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Reviewer: vinaya595 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2013 01:31 am Title: Chapter 19

uh oh!!!! lots of trouble!!!!!

Author's Response:

Yup, and there's even more trouble ahead.

Thank you for reading. :)

Reviewer: fixaneverland Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2013 05:56 pm Title: Chapter 19

Hello :) <3. Okay well so i don't really like facebook so i only check it like once a week or something, but i'm giving it to you anyway, {} aaaand, if you have a twitter account here's mine {} its a fanbase dedicated account, i don't have a personal one. So you can send me a direct message or something :)

MY GAWD........I understand that they're very much in love and everything, but they're in his parents house, for the love of God.....well certainly those two can't keep their hands off of each other lmao. Geez, i'm pretty worried about Joseph's reaction to this, i mean, i was already surprised that Katherine took it so well -actually i thought he was going to hit Michael in the head with her bible or something LMAO- but i really don't think Joseph is going to take it just as well. Well, i also think Michael wouldnt give a damn about what his father or any of his family members may think of his relationship with Lily, but it would be really sad if this would end up separating Michael from his family or Lily from hers. Well Lily's mom is not pretty happy with it....neither Paul, but at least he's not getting in their way...

Okay, you may notice i've been OVERTHINKING a lot -That's what happens when you're obssesed with something lol- but seriously, i'm in love with this story. I really hope that it lasts because it's so fun to wake up everyday and live your daily life, but also being excited because you're doing something at the end of the day that you're really looking forward to. Some kids party, drink or smoke, i read your fanfic :)

I actually been writing something of my own lately, you've inspired me haha. I would love for you to read it. In fact, when i wrote it i was thinking about it but then i realized i wrote it in spanish - i'm latin american by the way- i felt so stupid....but if you want to read it, i would love to translate it for you. It would be so much fun if after you end this fanfic we could write something together *blushes* only if you want to, i mean i'm not as good as you :)

It's really amazing Paula. You get me more addicted with every chapter :)

I'll be waiting for always<3.

Author's Response:

Hi, Miriel <3

Soooo ... we're connected. LOL That's good because Twitter is still a mystery to me, I'm that old. I have an account there, but I can't remember my password and considering I don't like it much, I'm not sure I want to recover it. :D

hahahahahah Yes, they're in his parents' house, but see? This is proof that Michael's in love with Lily. The fear of getting caught is still there, but it doesn't matter to him now as much as it did in the past. LMAO @ Katherine hitting him in the head with the Bible. But come on ... she wouldn't have. She's the kind, loving mother whose children's happiness goes above her religious believes. Besides, she knows Michael wouldn't listen to her. Lily's parents reacted the way they did because she's still a teenager, but Katherine knows such a strong reaction from her would have only pushed her son away considering he's an adult used to doing things his own way. As for Joseph ... I'm not sure he cares much considering there's no money at stake here ... but we'll see ... ;)

I'd love to read your story, Miriel. I might understand some words from your story (I'm Romanian and Romanians are a latin people; the Romanian and Spanish languages resemble one another in some ways), but I think it's better if you translate it. Or maybe you could send me a paragraph to see if I can figure it out. I don't speak Spanish, but I can give it a try. I do understand lines from Spanish movies, so who knows?

I'd like to write a story with you one day. I do have two stories that I'm writing at the moment, but maybe once I finish one of them, we can try to see what we can come up with. Do you have a plot in mind? 

Thank you for always being here for me, sweetheart. I love having you as a reader.

Much love,


Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2013 02:12 pm Title: Chapter 19

omg that was good hehe

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it. :)

Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2013 08:13 pm Title: Chapter 18

Debbie downer...that's all I have to say about her. That fan who broke into Neverland totally creepy! Was she seriously coming on to Lily? It's seems as if she thought if she was with Lily then somehow she would be connected to Michael. Girlfriend need help and fast! I like that Michael is trying to rush his divorce to be with Lily but like John said its better for him to wait until the contract is up. Wow! Michael was pretty aggressive with Taryll. He was gone put some serious hurt on his nephew but after what happen to Lily before with that other guy I can understand why he said what he said. I'm pretty anxious as to how his family is going to react to his and Lily's relationship.

