Reviews For A Picture
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Reviewer: Drew16379 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 23, 2017 04:29 pm Title: A Picture

even though im not a fan of this couple, i have to say that your writing style is pitch perfect. thank you.

Reviewer: ALLFORLOVE77 Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 10, 2015 02:25 am Title: A Picture

I just re-read this.. Still brings tears to my eyes, and I think I'll keep on re-reading it all the time!!

I love the way you write, and I love how your words touch the readers soul....! 


Reviewer: lottajackson Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 18, 2014 08:07 am Title: A Picture

this was really beautiful and  amazing :) I like Madonna too and this was just perfect! thank you for writing this :)

Reviewer: purebutterflies Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 04, 2013 10:37 pm Title: A Picture


Author's Response:

thank you! :)

Reviewer: Megs Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2013 06:13 pm Title: A Picture

It was very well written! :D


I kinda ship them, but not in this way... with all that romantic stuff and so on xD It's just that reality fucks it all and I can't see them like, loving or truly caring for each other. I artistically like Madonna, but as a person I always got negative vibes from her... since I was a child D: In fact she has quite trumatized me with her videos hahahaha anyways, the thing they had was a bit confused... you can't really say what the hell was going through them, if it was 'friendship' or just mutual artistic respect D:


Oh, another thing! Those last photos... are they real?

Author's Response:

Hi Megs!!! The last photos aren't real. They are photoshopped by some unknown photoshop god or goddess that I stumbled across on tumblr. They're crazy convincing though, aren't they?

LOL I love your honesty about madonna and michael...I know not a lot of people see them as being compatible in such a way, espcially madonna. You made me giggle uncontrollably with your comment about her videos...if you think those are nutty, you should see her movies! xD It's true that Mad and Mike kinda have a sorta mysterious rival but not really a rival thing going on. But at the end, She made a great eulogy to him, and I'd like to think underneath it all, they respected each other at the least. Show business is just full of "are they or aren't they?" moments, isn't it? lol

Thank you so for much the review! :)))

Reviewer: StrawBerryMilkshake Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08, 2013 01:36 pm Title: A Picture

That was omg XDXDXD  loved it :3 I wish that it was true XD

Author's Response:

haha i wish it was true too! thanks for the review love! :)

Reviewer: ALLFORLOVE77 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 12, 2013 05:56 pm Title: A Picture

*tears*.....That was.... beautiful, really beautiful....

I love the way you write, the way you describe.... It was amazing....

Thank you so much for that!!

Author's Response:

aww thank YOU so much! I'm so touched by your words and stoked because this is the author wrting "the Best Thing" and I LOVE that story! All love, girl! <3333

Reviewer: Annie Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 09, 2013 03:58 pm Title: A Picture

You writing style is astonishing, your story is amazing,  you are incredible and I'm falling in love with you all over again.

I have to say, when I saw that it was about Michael and Madonan, I was like

I don't think there is another story on them... But I love yours :)

It was just how I expect it from Michael. Friendly and classy at first and flirty until the very first kiss! Damn, Michael is such a tease. I'm melting

 "Can you see me now?"

"I think you like it."

"Can I make you love it?"

I just love how Michael is the flirty one and Madonna is the one speechless. We always see Michael a the shy guy and Madonna as the over sexualized girl. I love how you "switched" role :)

LOL @ the way he stared at her ass! You know you want a bite of that Mike!

"That moment when he took his thumb and smudged her lipstick off with one swipe, just as he entered her slowly"

Just put on my grave that I died from a Mikegasm. Bye

They can't be together. But they are together.  In their hearts. Forever. The way they doesn't have to say "I love you" everytime to feel it. Amazing

Come back soon RC :)) b25; b25; b25; b25; b25; b25; b25; b25; b25; b25;

Author's Response:

Okay I need to respond to each point of your review because there's so much awesomeness in your reviwe that I need to organize my thoughts.

1) Me blushy at your sweet opening words. I love you more, Annie, in case you didn't know it!

2)MUAHAHA yes I thought I'd try a more....agressive Michael.... wink wink.

3) lemme just say right now though...The GLEE meme:

I can't stop laughing omg just typing this response I'm shaking right now, I CANNOT EVEN....I don't eve know where you got that gif omg that is the best most hiairous motherfucking gif I have EVER....OMFG ROFLMAO!!!

I won't even lie though I hand to fan myself a couple of times writing some of these parts, that lipstick part especially! I am WITH YOU on that faint gif, girl! HAHA!

"Just put on a grave that I died from a Mikegasm."

Here lies Annie, she was okay, until she got hit by a smooth mikegasm. LMFAOOOO I can't, I just can't!

You are just too hilairous and too sweet and OMG I love you girl! And don't you worry, I'll never be gone :)))))

Reviewer: aj102503 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 11:25 pm Title: A Picture

You made me realize that they are two of the greatest artist that I know of....the pictures and your words refreshed that truth....good job luv this!

Author's Response:

Aw, you're too sweet to me! I always had this nagging wonder about them too, the only way I could voice it was through a story! Lol! Im glad my addition of pictures helped instead of backfired, Ive been ding a lot of picture I one shots lately. :) thank you do much again, my friend!!:)

Reviewer: aj102503 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 11:19 pm Title: A Picture

This was beautifully... I always wonder them too...nice version of them for a change.

Reviewer: paris-jane Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 09:58 pm Title: A Picture

awwwwwwwww so cute!!!

Author's Response:

Heehee thank you!:)

Reviewer: rosaleehjasson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 07:59 pm Title: A Picture

Youre very welcome. I'm extremely jealous of your ability to say so much with so little words and how you packs so much detail and emotion into your sentences. Writing likes yours is what inspires me to get better. (:

Author's Response:

*my heart explodes*

Just....bless you. Bless you with every thing good. <3333

And btw, I know your latest story "golden lady" very well. As a writer you YOURSELF are MJ BAD!! ;) 

Much love girl!

Reviewer: rosaleehjasson Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 07:18 pm Title: A Picture

Oh my gosh, hon, this is the best thing I've read on here in a while. I honestly can't stand Madonna and always got negative vibes from her, but this story, with it's eloquent wording and realistic interpretation of the relationship made me ship it. Amazingly done!

Author's Response:

Reading your comment has me grinning chessily at the screen :)))) I'm so humbled by your words, and the fact that my story had you seeing Madonna in a different light blows my mind, I can't even form words to express my gratitude. Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! :)

Reviewer: ASchmuck Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 05:58 pm Title: A Picture

Omg heart .. That was so incredibly beautiful and amazing . What talent you have . I thoroughly enjoyed that . Fantastic job . <3

Author's Response:

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 right back at you, darlin. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and I'm humbled a hundred times over by your words. Thank you. :)

Reviewer: SmellyApplehead Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: Apr 08, 2013 03:39 pm Title: A Picture

Anyway, in here is still 4 in the morning, and this myfrst story i read today. And i feel great to read this :-)

Author's Response:

wow! well good morning! And I'm glad this story served as a nice lil literary breakfast for you. lol thank you so much! :)

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