Date: Jul 01, 2013 02:41 am Title: Chapter 3
And this is how a fictional romance story should be written! What a refreshing read! It is not a ‘lust at first sight’ romance story about the hero and heroine. And thank goodness for that! ‘Femalien’ the author comes with a refreshing, emotionally moving, realistic tale of love lost and love to be found. There's a thick aura of emotional sentimentality surrounding the plot and twist of the story that makes it difficult to breathe...let alone read! While I do love to read lustful stories, it's so welcoming to find a story here in mjfanfiction where characters have to work through realistic struggles like death and blindness. Real life struggles that cripples a dancers heart – the heart of Michael the main lead in this story. I find that there aren't too many romance novels in the best sellers list of today that is as well written or as beautiful like Black Swan, which makes ‘femalien’ stand out among authors in my mind right now. Spoilers: Michael and Selina - the characters - continues to dance, live and move forward but it is not something easily done by someone who lost a love one or by someone who is blind but the author femalien does an exceptional job writing that for us. It takes a great writer to open up emotions best not revisited but that is what she has done for me with these first few chapters...
‘Femalien’ is a new favorite author for me and I cannot wait to read more chapters from this story.
Rating: A dancing 10!
Author's Response:
Wowwww! Thank you for a very, very genrous comment! I mean it, i really appreciate it.
Date: Jun 30, 2013 01:03 am Title: Chapter 3
You cought my eye, the story is great gril and prease do continued is an interesting plot and that's what atracks me in to read stories girl> great job.
Date: Jun 29, 2013 04:32 pm Title: Chapter 2
Michael is living in hell and I dont blame him but it is time to move on and hopfully Selina will lead him to the light...
Yes...A blind woman will lead him to the light because Michael is in the darkness.
Femalien...Thank you so much for sharing this story with us.I know...I'm annoying...I'm sorry!Love your stories.
Date: Jun 29, 2013 03:56 pm Title: Chapter 2
Wow! You are a great writer, only two chapters in and I can tell this is going to be a hit story. I can't wait to read more! You my friend, have just earned yourself a new fab. (:
Date: Jun 29, 2013 01:57 pm Title: Chapter 1
Then allow me to be in awe of the alien who learnt how to speak Romanian. :))
Date: Jun 29, 2013 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 1
Don't worry ... I don't believe there are too many Romanians around here who are proud of where they come from. ;)
Author's Response:
I really think my penname describes me: I'm a female alien dropped here by mistake...
Date: Jun 29, 2013 01:39 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hey, Silvia
Am inceput sa citesc Behind The Mask acum cateva zile, dar abia acum, dupa ce am inceput sa citesc Black Swan, m-am gandit sa-ti vizitez profilul si sa vad ce alte povesti ai mai scris si ... surpriza ... realizez ca esti din Romania. Ma bucur mult sa vad ca si noi avem cate ceva de spus in our little MJ world. Incantata de cunostinta. Eu sunt Paula. :)
Mi-a placut mult BTM si imi place si BS. Imi place stilul tau si nu ma surprinde deloc faptul ca romanii stapanesc atat de bine limba engleza. Abia astept sa citesc mai mult. Voi citi si celelalte povestioare ale tale.
Te imbratisez cu drag,
Author's Response:
No reason to be proud of where I'm from....I consider myself an international citizen of the world....
Date: Jun 09, 2013 01:34 am Title: Chapter 1
OMG Femalien!It seems amazing!As everything you write...
I cant wait til you start posting the chapters!
Thank you!