Author's Response:

AND ... you got it!!!!!!! You really did. On another MJ forum, some of my readers told me that Michael reacted too strong towards Taryll although he probably wouldn't have hurt Lily considering their friendship and the family ties. They would be right if it weren't for what Victor did to Lily. Michael wasn't there to protect Lily when Victor did what he did to her and he felt guilty ... ashamed, enraged even. With Taryll, he lost it. In a way, I think he saw Victor in front of his eyes.

That girl who broke into Neverland has mental issues. And yes, Emily was coming on to Lily. Not because she suddenly had a thing for her, but because she thought Lily was connected to Michael in one way or another. She thought Lily must have touched Michael (the thought that they might be together didn't necessarily cross her mind, but it was enough for her thinking that they were friends), so she wanted to touch Lily just to feel close to him. At least now, Lily knows she needs protection and she took a glimpse of what it feels like to be a part of Michael Jackson's world.

Thank you for your beautiful reviews, Vicki. I'm always waiting for your comments because your thoughts are always very well written and explained. 

Much love,


Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2013 05:03 am Title: Chapter 18

they are so sweet

Author's Response:

Yes, I think they are and so are you. :)

Thank you,


Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2013 12:34 pm Title: Chapter 17

I'm happy that atleast Lily's dad has  common sense to be there for her. He doesn't support their relationship but he's not gonna get their way either. And thank god he put Isa in her place. She really needs to step back and think about what she's doing to Lily. 

Author's Response:

I think they both love her ... even Isa. She overreacted, but she loves her daughter, too. The fear of the unknown made her act silly, dangerous even, but maybe now that even her husband was infuriated by her actions, she'll think things through and realize she can't plan Lily's life. She can be there for her daughter, share her opinions, but not interfere like she did. We'll see if she learnt anything.

Thank you, Vicki. Your comments always give me a clear view of how my readers see the plot and the characters. Thank you again,


Reviewer: AppleheadJax Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2013 09:10 am Title: Chapter 17

i am the worlds worst reviewer and reader ever. i havent read the last four chapters, i just did actually. x_x thats why i havent been reviewing. Sorry Paula<3


So, yeah. As, always. you've gotten me stunned. Again and again. Why did grandpa have to go? :( i have a special place in my heart for him. He was so sweet.


Michael should just run away with her. Isa is a fucked up brat, wanting to ruin her own child's life. I dont understand people like her. Im glad her father said that, or else i'd be blowing up. She pissed me off severely.


Even though, i think she should stay with grandma for a while. That'll give Isa some time to knock some sense into that tiny peanut brain of hers. 


I love how Michael is displayed in this story. He's like this big fuzzball that i wanna hug so badly<3 he's so confident too. i love that.


They had their first time ... i have no words. x_x lol


Much Love, 

Shiniee xx

P.S your an amazing writer. dont ever stop<3

Author's Response:

No, no, Shiniee!!!! NO! You're not a bad reviewer or reader. Please don't talk like that. You have a life ... just like me and other readers and writers. You can't be here all the time. We all have our own lives to take care of. Trust me, I understand. I can't be here every day myself, so you don't need to worry. I'm just happy you're here when you have the time. <3

I thought about having Michael and Lily elope, run away together and all that, but then I thought ... would Michael really agree to this? Would he really be at ease knowing she gave up on her family like that? Maybe Lily wouldn't think about it twice, but he's older and much more experienced. He wouldn't want her to leave her family before they made things right. I do believe he would have nothing against taking Lily away from her family but only if they ran out of options. Only if her parents showed no feelings for their daughter.

