Date: Apr 25, 2013 06:34 am Title: Chapter 1
I like this! I like the idea behind it and I'm so curious to see how Michael will get the girl and if Mia will hook up with Prince for some extra drama. I also want to hear about her past. Overall, I like this story and I can't wait to see where you take it! Add another chapter soon =) Pleaaase!
Date: Apr 23, 2013 05:09 am Title: Chapter 1
Oh mike is in love hehehe but what about his girl hmmmm
Date: Apr 22, 2013 02:17 pm Title: Chapter 1
I think its nice. But i also think you should shorten the summary, so you won't give away to much and make the reader not want to read. But if its short and alluring it will make the reader wonder. Ya know? Because if you have a big summary then the reader basically knows what the story is a about and depending if they want to read it or not, they may not. So you can shorten it and then you'll be fine. And thats how you spell his name (Joseph) please believe I'm not trying to tell ya what to do, but we all need guidance help and what not <3 But other than that, Im interested in this (: Continue.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reviewing and for your tipsss! <3 :)