Date: Jun 01, 2013 11:04 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
Wow, where do i even start! I have too much to say! :D I guess it'd be good to tell you that my name is Vanessa! I'm 16 and i absolutely LOVE music! But my real passion is singing! And i play the piano! Without music, i don't know what i would do! Honestly, you've been the one to influence my passion! Well, besides my mom and God who has blessed me with my talent of course! But my mom loves to sing too and she's great at it! She's the one who taught me about you when i was little! Now i probably literally own everything of yours aha! But I'm not weird or crazy i promise! I just really look up to you! I guess it's because i can relate to you so well. I know i don't personally know you but i really do feel like i do! We're actually alot alike, believe it or not! Anyways, i know you're very busy so i won't say anymore right now! But i just wanted to tell you that i genuinely love you and care for you! I would probably marry you if i could! I can't wait to talk to you more and i hope you have a great day! x :D
Author's Response: Dear Nessa, Its kind of ironic actually. I have been trying to fall asleep for the past 3-4 hours yet still remain restless. Its frustrating none the less but as I have told many people before, I like to count the blessings not the burdens. I am proud of you for knowing God is the one who gave you your talents and life. I believe you when you say you feel extremely close to me. In fact, that's how I felt about James Brown and Jackie Wilson. Heck even Sammy Davis Jr. Its normal and I'm glad you feel attached to me. I like to have a connection with my fans. I love each and every one of you so much, its hard to describe the love I have for you guys. You've helped me through so many things I feel like I owe you something. Which why I spend every waking moment perfecting my music for you guys. I apologize if this letter doesn't have a sole purpose, but I hope it sustains to its value none-the-less. I'm having a difficult time sleeping and concentrating. Feel free to write me anytime you like. Spread the message of love. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you sleep well tonight. God Bless You. Love,Michael
Date: Jun 01, 2013 10:27 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
I just want to start this letter by saying I love you very, very much. You've been like my best friend since I was a little kid. I even call you my husband :) I'm sorry about the way the people in this world treat you...I wish I could stop it. Let me cheer this letter up before I start crying...guess what? I'm graduating this week, and then I have a promotion. I'm also valedictorian of my class :) You are gonna be the first person I thanked, seeing as you've helped me through a lot of my problems. School's gonna be out next Tuesday, so I'm excited that summer vacation is gonna start. I have to practice for this big dance routine..Gosh I'm nervous. Well, not really since it's gonna be to one of your songs. I'm glad I have a new friend <3
I Love You,
Diana :)
Author's Response: Dear Diana, I can't seem to fall asleep so I am wide awake. Your letter is the first one I read and I was very touched by it. The world CAN be such a cruel thing but I like to count the blessing and not the burdens. I am honored to hear I am going to be a part of your speech. You motivate me just as I motivate you. If people were more open and loving like children, the world would be a better place. Don't forget to thank God for the blessings he's given you. Sometime I have to remind myself to do that. I'm happy to hear that you look up to me. I try to be the best role model as possible. Remember to spread the message of Love. I would admire you for that, in fact I admire you for being so humble. It really makes me proud. I am proud of you, Diana. Never let your dreams ago. I apologize ahead of time if this letter is lousy. I'm restless. I love you and God Bless. I'm rooting for you! Love, Michael <3
Date: Jun 01, 2013 09:13 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
Well hi my namenis Starr, yes with the extra r aha iknoee different right!? Lolz I love to smile and listen to music, especially ur song butterflies and break of dawn! I also love to read... No I'm not a nerd aha, I just think reading allows u to travel to different places u know? I also don't mind making a fool I myselfs because at the endnof the day you have to have fun and be yourself! Well idk what else to say but think ur very hansone/ sexy... I can't believe I just told u that omgee aha cx
~ Starr
Author's Response:
Dear Starr,
Lovely name, I absolutely adore it. You sound like a very lovely person, the type of person I would love to be around. Break of Dawn huh? Interesting choice, I love the song Ben. It's probably one of my top 5's. About the handsome thing, I'm far from it but thanks anyway. You made my night with this letter. I can't stop smiling right now. I hope you sleep peacefully, Starr. I love you with all of my heart. God Bless You.
Michael Jackson