You know ... I actually think Michael was like that - a fuzzball, but also a very confident man. He was shy, but I don't believe that word defined him. I think he knew what he wanted and how to get it. There was this fun, loving, kind and playful part of him, but his confident side was hidden in there, too. I think that's what made him so special. I'm glad you like him because I believe that's what he was like.

Thank you, Shiniee! Much love and tight hugs,


Reviewer: ALLFORLOVE77 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2013 03:03 am Title: Chapter 17

I LOVE THIS STORY SOO MUCH!!!!! It's so amazing, really!!! I love the way you write, I've laughed and cried many times reading it!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

Much lovee <3

Author's Response:

Thank you so, so much! I'm glad I made you laugh, but I'm sorry I made you cry. I will admit though that sometimes I'm no stranger to tears myself when I write certain chapters. 

Thank you again. Much love,


Reviewer: fixaneverland Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2013 03:08 pm Title: Chapter 17

Well this is a very interesting turn of events, i honestly did NOT expected that lol, i mean i thought Paul wasn't ready to let his little girl become into a woman..but it's true, i mean, with all this i don't think that Isa and Lily will ever be able to be like they were before. Now that Lily's grandpa is gone, she needs someone to rely on just like Paul needs his daughter. And i really hope that Isa will change her mind, too. I'm actually getting so obssesed that this morning i was thinking about Lily and Michael and what i thought it was going to happen next hahaha


 Awwh, you wanna know my name *blushes* my name is Miriel. It's so weird, i know. I don't know what on earth my mom was thinking when she gave me that name. And by the way, i was reading some reviews i've left you before and i saw that i accidentally told you that i was 17. i think i was typing too fast in that moment or something, i'm actually 15. I'm really sorry, i was so ashamed when i saw my mistake. aaaanyway, if you want to talk to me (i hardly doubt it i am extremely boring lol) if you want i can give you my facebook page or something, you are really great.                                                                                                                                      PS: i found myself hyperventilating AGAIN reading chapter 17 ;) haha. Need to take a looooooong cold shower.

Author's Response:

Hiii, Miriel!!! 

I don't believe your name is weird. It's actually very special. I love it and I love that I finally know the girl who loves my story this much. I would be so grateful if you could give me your facebook page. I would give you mine, but my profile is restricted and you can't access my page. You can search my name - Paula Filip, but again, I changed my security options and I don't think my name shows up on a random search. I'm weird, I know. I love talking to people, I love connecting with Michael's fans, but I hate knowing that everyone can find me without me ever knowing (you know ... ex-boyfriends for instance), so I had my FB profile restricted. I really do want to connect with you, so please give me your FB page. If you don't want to do it here, then send me a private message. It'll go straight to my email. :)

You have no idea how good I feel knowing that someone is obsessed with my story. I never thought, not even in my wildest dreams, that the thing I write out of my deepest emotions could ever trigger such feelings within my readers. I'm happy you love HIYG and I'm happy to have you as my reader. You're absolutely fantastic. There's one thing I'd like to apologize for in advance - soon, all the chapters I wrote so far will come to an end, so I won't be able to update the story as often as I do now. I'll post new updates as soon as I write new chapters, but it'll take a while between posts. I hope you won't give up on me. 

Now back to the story ... Paul loves his daughter. He doesn't like knowing that she has turned into a woman, but he's not ready to lose her. He knows she would choose Michael over her own family at any given time, so he realized he needs to embrace her feelings and accept that she won't stay his little girl forever. I think, at this point, he understands that her long life love for Michael has brought her to that moment from the first chapter. Remember when Lily asked Michael to marry her when she grows up? Her father was present. I think he now knows it was not only a little girl's dream. It was the wish of a lifetime. So ... although he may not agree with her choice, there's nothing else he can do unless he wants to lose her.

Thank you, Miriel. Tight hugs and many kisses,


Reviewer: Karoll84 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2013 01:51 pm Title: Chapter 17

aawww so sweer

Author's Response:

They're sweet, aren't they? I think so, too.

