Date: Nov 30, 2013 06:35 pm Title: Chapter 9 -What Happens In Vegas Pt 1 - Road Trip
Tisk tisk tisk! I kinda wish Mike amd tati would become a couple lol

Date: Nov 07, 2013 01:03 am Title: Prologue: Introduction

Date: Oct 21, 2013 05:00 pm Title: Chapter 24: The Last Train Home part 2
Omhg Next chapter PLZZ
Date: Sep 12, 2013 09:01 am Title: Chapter 3; The Pact - Pt1
i love this story i continue to read it

Date: Aug 05, 2013 11:35 am Title: Chapter 24: The Last Train Home part 2
Well, Tatum's gone.... Continue with more!!!!
Date: Jul 18, 2013 07:30 am Title: Prologue: Introduction
Well, I would love to do that. The only reason why I wasnt here that much is because I write everywhere! lol, and I love reading new ideas instead of old ones! And yours is definately not old I like and I would like to read more of it, When I possibly get the chance. I would love it Michael played a bad bad! Haha only because I like abother part of him instead of him being nice all of the time. So there it is. :]

Date: Jul 17, 2013 03:34 pm Title: Prologue: Introduction
Woah..freaky shit. Anyway that's what she gets cause she shouldve listened to Michael!
Author's Response:
I know right

Date: Jul 17, 2013 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 23: The Last Train Home part 1
wow do ur thing chicka u have my full support :P
Author's Response:
THanks... I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on
Date: Jul 15, 2013 10:24 am Title: Prologue: Introduction
I didnt see ur review on my new story........
Author's Response:
I know sorry about that haven't been reading anyone stories at all but I did get a chance to Look at it it looks to be a interesting plot from wwhati I've seen and one thing about me as a reader I LIKE to wait till the story gathers a certain amount of chapters because if it's really GOOD i don't want to stop reading at one or two like 7,8 or ten is good starting point for me specially if the chapters are shorter then the ones I right myself
I'll look it over let you know what i think but mean time I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on

Date: Jul 15, 2013 07:37 am Title: Chapter 22 - Father McCleary Pt2: Crossroads
Man, i hope Michael survives all this. Sorry i haven't been reviewing, been a lil busy. And if u know what is, im posting a new story on there later. U can be on the lookout. Oh, and i havent read ur reviews on my story yet but im about to, thanks

Date: Jul 14, 2013 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 22 - Father McCleary Pt2: Crossroads
Cliffhangers?!? .... I like, :D
Author's Response:
I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on
Date: Jul 14, 2013 03:57 pm Title: Prologue: Introduction
Oh gosh now MJ has to worry about his unborn child!!! I feel so bad and scared for him!!!
Author's Response:
New CHapter... No not really the man was just explaining a posiabllity but with what information was given to the Father by Michael was enoughmake the Father feel that his worries were just coming from fear not from what is going on at this moment, don't worry baby jackson it fine really I'm not going in that direction though it would be funny to go the dameon route but i I did that with anyones kids it would be LISA lol we know them kids is demons anyway LOL
but any way I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on
Date: Jul 14, 2013 11:51 am Title: Chapter 22 - Father McCleary Pt2: Crossroads
wow chicka

Date: Jul 13, 2013 05:51 pm Title: Chapter 21: Father McCleary - Part 1
Hey girlie!!!! Skrry that i haven't been replying lately...I've been babysitting my 4 year old sister. But the story is hauntingly terrific as always
Author's Response:
I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on
Date: Jul 13, 2013 01:01 pm Title: Chapter 21: Father McCleary - Part 1
Yaaaaaay is all i can say
Author's Response:
gotta love your enthusiasum haven't seen your comments in a few days hope everythings good and would love yout opinion I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on