Date: Jul 11, 2013 01:04 pm Title: Chapter 17: An EVIL This Way COMES
Omg lol. Creepier snd creepier by each chapter, hope u do another chapter today :3 and could u check out my story 'Let's Make A Deal' ? Im kinda self conscious
Author's Response:
chapter 16 was the first onw go back and read the chapter before 17 it you missed one

Date: Jul 08, 2013 09:11 pm Title: Chapter 2: The Night We'll Never Forget
This story scared the piss outta me!!! I was reading it alone in my room last night and I had to call my little sister to read it with me and she wasn't scared at all! Good job! :D
Author's Response:
Thnks and againa I tell YOu NO READING AT NIGHT AND WITHOUT A EMPTY BLATTER... thanks so here your opertunity to do ME a favor I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on

Date: Jul 08, 2013 04:03 pm Title: Chapter 16: And so it Begins
Omg this my very first time reading this story and i freakin love it!!!!! And its creepy as hell, in a good way lol. Hope u continue soon :)

Date: Jul 08, 2013 03:51 pm Title: Chapter 16: And so it Begins
I hope everything goes great for you!!! Dont give up your majorly talented you will find that job just keep pushing!!! Im praying for u:)
Date: Jul 08, 2013 12:28 pm Title: Prologue: Introduction
i understand the whole not being able to find a job its hard to find a job out ther these days and when i had my first job i didn't have a car either and it took for ever for me to fid that first job then finally i got one. Just dont give up on the job hunting and you will get there it may feel like it takes for ever though but in the end things will work out
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for your opinion and incouragement it means alot I just don't feel like I'm ever going to get anywhere i feel stuck and have been stuck for over 7 years sense the loss of my mother things haven't gone right and seem to be getting worse, I never get any call backa just repspnse that they went for someone else or I don 't meet the standers for the potion and these are postions that I QUILFY OR and have worked in so I don't know
but here your chance to become more then just reader I'm asking my fans to go look at the new story concept and let me know what you think and if you want to contribute some thing to add to the drama of the story line do you want Michael to appear gentle bad or bad bad even thought as the story goes he won't be bad just observed that way which character do you like in the list and in your opinion how do you think they should act and so on

Date: Jul 08, 2013 11:34 am Title: Chapter 16: And so it Begins
Omg....dude you sound SUPER talented!!!! YOU DESERVE THE BEST JOB EVER!!!!!!!! Don't give up!!!and i can't wait for you to put up the next chapter
Date: Jul 08, 2013 07:11 am Title: Chapter 16: And so it Begins
It's normal to have writer's block and you'll be out of it soon enough. And I exactly what you mean about the job hunt. Just keep pushing and you're bound to find one soon enough :)

Date: Jul 05, 2013 09:17 pm Title: Chapter 15: We're ALL in This Together - Pt 2 - True Confesstions
What the priest said might work... But what if they kill Eddie before he can even get a word out? Hmm, empressive thinking, Mearce. Sorry, I was just thinking to myself,

Date: Jul 05, 2013 04:00 pm Title: Chapter 15: We're ALL in This Together - Pt 2 - True Confesstions
Wait now theres 100 ........ awkward lol anuways your fantabulous love ya

Date: Jul 05, 2013 03:56 pm Title: Chapter 15: We're ALL in This Together - Pt 2 - True Confesstions
Your fantabulous story now has 100 reviews your welcome keep doing what your doing your amazingly gorgeous:):):):)b25;b25;b25;b25;b25;b29;b29;b29;b29;b29;b29;b29;b29;
Date: Jul 05, 2013 03:51 pm Title: Chapter 12 - Wedding Plans
The story is amazing
Date: Jul 05, 2013 03:50 pm Title: Chapter 10: What Happens in Vegas Pt 2 - The Knock
Aaaahhhhh shes gone
Date: Jul 05, 2013 03:49 pm Title: Chapter 14: Till Death Do Us Part - Part 2
Is eddie going to be able to tell them what they need to do
Date: Jul 05, 2013 03:45 pm Title: Chapter 2: The Night We'll Never Forget
Is the ghost the little boy talked to that protected him.. is he the ghost of the man that looks like mike
Date: Jul 05, 2013 03:43 pm Title: Chapter 6: Unusal Invitation
I hope mike doesnt die