Thank you. Much love,


Reviewer: femalien Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2013 01:47 pm Title: Chapter 17

Finally someone has some brains in this dysfunctional family! Damn, they make the Addams family look normal by comparison! But Paul seems to have got to his senses, amen for that.

Author's Response:

Wait ... the Addams family wasn't normal? LOL 

I think it would have been awful for Lily if she had lost her parents. She's about to start a new life, so she needs closure to her old one. It's hard moving on without having your parents in your life and Paul knows it. I think Isa learned, for the first time in her marriage, that she's not the only taking decisions. She doesn't want to lose neither her husband nor her daughter. Plus, Michael was their friend. She doesn't hate him and I don't think she wants to hurt him. She'll have to learn how to live with Lily's choice in the end. She loves her family in spite of her reckless actions.

Thank you very much for your comment and interest in HIYG. Tight hugs,


Reviewer: fixaneverland Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2013 09:32 pm Title: Prologue

And by the way, thank you for saying that i'm amazing. Now everytime someone wants to make me feel bad i will say "fuck you, paula said that I'M AMAZING." hahahaha. AND, also, let me give you a friendly reminder that Michael and your grandpa are in the same place now :) maybe he's telling Michael all kinds of things about you and Michael is all like "GAWD, she should have been the mother of my children." LOL <3

Author's Response:

Paula is always right, keep that in mind, please. Even when she screws things up, she's still right because the Universe was wrong by standing in between Paula and her attempt at success. Paula is never wrong. LMAO You are amazing, believe me. I'm being very serious now. <3

Oh, if grandpa and Michael met in Heaven or wherever they are now, I'm pretty sure Michael already made plans for our future wedding. LOL

You're very sweet. Very, very, very sweet. Aaaand I'd like to know your name if it's not too much to ask. I'm pretty sure your name is as amazing as you. :)

Reviewer: fixaneverland Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2013 09:24 pm Title: Prologue

"keep loving him and keep fangirling over him because he's worth every effort and every blow you take for giving your heart to him." i will remember this all the time :)

NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, HE CAN'T BE DEAD! NO, NO, NO. you made me cry :( honestly i feel so connected to this story, i can almost feel the pain Lily felt. by the way Paula, i'm truly sorry about your grandpa, i'm pretty sure he's taking care of you from up there <3 its so beautiful the way Lily and her grandpa were so close to each other and he just wanted to see Lily was happy. It's so beautiful the way you're also telling your own story and showing how much you loved your grandpa :) I think i've already said it enough times, but you're truly an amazing writer. I've read a lot of fanfics before but i never was so addicted to one as i'm addicted to yours. Like i said before i think it's because of the age thing, feeling identified with Lily by loving a man who's so much older. It's like i want to know what happens but at the same time i hope it never ends. when i'm reading it makes me feel Michael so close to me, each one of us have our own way of keeping him alive in our hearts, well i never actually found a way of doing that but now, i have it. you're making me want to write something of my own but i think i will never be such a good writer :( i'll be waiting for more, as usual :) <3.


Author's Response:

Thank you ... *sigh* I think about my grandparents every minute of every day and I like to believe that they're watching over me every step of the way ... just like I like to believe about Michael. My grandma and grandpa only have to look over a handful of people, but Michael ... oh man, I think he's quite busy keeping an eye on ALL his fans. LOL You know ... knowing my grandpa, knowing his sense of humor, his clever mind, his "let's get it done" attitude and, most of all, knowing how much he loved/loves me, I don't have any doubts that he's bugging Michael in Heaven all the freaking time. If there's a Heaven, I'm pretty sure my grandfather was the first one to welcome Michael there with his arms open. And I have the feeling my grandmother most certainly cooked one of her heavenly meals for him. LOL

Through this ff, I'm telling my own story, that's true. This was my goal because I thought of HIYG as a tribute to both Michael and my grandparents. A very big part of it is fantasy, of course, but at the same time, it also shares certain believes I have regarding Michael's life, his relationships with his wives and the allegations. I mean, if you look closely to how I depict his marriage to Debbie, you'll realize that I actually believe that this is how things went between them. The same goes for Lisa and her marriage to Michael. Or the allegations. These are my opinions and it feels good that I can let it all out through writing. It helped me cope with his passing more than I ever believed it was possible.

