Reviews For Behind The Mask
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Reviewer: rahelicious Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 02, 2013 06:57 am Title: Chapter 1

please keep writing:))

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2013 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 25

You frustrate me woman, with these durn cliffhangers!! I know you have sort of a schedule, but please publish ASAP! :) I truly love this fic!

Author's Response:

Patience, my dear, patience....Delayed gratification is the best form of enjoyment....

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2013 02:20 pm Title: Chapter 25


Reviewer: glitterpix Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2013 01:49 pm Title: Chapter 25

mmmmmm mike an ass man -winks- always knew it good job girly :P

Author's Response:

Thank you :)

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2013 03:39 am Title: Chapter 24

great update!!!

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 30, 2013 01:36 am Title: Chapter 24

OMG BELIEVE HIM, WOMAN!!! I can't bear this, I can't stand it. **Shakes Tiger head in misery**

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 29, 2013 03:15 am Title: Chapter 23

Ah shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit..! Michael needs to get his cute ass back on a plane and get back to Nooki, take her in his arms and show her how much he loves her. Lisa is a conniving, scheming brat who doesn't want Mike but doesn't want anyone else to have him either.


C'mon MJ - get on the damned plane!!!

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 27, 2013 06:50 pm Title: Chapter 23

Pffttt hardly the end, I'd say, Mike is too determined and stubborn and loves Nooki too much to just let it go! Whatever happens, he wont let go of her hand!

Amazing chapter!! =D Publish soon! 

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 27, 2013 05:16 pm Title: Chapter 23


Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 27, 2013 05:31 am Title: Chapter 22

OH FOR CRYPES SAKE WHY hahah Darn cliffhangers!

Amazing chapter, as always, and YAY new chapter coming out soon =D

Reviewer: nellan Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 26, 2013 03:46 pm Title: Chapter 22

THANKS!!!!!!!!!! can't wait!

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 26, 2013 02:25 am Title: Chapter 21

James Patterson's work includes Kiss The Girls, The Women's Murder Club, Along Came A Spider...he does crime with lots of little chapters, it's practically impossible to put down once you start reading. That's what comes to mind when I start one of your stories, I know I'm stuck wherever I am until I get to the latest chapter!


I've never been to where Nooki lives, but somehow having read the chapters covering it I fee like I know the place. And I'm dying to know more about her! Whatever real life has in store, please throw it aside and keep writing :)

Reviewer: SmoothCriminal58 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2013 08:55 pm Title: Chapter 21

Hahahah dawwwwwho wouldnt love himmmm? XD

Publish again soon, i was ecstatic when I saw the new chapter!

Author's Response:

I am trying to move on at an even pace with all my stories and leave none behind, so there will be an update quite soon.

Reviewer: Tigereyes Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 25, 2013 07:41 pm Title: Chapter 21

You remind me so much of James Patterson, in the way that whenever I start one of his books, I have to stay with it right until the last page. I find that with your work too, it's impossible to read one or two chapters, then set it aside for a while. Again I've found myself glued to the screen going through each chapter, willing Michael on with his relentless pursuit, shouting at Nooki to drop her guard and let him in.

This story is spell-binding, I can't wait to see how it pans out. I have a feeling Nooki's going to head on over to Neverland...I could be wrong though haha!

I'm loving this, it's so different! I can't be doing with the stories of fangirls fainting when he speaks to them, i started reading one yesterday and lost interest after three chapters. Nooki is mature, she has issues, she has her own views on life and isn't easily swayed. I like that. She's a strong, independant woman who wouldn't alter her very personality just to get into bed with Michael, which a lot of them do in some of the stories. 

Amazing work, fantastic writing and please hurry up with an update x

Author's Response:

Thank you very much for your review, much appreciated. Well, I am afraid I haven't read anything by James Patterson, but if he's as good as John LeCarre or Dean Koontz, then I am truly flattered by the comparison. Stay tuned because there are still lots of things we don't know about Anouk...

Reviewer: EvelovesMichael Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 21, 2013 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 20

i am so in love with this story

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