Reviews For Love And War
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Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 30, 2013 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 4:: That Was Strange.....

i hope she will teach him a lesson

Author's Response:

I Hope So To!!!! <3

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 30, 2013 07:52 am Title: Chapter 4:: That Was Strange.....

O hell naw!!! Kierra betta not b the one creepin wit Michael!

Author's Response:

LOL!! IKR, If I Was Janel I Will BeaT Michael And Kierra Butt!!!!!

Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 22, 2013 07:01 pm Title: Chapter 3:: Wedding Aniversity Pt.II

I've missed this story!
Update please!

Author's Response:

I'm Sorry!!<3 I Had A Lot To Do!!!

Update Will Be Soon I Promise!!<3

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 17, 2013 11:00 am Title: Chapter 3:: Wedding Aniversity Pt.II

poor girl i hope she will teach him a lesson

Author's Response:

Oh Yes She Will!!!<3

Reviewer: Dri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 16, 2013 09:51 pm Title: Chapter 3:: Wedding Aniversity Pt.II

Michael made r03;r03;his choice and now he'll have to face the consequences soon ...
I dont believe he made a mistake. He acted consciously and he knows exactly what he's doing... It was his own choice ...

Janel will never trust Michael like she used to ... Trust is like crystal. Once broken it will never be the same ...

Please, poste next chapter asap!

Thank you!

Author's Response:

WOW That Was Deep, Yhu Said That Really Well!! LOL!!

I Couldn't said It Betta Myself, But Thank Yhu Lol

UpdaTe SooN!!!<3

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 16, 2013 07:18 pm Title: Chapter 3:: Wedding Aniversity Pt.II

Lovin this story girl!!! But I still wanna jump n da story and beat Mikey and dat hussy's  ass lol

Author's Response:

IKR!! If I Was JaneL I Would Have Attacked Michael If I Had Found Out!! LOL

BuT Thank Yhu Soo Much!! <3


Reviewer: Annies_NOTokmj Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 16, 2013 06:24 pm Title: Chapter 3:: Wedding Aniversity Pt.II

I dig it! please keep going. :) I have two suggestions though. The format of the story has everything lumped together, until you lose track of which sentence you are on. Also, a little spell-checking and dialogue structure could help it flow. Instead of the words being "centered" starting it on the left-hand side of the page would be perfect. A good example is the structure of the story, "The Lost Love". I'm not trying to offend you, so please don't take it that way! I like your story once again.

Author's Response:

Thanks I UnDerstand Kinda BuT Thanx!!! LOL!!!<3

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 15, 2013 11:02 pm Title: Chapter 2:: Wedding Aniversity

I wanna beat mike's ass and dat hussy he creepin wit! Lol

Author's Response:

Me Too!!! LOL

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 15, 2013 06:32 pm Title: Chapter 1/ Prologue

Wait, are you missmj2013 but with a different year?

Author's Response:

No, Sum Body Already Got That, So I Just Went A Year Ahead!!!! LOL

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 15, 2013 05:10 pm Title: Chapter 1/ Prologue

Whoops, just saw it was Janel. My bad, ignore the below. Here's some reviews haha.

Author's Response:

Its Ok, But Thank You!!!! <3

Update Soon!!<3

Reviewer: NatashaRosee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jun 15, 2013 05:09 pm Title: Chapter 1/ Prologue

Hey :) your story looks really good, but if you read the rules of the site, incest isn't allowed in stories. Unless Janet is a different woman, not his sister. Though I want you to continue this story anyway.

This wasn't done to be rude


Author's Response:

Ohhh No Her Name Is Janel, Did I Put Janet But Her Name Is Janel...

But Thank You, Update Soon!!!<3

Reviewer: nene147 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 15, 2013 11:11 am Title: Chapter 1/ Prologue

Woooaaah what's gunna happen next?! And that lil girl is soooooooo cute!

Author's Response:

I Cant Tell Wats Gonna Happen I'm Gonna Start From The Beginning.... And IKR The Little Is Adorable!!!<3

Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 15, 2013 07:05 am Title: Chapter 1/ Prologue

oh wow

Author's Response:

IKR!!! This Story Is Going To Be Very Interesting!!!!<3

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 14, 2013 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 1/ Prologue

THis looks very interesting. Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: KOP77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 14, 2013 11:43 pm Title: Chapter 1/ Prologue

His looks very interesting. Can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

Thank You Sooo Much!!!<3

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