Date: Jul 27, 2015 09:15 pm Title: Chapter 3: Back to normal
I understand why Allison feels that she is jr mom because she's been there for him but at the end of the day he deserves to know who his real mother is and they deserve a relationship together

Date: Nov 06, 2013 09:39 am Title: Chapter 2: Mad Black Woman
Wow, Sanaa is seriously determined to see her son... This story is amazing! :D <333
Author's Response:

Date: Sep 01, 2013 09:15 pm Title: Chapter 1: The Perfect Family
I just read the first chapter and I really, really like this!! I'm going to continue reading. And thanks for reviewing my story "Something We're Not"! It means a lot !
Author's Response:
Thank you so much.
Tell us who you like.
Also Who you don't like.
And Your opinion's of all of them.
Jr is included.
Date: Sep 01, 2013 08:36 pm Title: Chapter 3: Back to normal
Awl, shit Alison is about to go bat shit crazy! I hop she beats that hoes ass.
Author's Response:
Wait a minute girl. Michael is the hoe not Sanaa. You will learn more when more chapters come out.

Date: Sep 01, 2013 06:32 pm Title: Chapter 1: The Perfect Family
I like this story so far! :-)))) Keep going on with it my lovelies!!:-))))
Author's Response:
Awww thank you so much! We'll try, more like I'll try. Tanera has got to push me though. She's like "When are you going to write the next chapter?" she should be like "Bitch! Get up off your lazy mother fucking ass and get to damn work!" lol. Thanks for reading love!
Date: Sep 01, 2013 06:16 pm Title: Chapter 1: The Perfect Family
Just got done with the first two chapters, so far I'm lovin it!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much. We take that into consideration alot. Let us know what you think for the latest chapter.
Date: Sep 01, 2013 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 1: The Perfect Family
Michael and his lying self getting on my nerves
Author's Response:
I know right just lieing on Sanaa. Just watch he need a back up plan because all of that is going to blow up right in his face.
Date: Aug 11, 2013 04:38 am Title: Chapter 2: Mad Black Woman
Michael needs to grow up and stop blaming Sanaa fo everything,She didn't make him ac that way towards allison. He should have been truthful and undertsanding from the start and let the girl see her son!!!!!! Great story, looking forward to more
Author's Response:
Yeah, he's just kind of how you say bitch.... Excuse my French. In my opinion (even though it's 50% my story xD) he should have just told Allison about everything and let Sanaa see her son. Thank you for reading girl!

Date: Aug 10, 2013 05:47 pm Title: Chapter 1: The Perfect Family
Ughh pregnancy hormones... Gotta get used to it! Ali is really cool by the way. I love this!
Author's Response:
Pregnancy hormones on top of having a bitch ass Fincee xD. Thank you I think Ali is pretty cool too. Thank you so much for readin!
Date: Aug 10, 2013 10:54 am Title: Chapter 1: The Perfect Family
Not so perfect after all...
Mike just up and switched to super sweet, to utterly crazy and controling. All from a phone call. He lost his mind. SMH...
Author's Response:
Mhmm Mike's got secrets and he knows that if Ali finds out it will mess up 'The perfect family' thing they've got going on. thank you so much for reading! Lizzy.

Date: Aug 10, 2013 04:19 am Title: Chapter 1: The Perfect Family
I like this keep going
I sense alot of drama on the way when both women find out about each other
Author's Response:
Thank you
We will a chapter is coming out a bit later.
Also you can tell alot is coming up and Mike Jr is just confuse
- Tanera