Date: Jun 29, 2013 03:11 pm Title: Chapter 9 -What Happens In Vegas Pt 1 - Road Trip
omgggggggg im scared is eddie chris and tati gonna dies? D:
Date: Jun 29, 2013 07:05 am Title: Chapter 9 -What Happens In Vegas Pt 1 - Road Trip
I liked the twist you added! Can't wait for the update!!
Date: Jun 29, 2013 07:04 am Title: Chapter 9 -What Happens In Vegas Pt 1 - Road Trip
I liked the twist you added! Can't wait for the update!!

Date: Jun 29, 2013 06:14 am Title: Chapter 9 -What Happens In Vegas Pt 1 - Road Trip
Tatiana A HOE!!!! I knew it from the get-go and now Michael put his foot down thank god.
Now holy fucking mother of shit! Christopher know he need to take his ole scary ass out that trunk scaring the shit out of people like that.
Author's Response:
Hey there girl WHere the heck you been at ain't seen you I need you wonderous silly comments about each of my chapters to make my days worth it LOL but seriously where you bee's haven't seen you
and now I'm giving my fans the opertunity to to help me out with a new story I'm working on I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on

Date: Jun 28, 2013 09:01 am Title: Prologue: Introduction
The title for this chapter reminds me of high school musical lol and this story is my fav!!!!

Date: Jun 28, 2013 09:00 am Title: Prologue: Introduction
The title for this chapter reminds me of high school musical lol and this story is my fav!!!!
Date: Jun 28, 2013 08:38 am Title: Chapter 8: We're All In This Together
Chris always makes my day!! I really need to know how that plan works out!
Date: Jun 28, 2013 06:35 am Title: Chapter 8: We're All In This Together
omgggggggggggggg :O

Date: Jun 28, 2013 05:30 am Title: Chapter 8: We're All In This Together
See all of this would've been avoided if they listened to Michael and went to the damn police 13 years ago. But nooooooo they ere too afraid to go to jail when they would've done like 6 months in jail or something. If they showed the tape and told them how they weren't inside the house when they died then they could've got off and if the police didn't believe them then hell say GIVE MY ASS A LIE DETECTOR TEST! BECAUSE I AIN'T GOING TO JAIL FOR BEING INNOCENT! simple as that now they gotta deal with this BULLSHIT and all i'm gonna be doing is watch them be killed one by one. I swear people always listen to the dumb bitch a.k.a Wesley and then realize later that they should've listened to the smart bitch a.k.a Michael
Dumb ass hoes these days...shaking my fucking head
SIDE NOTE: I had you cracking up? lol that's what i do baby *pops my imaginary collar*

Date: Jun 27, 2013 11:45 am Title: Chapter 7: Univited Guests
I was screaming at the top of my lungs! Those sound affects are ridiculous! You gotta continue this story its so scary but i love scary movies so please another chapter!!!!
P.S. You wasn't lying about the whole shouting me out a lot lol Thanks though!
And the writing got sooooo much better since the first chapter! You better gone head nah!
Author's Response:
Cool you have actually been listing to them I sometimes think that people never click on the videos because they never mention them in there reviews.... Of course I'm 3 chapters ahead finally I'm glad, the next chapter should be up within the hour
Author's Response:
Cool you have actually been listing to them I sometimes think that people never click on the videos because they never mention them in there reviews.... Of course I'm 3 chapters ahead finally I'm glad, the next chapter should be up within the hour

Date: Jun 27, 2013 11:26 am Title: Chapter 6: Unusal Invitation
Oh my fucking gosh!!!
I started laughing really hard when Chris was like black people don't survive these situations..I agree completely we don't
Author's Response:
actually to the contray black people usually ARE the ones to survive because they dip out before the grusome shit hit the fan Brandy alive in the end of I STill KNow her boyfriend wasn't so lucky but she made it, and the other black s that survive in movies survive because they follow ther guy... ONLY the ones that DON'T and follw the dumb ass white person dies in the end

Date: Jun 27, 2013 10:32 am Title: Chapter 5:Reunion
I swear you will have to buy me some more pants because i keep getting the feeling that i'm gonna piss myself especially after that whole altercation with Lisa lol
Author's Response:
LOL then i suggest you go to the bathroom and relive your blatter before you continue any further

Date: Jun 27, 2013 10:08 am Title: Chapter 4 The Pact - Pt2
The hell is wrong with Lisa and Wesley? They got life fucked up if they thought somebody was bout to cut themselves shittttttttt i would've ran out of there so quick all you would've seen was knees and elbows with a trail of smoke. Thank god Michael confessed to somebody BUUUUUUUTTTTT now Chris is apart of it and he could die too..oh man
This is too good i can't stop reading
Author's Response:
I know right but i needed to think of a way to mark them for death NO michael isn't going to die But you'll see how he breaks his curse, I just thought it need a interesting way to tie them together.... thank you hope you keep up the reading
Oh and NO Chriss isn't going to die he just knows about it only the marked ones are in danger

Date: Jun 27, 2013 09:04 am Title: Chapter 7: Univited Guests
ITS CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M LOVING IT MORE AND MORE!!!!! Please update soon
Author's Response:
Of course as you wish

Date: Jun 27, 2013 09:04 am Title: Chapter 7: Univited Guests
ITS CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M LOVING IT MORE AND MORE!!!!! Please update soon