!! :-))))
Author's Response:
Haha thank you! Lots of love xox :)
Date: Sep 02, 2013 02:41 pm Title: Girls Like You...
this was so sexy and hot i like that i imagine Michael in History era with his gold pants and when we are backstage we are in his dressing room all shy but then
have an amazinh hot make loving gosh ;)
aaawwww thank you sooooooo much :DDDD
Author's Response:
Oh yeah, those gold pants are mouthwaterinnng!!! I'd give anything just to see him in them in real life! So yummy
And you're welcome, thank you for being such a supportive reader! lots of love
Date: Sep 02, 2013 12:52 pm Title: Girls Like You...
aaaww thank you so much :))) i'm from Poland thats why is spelled with a K

Date: Sep 02, 2013 11:19 am Title: Girls Like You...
OMG this is like every fan girl's dream! Meeting Michael back stage and then BAM hot night. ;)
Thank you for writing this super hot one shot! You're a good writer.
Author's Response:
I know omg how I wish this could happen to me XD And thank you! xoxo

Date: Sep 02, 2013 11:08 am Title: A Friend
Awh my Gosh! This was so sweet! A beautiful story about little Michael! This very much welcomed. It was so cute that Cassie was so loyal to Michael, even though they played only once.
Muwhaaaaaa! This was super sweet! Thank you writing this! <3
Author's Response:
Haha thank you!! Glad you liked it so much! xoxx
Date: Sep 02, 2013 10:47 am Title: Girls Like You...
my name is Karolina and thank you soooo much
Author's Response:
Yeah I checked your profile yesterday and figured it out. Not to sound creepy or anything haha. It's a lovely name by the way! I've seen it spelled with a C before, but it is so lovely with a K! <3

Date: Sep 02, 2013 08:06 am Title: Girls Like You...
Well, damn! I need to go freshen up after this one! o_0 Always the quiet ones, indeed!
I'd love to have one written with my name in it if you find the time. You're a great writer! My real name is Kendra, by the way. :)
Author's Response:
Haha yes!
And I would love to put your name in one, I've just got to come up with some new short plot ides :) I'll post it soon! lots of love xox
Author's Response:
Haha yes!
And I would love to put your name in one, I've just got to come up with some new short plot ides :) I'll post it soon! lots of love xox

Date: Sep 02, 2013 08:02 am Title: A Friend
This was so sweet and cute!! <3
Author's Response:
aw thanks :) xox

Date: Sep 02, 2013 08:02 am Title: Why Michael Jackson Only Wore One Glove
Damn...that was hot! ;)
Date: Sep 02, 2013 04:50 am Title: Girls Like You...
Wow. This chapter was amazing! It's always the quiet ones...
Author's Response:
mhmm those shy ones... ;)
Thank you! lots of love
Date: Sep 01, 2013 10:11 pm Title: Girls Like You...
Ooh I love it! Sexy sexy. He's talkin bout shy girls being nasty and freaks yet he's a shy girl and that same thing can definitely be said about him. Haha. Can't wait to read the next one. :)
Author's Response:
Haha yeah that;s kinda where I got the idea! He always acts shy but then onstage and stuff.... those hip thrusts... wow. I can only imagine what he'd be like in bed. Thanks for your review!! xox

Date: Sep 01, 2013 07:11 pm Title: Girls Like You...
I'M SO FREAKIN SWEATY RIGHT NOW!! Like honestly I need a cold shower after this this was so hot. You are awesome girl!! Great chapter!! :-))))
Author's Response:
Haha glad you liked it! Thank you!!! xox
Date: Sep 01, 2013 05:51 am Title: A Friend
aaawwww this was so sweet
could you wirte my name in one of them i realy like your wok :D
of course if not i will understand
much love <3
Author's Response:
Thank you! And sure I can put your name in! I actually always have a hard time choosing names for stories, so I just use something random, but I can totally use yours! xoxo Thanks for reading :)

Date: Sep 01, 2013 05:09 am Title: A Friend
Awwwwwwww! That was so adorable!! I loved it, its so beautiful!!!. Great story!! :-)))))
Author's Response:
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :) xox