Thank you for your comments and for your support. You're amazing as always and, please, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.

Much love,


Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2013 04:26 pm Title: Chapter 16

Realistically I can see where Lily's parents are coming from but for them to threaten Michael and hurt their daughter is just cold hearted. Going to the media the will make no one happy and will bring attention to themselves. I mean for Christ sake your daughter almost got raped and your father died but all you care about is that Michael not be in a relationship with your daughter. I think they need to get their priorities straight and quick before they lose Lily. They don't have to like it but they shouldn't make things worse than what they are either. Poor Lily, grandpa was her life and now she has to grow up quick without him. 

P.S. I'm sorry that guys are jackasses once they come back home to Romania. If anything they should treat their woman like queens and take advantage of them because in the end they only give themselves bad names. But if not a swift kick or knee in the balls should let them know their messing with the wrong female.

Author's Response:

At this point, all Paul and Isa are thinking about is that their young daughter is involved with an older, married man. I'm trying to make some sense of this situation as I don't understand why parents react like this in general when it comes to their children's lives. I've never had this happening with my own parents as my husband is only 10 months older than me and my mom and dad love him like a son. :) But I keep thinking: what if I fell in love with a man 20 years my senior? How would they react? What would they do? I have no idea, really. I like to believe that if that man was Michael, they'd just accept us as a couple considering my long life love and admiration for him, but I can't tell for sure. Lily's parents don't know how to react, so their weapon is making threats in the hope Lily will change her mind. They love her, so I don't think they would hurt her by making those threats a reality. They're scared of the unknown, they're scared of the attention and, at the same time, they're scared of what would happen 10 or 20 years later if Michael falls ill or if something worse happens, leaving Lily alone. I believe they should no longer see her as a child and simply put their trust in her.

The awful thing about those guys, back in the days, was that the girls they were bothering weren't even their girlfriends. In the '90s, in Romania, everybody wanted to live abroad. After years and years of living under a communist regime and after being deprived of freedom, good food, nice clothes and all the other things the Western countries enjoyed, every Romanian's dream was to leave Romania. This is why living abroad was a huge thing at the time. Those guys were expecting all the girls to kiss their feet and enjoy the attention only because they saw themselves as "foreigners". Something like "I'm cool, not because I'm smart, but because I live in Germany/France/Italy etc." This is where Victor comes from. What I find sad is that they were brought up like that. Their parents turned them into arrogant pricks because, at their turn, they felt like their biggest accomplishment in life was leaving the country. 

Sorry about the novel. :) Thank you for everything,


Reviewer: VickiJ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2013 02:38 pm Title: Chapter 15

Wow! That Victor guy was a total rapist and Isa tried to set Lily up with him. I mean she only knew him and his parents from years ago but she shouldn't have tried to make Lily get to know him. Michael is gong to have words for Isa next time he sees her and I hope he puts her in her place. I can't believe she threatened Michael like that either. At this point in the story I have to say I don't like Isa at all.

Author's Response:

I guess I took Victor's character to the extreme, but part of him is based on bits and pieces of reality. I've seen so many guys who left Romania when they were children only to return here all cocky and self-sufficient several years later, acting like they owned the place. I remember us, girls, fighting to get rid of them as they thought we all had to fall at their feet. Grrr, they were making me sick!

Isa is doing these things because she can't stand to lose control over Lily. She's part jealous, part selfish. She's jealous of Michael for stealing her daughter's heart so early in her life and selfish because she doesn't want to have to deal with everything that comes with his fame. The sad part in all her actions is that her daughter's happiness comes last on her mind. It remains to be seen how she feels when she eventually realizes how close she is to losing Lily.

Thank you very much, Vicki.

Much love,


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