Date: Aug 30, 2013 04:16 pm Title: Chapter 17
Every time I think this story couldn't blow my mind anymore, you prove me wrong! I noticed the similarities in each other their POV's about the low hanging cables...Mmmhmm, they're closer than they realize! ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks :)
Yes, tantilizingly close indeed...
Date: Aug 30, 2013 03:17 am Title: Chapter 1
I got so caught up in the mind-blowingness of the story that I forgot to mention how much I love the summary. Very nice, BB!
Also, LMFAO @ you really putting the video up! ILY SFM! <3
Author's Response:
Thanks BB - it was rather UNFY putting it together.
Date: Aug 30, 2013 03:05 am Title: Chapter 17
I did NOT expect THIS at ALL!
It's like reverse Inception. How many layers?! FFS! HOW MANY LAYERS, MAN?! The onion of reality. Oh, my feeble little brain. Have mercy.
I absolutely love this non-famous Michael, wandering about his tattered apartment. It's hilarious that in some dimension this is actually going on right now.
This was a wonderful birthday update! I'm so fucking excited for the rest of part two!
Author's Response:
Oh good! Thanks, BB :)
I promise there are no more layers! I promise! LOL.
Date: Aug 29, 2013 05:21 pm Title: Chapter 17
This story is getting more and more fascinating by the minute! So, Gracie is practically called into two layers of dream worlds and so is Michael. They are now both getting an outlook on their future and may get the chance to change the course of events again! Hard to know, what's real and what isn't anymore. Kinda reminds me of Matrix! They'll have a problem figuring out what is what. They gotta find each other and sooner, creating another reality for both of them, a life together. There's only one thing I don't quite get: How can younger Gracie not know Michael Jackson? Or are they again in two different timezones, meaning Michael is still a kid or not even born? Go on, girl! Loving it! :-)
Author's Response:
LOL all good questions. Here's what's going on:
You just met real Michael and Gracie (I promise I'm not going to make them part of another two peoples' subconsious too, as that's just getting silly). They are both living in the present, and are both the same age.
Real Michael is dreaming of Gracie (from Part 1), but doesn't have access to her dreams. So he's dreaming of a woman who has her own independent dream life, that he can't access. Recently he's also witnessed himself in his dreams (older Michael from part 1).
Real Gracie is dreaming of Bad era Michael and herself, just like part 1 Gracie was. But she can't access the other half of the puzzle, which real Michael has.
So they have to come together (no pun intended), and enter the same dream together. And then, they could find each other in real life. Or, find another way to track each other down.
Real Michael can also go back to sleep and continue the last chapter of part 1 for us, which he'll do as soon as he's stopped lying in bed touching himself, LOL.
Date: Aug 29, 2013 11:26 am Title: Chapter 17
So that's how it began :) Is this part going to be only flashbacks or will it be the continuation of the precious chapter?
I love your story! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Author's Response:
A bit of both. And you I thought I couldn't make it more complicated...
Date: Aug 28, 2013 07:54 am Title: Chapter 16
"Mark, this is not the time to listen to Bob Marley. Please"
BB! I just heaved the biggest sigh of relief. All my tension released as soon as she was in his arms. It has been one hell of ride so far. My emotions are frayed.
Author's Response:
Sorry BB - I kind of feel like I've pulled you along in a ride in an RV smuggling drugs from Mexico or something. But glad you've enjoyed it :)
Date: Aug 28, 2013 03:33 am Title: Chapter 16
aawwww omg this is a beautiful love story omg
Author's Response:
Thank you!
Date: Aug 27, 2013 06:46 pm Title: Chapter 16
ME =
Where is Dave? He was here at the end of the last chapter? Was it her dreaming again?
I'm glad Mark is here for Gracie because she was almost going crazy and for real this time! That must so confusing for him! But I'm glad he understood and let her go. But he is right, she still needs help. She needs to talk to Michael and ask him to tell her everything because she is confused and I am confused too lol. At least he is here, he is waiting for her and they will be together again and this time for real! I can't wait to read the next chapter.
This story is getting better and better.
Author's Response:
Thanks for another lovely review :) I love your GIFS - they always make me laugh.
Gracie was hallucinating about Dave. She threw all her pills down the toilet, and one of the potencial risks of stopping Effexor like that is hallucinations! So she starts to worry the whole thing has been a hallucination until she gets on the plane. Phew!
Date: Aug 27, 2013 06:33 pm Title: Chapter 15
“If you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.”
That sums up perfectly this story lol
That is so confusing and romantic the way Gracie would give up on her sleep for Michael. How Michael stopped dreaming because he wanted her to be healthy and happy. They need to be together and be in love. I can't wait to see how their first meting is going to be. And I wonder if Michael will ask her about what is life would have been if she wouldn't have told him to be careful with people around him. There so many thing I need to knooow.
I'm scared!
Author's Response:
Thanks :)
I feel like I've put you all through a lot with this story, LOL. It's been rather tense and stressful.
Date: Aug 27, 2013 06:06 pm Title: Chapter 1
Awesome!!! I am for sure looking forward to reading it :D Thank you <3
Author's Response:
Date: Aug 27, 2013 01:28 pm Title: Chapter 16
FINALLY!! Please, no more drama. I dunno if I could take it!! :p
"Mark, I can't even begin to explain to you why this would not be my first choice as a lie." -I LOL'd at that line.
Author's Response:
Hehe yeah I laughed while I was writing. A little comic relief. There's some quiet time ahead now, thank goodness.
Date: Aug 26, 2013 02:07 pm Title: Chapter 15
Well, crap...Mark, you better hurry your ass up! I've been waiting for this reunion long enough and Dave better not ruin it!! >;(
Author's Response:
Have faith! :)
I know I'm really putting her through the wringer...
Date: Aug 26, 2013 12:38 pm Title: Chapter 15
"You hit me over the head with a shovel."
I LuL'd.
The letter. The phone call. The promise to meet face-to-face.
I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it, BB. Please, be gentle.
I love Mark. He reminds me of my own brother. I love that legend, too. You better be writing right now!
Author's Response:
Yay!!!!! You make me so happy. Yes I'm writing, but have been distracted by hot Tumblr pics, LOL. There is an end in sight, I promise! Gracie just has to pull through. I didn't want to make her a sappy girl. She has to fight for it.
Date: Aug 26, 2013 12:13 pm Title: Chapter 14
Your foreshadowing is impeccable, BB! Everything is beginning to come full circle.
I'm dying to know the contents of those letters. What is she going to do with the address? Holy shiznit! The fate of reality itself lies in the balance. I loved the scene of her hearing his latest single on the radio. My heart pounded against my chest at the thought of it.
"I'm a journalist. Don't hurt me." Gracie, you should have knocked his head clean off with that shovel.
I'd also like to say that I've taken Zoloft for the last for years. It's the only thing that helped resume my life, but antidepressants can definitely fuck with your memory at times.
Author's Response:
Hey thanks BB!
Yeah I've had some 'fun' times with Effexor, hence the reference. Memory and hallucinations. Then I switched, and came off them completely.
Date: Aug 26, 2013 11:17 am Title: Chapter 13
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Efisonfsknfsn fsjfnsknfs fnsklnf;jfoennfs!
Standing ovation for the extended cut!
Happy Birthday to me!
Author's Response:
Hey gurrrrl...why thanks :)